Alone In The Dark With You By My Side

Only One Week In

I groaned as my alarm clock went off. I didn’t want to go to school. I had only gone to school for a week and was already hating it. Minnie was already making it as horrible as she was capable of. I’d been shoved into a locker twice. I was tripped countless times. I was called several names. Eric said that it was normal, and that they would eventually leave me alone.

I was sitting in Spanish, my last class of the day. I sat next to one of Minnie’s evil minions, Amber Lyn. I was trying to do the workbook activity, but I could hear her whispering to one of the jocks that sat next to her. I glanced over and she was looking at me, giggling to him. I turned my gaze back to the page, but her giggling pierced my thoughts. She coughed and leaned towards me.

“So, are you single?” She asked politely. I narrowed my eyes at her.

“Leave me alone.”

“Well, I talked to Mr. Charlie, ”she winked at me.

“What?” She smiled sweetly.

“I talked to him. Know what he said?” I shook my head. “Oh, I know that you like him. He likes you too. He told me.”

“He did?”

“He wants to ask you out, but he’s afraid that you don’t like him, ”she said with a straight face.

“Really?” She smiled at me.

“Cross my heart. I wouldn’t lie. He wants you to meet him outside of J building after school at 3:30, ”she said solemnly. I nodded. The bell rang, ending the school day. “Well, you should go wait for him now.” I nodded, packing my stuff up. She left the classroom and I left shortly after. I walked up the sidewalk from C building. I crossed the campus to stand by the middle doors of J building. I leaned against the wall and waited patiently. I glanced at my watch and saw that it was 3:28. I looked back up, only to see Charlie and his girlfriend, Elizabeth, kissing. I bit my tongue as I realized that I’d been played. I sighed and decided just to walk home. As I turned towards the parking lot, I saw Minnie and Amber Lyn chatting, smirking at me.

“Fucking bitches, ”I muttered under my breath. I walked quickly off of the campus towards my house. I wiped away a tear that had fallen. I don’t know what I did to them to make them hate me so much. I shook the thoughts from my head as I approached my house. I looked towards the apartment complex behind my house and saw that Eric’s truck wasn’t there. I sighed and went inside the house to start my school work. I could only hope that he would be home soon.