Status: finished

What Happens in Arizona


Chapter 11 – The Revelation

The next morning I woke up to sound of water hitting the bathroom floor, Garrett must’ve decided to take a shower again. And I found myself lying on the floor, with a stiff neck. Last night was jus crazy, and to point out that “the talk” I was supposed to have with Garrett didn’t happen. But I was sure he remembers me giving him a bath, a few minutes passed and he stepped out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist, and his hair still dripping wet.

“Morning,” he greeted in an awkward manner.

“Morning to you too,” I mumbled.

“What’s happened to your neck?” he asked, leaning sideways.

“I got stiff neck; I must’ve twisted my neck last night.” I replied, rubbing the back of my head.

“Come on, let me help you with that.” He said, walking towards me and grabbing my hands up. “This is gonna hurt a little bit, but it’ll pass. You ready?” he added, cupping my cheek.



“OH MY GOD!” I gasped.

“Is it okay now?” he asked, holding his laugh.

“I guess so, thanks.” I replied, rubbing my neck.

“Uh, by the way about last night…” he trailed off.

“Oh, don’t worry about it. I won’t tell anyone I bathe you,” I replied, letting out a small giggle.

“Ha—ha, I wasn’t talking about that. I meant, “the talk” we were supposed to have?” he said.

“Hmm, oh that one. Alright, fine. Get some clothes on first, and then we’ll talk.” I released a deep sigh.

He got putted on some clothes and we went downstairs to grab something to eat, Dad wasn’t there and he left a note saying he went to the grocery, with a smiley face on it. I grabbed a cup of coffee and took a sit at one of the elevated chairs at the counter.

“So about that night at the party…” he started.

“Look, Garrett. Nothing big really happened okay? We got a little drunk and we made-out,” I replied fast, not even pausing.

“YOU made out with JOHN?” he exclaimed, his mouth dropping.

“Everything went so fast Gar, I don’t even know. I mean, he just went up to me and then he was talking about how we should try again and make our relationship work, and that maybe this time I wouldn’t turn him down and then that was it! He kissed me! But nothing else happened after that.” I explained, sounding like a teenager reasoning her ass out.

“Try again? What do you mean with “try again with your relationship with him”; please I would like it if you enlighten me. Because the last thing I know, you turned me down because you weren’t ready. I never saw John coming in, I would appreciate it if you had told me this earlier.” He replied, his voice suddenly rising.

“Oh god,” I whined, burying my face into my palm.

“What does it mean Amy? Enlighten me, please. I beg of you.” He added.

“Alright! That night you asked me if we could be together and I refused, John asked me the same question but don’t get me wrong, I turned him down too. I ran away because I thought if I’d just leave everything would go back the way it is, your feelings for me and John’s feelings for me would just go away. But I guess I was wrong, and I don’t know now if John did that because he still do have feelings for me, or he’s just doing that to back on me because of what I did.” I replied, shutting my eyes close to stop the tears from falling.

“So you basically, you loved John back?” he asked.

I couldn’t answer his question; I don’t even know how to answer it. I just sat there dumbfounded, lost deep into my thoughts. Reminiscing and having flashbacks of the past.

“Alright!” he snapped, dropping his hands on counter which made a loud noise.

“Garrett, I’m sorry. Just plea—,” I started.

“No, please don’t. You shouldn’t apologize for anything, you haven’t done anything wrong.” He cut in; his eyes looked sad and teary. And I just wanted to hug him, but I couldn’t because he might push me off or reject my hug.

“Just listen to me; I don’t have any idea of what John’s trying to do right now with you. But I can’t assure you any positive endings, I’m not mad or anything just so you know. But don’t tell me I didn’t warn you, and don’t worry, even if you didn’t really loved me the way I loved you it’s fine. I understand, I’ll always will.” He added, throwing his arms around me and pulling me into a tight hug.

He kissed my forehead and lowered down so we’d be face-to-face, nose-to-nose, or whatever they call that these days. I can feel my cheeks blush, as he rubbed his nose against mine. I let out a soft giggle to calm myself down; he pulled away from his hug and planted a soft kiss on my forehead again. Times like this, I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I smiled at him and he smiled back, he looked so adorable and I still can’t believe I’m best friends with him.

“Uhm, so what about Brooklyn?” I started.
“Oh, I’m picking her up tonight at the airport by the way.” He replied.

“Hmmm, introduce her to me soon okay?” I exclaimed, jumping off of my seat and headed upstairs.

A part of me was happy that Garrett have already moved on from the burdens I gave him, most of was surprisingly jealous about Brooklyn. I wanted to meet her, and I also don’t want to see Garrett with her at the same time. It’s a bit confusing, but I’ll find soon what this feeling means.
♠ ♠ ♠
Welp okay, I have to sleep. Mom's bugging me.
UGH define annoying, :((
Alright, will carry on tomorrow. Goodnight guys!