Sequel: Breathe
Status: Being Written ;)

Trouble for Me

He won't hurt me!

Once again, we were going out after our game. Jon and I were driving in the car to Nacional 27 when a I decided I had to ask him something. "Jon do you think it's a good idea for us to be going out?" "What do you mean?" "I mean, you saw how upset Pat was, do want it to be like that the whole season?" "I guess not, but I like you. You like me, why end it when we just started?" "I don't wanna ruin the teams chemistry just so we can be a couple." "No, there is another reason. Tell me, it's okay I won't be upset." "Well I just wanna hang with Pat tonight and see how he acts to see what he would be like if we were going out." "Alright I am okay with that, but what if you like him better than you did me?" "I doubt that will happen, but I could give him a chance." "Alright."

Nicole and I walked in to the club, not holding hands and my arm wasn't around her waist. We got to the table and the guys knew something wasn't right. "Hey Tazer, Nicks. What's up?" "Nothing Sharpie, Kaner wanna dance?" "Yeah, as long as its okay with Jon." "He doesn't mind." "What's that about Jon?" "She is testing Kaner tonight, seeing how he would be as a boyfriend." "Oh, he fails." "How do you know?" "He has already had so much to drink in the last hour. They are gonna kick him out soon." "That won't be good." "Nope, so that is how he will fail. She will see he is a some-what alcoholic and come back to you." "I guess."

"So why is he letting you dance with me?" "Cause we aren't together right now." "Why? What happened?" "Nothing, just taking a break. Let's not worry about him, let's have fun tonight!" "Alright.I am letting you know now, you will be a better dancer than me for sure." "That doesn't mater as long as we're having fun." "I love this song!" "You would to, since it's about drinking." "So! Don't judge me!" "You sound just like Hossy!" "I know." My head to hurt bad. I was drinking too much, but I was having so much fun with Nicole, I can't stop now. Next thing I knew I was being carried out of the club by Hossy and Sharpie. "What are you guys doing!" "Saving you from hurting yourself or anyone else." "Sharpie you ruin all the fun." "So I have heard." "I wanna see Nicole! Where's Nicole!" "She is being brought back to the apartment by Jon. She got pretty drunk too."

"Jon what are you doing? Where are you taking me?" "I am taking you back to the apartment." "Where's Kaner?" "Sharpie and Hossy have him. He isn't safe to be around right now." We got to the door of the apartment and as soon as the door opened it was chaos. Lamps were on the floor broken. Smashed sunglasses,punched pictures, everything was a mess. "Patrick?" I went searching for him until I saw the guys in his room and Kaner just laying on the bed. "What happened to him?" "Nicole?" "Hi Kaner. What did you do to your apartment? That's so childish. How could you let yourself get this drunk?" I think I made him mad because he started punching walls and going crazy.

I came running in when I heard shouting. "Pat dude you're bleeding? What! How did that even happen?" "Pat look calm down. Look at me, it's Nicole, you need to like chill." Just then Nicole just avoided danger. Pat punched the wall and barely missed Nicole face. "Okay that's it Nicole you need to like go somewhere, and you guys need to take him somewhere so he can't hurt anybody. I had Nicole go away into the living room. "Jon why are you doing this?" "Do you want to get punched in the face? If so I won't let it happen, he doesn't care if you are his mother right now he will punch you and not even know it. He is too drunk for you to be around him." "No! I don't care, let me see him!" She tried to run by me, but I grabbed her waist and held her in front of me. "Look! You will be punched by him, I am not letting you go see him!" "He won't hurt me!" "Yes he will!" Patrick must have broken something else cause there was a crash in the background. "You hear that? He is going nuts! you are not allowed to see him." Tears were forming in her eyes. "He won't hurt me! I am not scared of him! He won't hurt me!" I pulled her in for a hug while she buried her face in my chest and cried. "Nicole it's okay." "Jon?" "Yeah?" "Thank you." "Your welcome."
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So I was inspired by The Real World:Las Vegas for this chapter.This guy Adam got extremely and almost hit this girl Nani. So I used that as some inspiration. Remember to comment and subscribe. I love to hear your opinions!! Thanks!