Status: Active and still writing

Break of Destiny

12:45 P.M, April 14

To say the least, I was not looking forward to spending the week with my Aunt Sharon in San Diego. Well, I was looking forward to the San Diego part, but I hated my family. I wanted so much more to be with my friends, who were just a car ride away, partying it up on the beach like most high school kids do. The plane ride from Seattle to San Diego alone seemed to drag on, but what made it worse was that Sharon had apparently forgotten of my arrival, so I was left wandering around the airport for an hour.
“Ellice, get in the damn car already!” Sharon shouted from inside her Nissan. Usually I’d make fun of how lame it was to drive a Nissan, but in all honesty, I secretly loved the Nissan Maxima, but not nearly as much as Ford Mustangs. I sighed and walked up to the car, slowly reaching for the car door handle when my cousin Arrisa rolled the window down and pointed to the back seat with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and silently thanked her for taking shot gun, so I could listen to my iPod in peace as we drove back to my house for the next two weeks. I turned my iPod on, and shuffled the songs; “What Is Love” by NeverShoutNever began.
“Ellice, Ellice….ELLICE! Wake up already!” Arrisa shouted into my ear. I opened my eyes, looked at her, and yawned. So, here I was, my Aunt’s “Mansion” in Western San Diego, this was my house for the next two weeks, or perhaps longer, and boy was I not looking forward to it. “Come on, there’s people inside who want to talk to you, God only knows why.” Arrisa said as she rolled her eyes, fluffed her skirt, and walked away. I yanked my bag out of the car, walked to the steps of the house, and was nearly knocked on my ass. Just as I was about to hit the ground a strong arm wrapped around my waist, and pulled me back to my feet.
“OH! Lady Ellice, please forgive me, I didn’t even see you there.” A silky voice said. I looked up at my savior and my jaw nearly dropped to the floor. He was gorgeous, whoever he is. “Forgive me; I didn’t expect us to meet this way. I am Asher; my mother is a close friend of your Aunt. We were invited over to help welcome you to San Diego. I was just coming out here to help you with your bags." I blushed.
“N-No, it’s okay, I can carry it.” I said and smiled at him, but he ignored me and picked my bag up off the ground anyway. He looked at me and flashed such a glorious smile, my heart stopped beating.
“It’s no trouble. So, I hear you like rock music, or, um, as Arrisa puts it, ‘That stupid Goth Stuff that should have been taken off the radio before it even began.’” He said and laughed. I laughed along too, because I really did find it funny, seeing as how not even 3 years ago, Arrisa would’ve killed the person she is today. She used to be totally Goth, or at least faked being Goth. We walked into the house, and my breath was stolen from me when I set my eyes on the huge foyer with a crystal chandelier hanging above.
“Oh my God, this place is HUGE! I can’t believe Sharon was able to afford this place.” I said, not thinking about what I was saying, or who heard me. Arrisa scoffed at me, and took Asher by the arm. He rolled his eyes at her, but I don’t know if it was because He was annoyed with what she said or her in general.
“Come on Ash; don’t waste your time with people like her.” She said, as if I was some abomination. I rolled my eyes at her and proceeded to pick up my back. I glanced at Asher, who, in turn, apologized for Arrisa’s behavior with his eyes.
I walked into an equally large sitting room, where I saw my Aunt, Uncle, and a few other people I didn’t recognize. They all looked at me with the same kind of glance, one that said ‘This is what we have to look forward to hosting for the next few weeks, oh what joy’. I felt kind of awkward standing there, since I knew I didn’t belong. The people that were staring back at me looked sophisticated, as they dressed in some of their finest clothes, while I threw on whatever Shirt, My favorite Paramore shirt, and sweats I saw first.
“Um, Aunt Sharon, I’m pretty tired, can you tell where my room is so that I can go take a bit of a nap?” I asked, not wanting to stay in their presence any longer than I had to. Sharon sighed in despair.
“I see I have to do everything around here. Go upstairs, turn right, and go to the very end of the hall, the last bedroom on the right is yours, you have your own bathroom as well.” She told me. I thanked her, and practically ran out of the room.