When Angels Fall Down

Returning to Hell

Rokan stole the soul right out of the rapist, the rapist thought escaping down the rusted fire escape was a good idea, too bad it sent him to his death as one of the bars gave way and sent him down four stories. Rokan smiled, he loved his job too much, he was the Devil's right hand man, his best solider. But being the Devil's first and best creation meant he was the one who listened and obeyed the least.. In fact Rokan never obeyed or listen, he was supposed to be down in hell right now deciding what soul would go where. Instead he was on Earth stealing more souls and causing sin, putting thoughts into the minds of the innocent. The night was still young and he wasn't ready to return just yet. There had to be a drunk guy somewhere he could kill, he loved drinking the blood of a drunken man, some alcohol filled his veins.

As he transformed into his human form he looked down at his palm, the sign of the devil burned into it letting him know where he belonged, he clenched his hand into a tight fist and gritted his jaw. He hated being marked, hated belonging to anyone. He stepped onto the well lit up street and began making way towards the north. No mindset on any locations just looking for some way to cause hell.

"The Devil is everywhere! Don't you know! He's everywhere!" a crazy man said pacing back and forth in front of an adult video store. Rokan stopped and starred at the crazy bum. "The Devil is in you too!" the bum added pointing to Rokan, Rokan gave a smirk.

"No one is in me, but I do work for the Devil. I can't wait to see you in three months." Rokan said before he began walking again, he looked up at the starry sky in time to see a bright light fly through the air and it got smaller in the distance. "What do we have here?" he asked himself before he went into an alleyway to hide from human eyes and he teleported himself to the woods on the outside of the city and he teleported close enough to witness what the bright light had been. A figure crash into the center of a meadow that was in the middle of the woods, he walked up to the figure as the dust cleared to find a naked female. Rokan grinned and noted the two symmetrical cuts of her shoulder blades where wings would have been. He's seen an female angel before, she didn't look like this. This female had brown hair, they normally have bright blonde hair. She groaned a little causing Rokan to step back some before jabbing at her with his foot, she rolled onto her back and her eyes fluttered open. Brown eyes, not blue. She wasn't an ordinary angel. Her eyes readjusted before she realized he was there starring down at her.

You're a demon." she said quickly and sat up, her voice was beautiful like an angel, but it was slightly deeper then the other angel he ran into.

"And you're an angel?" Rokan said unsure of himself, he remembered what his creator told him. 'Kill an angel on site, unless they're a fallen angel. Bring them to me quickly.' She had no wings...was she a fallen angel? Rokan smirked when she realized she wasn't wearing anything.

"Good heavens!" she said quickly as she tried covering herself.

"I saw it over her mother!" a young boy in the distance cried out, Rokan's eyes darkened, he could sense their kindness from a mile away. This angel didn't fall without a reason for God had sent some good people to come to her rescue.

"Who are you?" Rokan hissed in his demonic voice.

"I'm Marielle and I'm here to stop the anti-Christ. I am the angel of war." she said calmly. The anti-Christ? Rokan growled, the creator wasn't supposed to create the anti-Christ for another twenty years. God's not stupid and wouldn't send an angel twenty years early, Rokan growled at his stupidity. Of course he's the devil...the lord of lies. Gritting his teeth he looked at Marielle and he reached out and gripped her throat and lifted her up off the ground, she gasped and began clawing at his hand.

"I assure you, you won't be stopping anyone. You're human now, your full powers won't kick in for about another month here. But you'll be dead and sent back up before you have a chance to find the anti-Christ." Rokan said before tossing her hard into the ground, knocking her out immediately. Transforming into his demon form he took off into the darkness before returning back to hell in anger.