Status: finished

What Happens in Arizona


Chapter 12 – Hello Brooklyn

The moment between me and Garrett lasted shortly, we ate breakfast and he left after that. I headed upstairs to take a shower and prep myself up, I had a feeling that today’s gonna be a long day.


“Hey Amy, are you here?” Ella shouted from downstairs, scrambling at some of the things at our living room.

“Yep, I’m here!” I replied, popping my head out of the bathroom door.

She fumbled all the way upstairs, rushing like she was being chased.

“Amy, Amy, Amy, guess what!” she exclaimed, catching her breath.

“No thanks? Heh, just kidding. What?” I replied, shrugging my shoulders.

“Jared said Tessa’s planning an all-girls night out before the wedding!” she gasped, clasping both of her hands together.

“Oh! That sounds nice, hmm how about we go shopping today? Let’s go ask Tessa and Lily if they want to come,” I replied, readjusting the towel wrapped around me.

“Yey! Oh my god, I’m so excited. I’ll call them now, and put something good on.” She replied.


We reached Tessa’s house shortly, and of course, the boys were there. Pat was playing with Lily’s hair. Kennedy’s head rested at the curve of the couch, waiting for Ella to arrive. Garrett was on the phone, probably talking to Brooklyn. John was sitting next to Kennedy, playing with his rings.

“Hell-o homies!” Ella exclaimed.

All of their heads turned to us, me standing awkward upon the door. Kennedy’s eyes widened and ran to hug Ella; he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her down to the couch. While me, I was left standing still at the front door.

“He—he, sup guys?” I greeted, smiling awkwardly.

John was about to stand up when Tessa popped out from the staircase.
“Hey Princess! Are you girls ready?” she asked.

“YES!” Ella and Lily exclaimed in unison, suddenly jumping off of their seats.

“How about you Amy?” she turned to me.

“Yep! But after that I have to go to the ticketing office to get my ticket.” I replied, giving her a soft smile.

“Tickets? Amy, what tickets? Why are you suddenly talking about tickets?” Ella cut in, suddenly rejecting Kennedy’s grasps.

“Uh uhm—well, I—I’m flying to London a—after the wedding.” I stuttered.

“WHAT?!” they snapped in unison again, but this time everyone joined in, almost screaming at my face.

“Yes, well I still have s—some business t—there I left unfinished.” I stuttered again, I could see Garrett slamming the phone to his lap in the corner of my eyes. I swallowed hard and attempted to talk again but Ella cut me off.

“Look Amelia, you’re not getting your ass off of Arizona alone ever again, you hear me? If you go to London, I’ll go with you.” She said, half-glaring at me.

“Ella, you don’t have to—,” I pleaded.

“We’ll go with you.” John added.

“That’s a great idea! I mean, it’ll be like a vacation for all of us. We won’t be touring for a month or two anyways, while Jared and Tessa’s on their honeymoon, we can spend a week in London with you Amy.” Pat continued.

I can see them all nodding in agreement; this was definitely a bad idea. And that probably was the worst wrong move I’ve ever done, I should’ve told Tessa in private.
Kennedy nudged my arm and gave me wink, Pat nodded and gave a smile, Garrett looked at me indifferently, John gave me a soft smile, and Jared wrapped his arm on my shoulder.

“Uhm—uh, I’m leaving right after reception ends?” I replied, trying to talk the out of coming with me to London.

“Oh that’s alright, we can call the airline tonight and ask them if we could get in to the same flight as yours.” John replied back, approaching me and Jared.

Ella hopped in excitement, and everyone headed back to their places. We left for the mall after a while, and the conversation about me leaving still hasn’t end.


“I’m so excited for London!” Lily squeaked.

“Me too, OMG. Maybe if the boys leave for their night out, we can grab a few British men with us too right? Haha!” she exclaimed.

“Heh, right. But I don’t do night-outs in London Ella, I’ll be working day and night.” I replied.

“Wow, where did the old Amy go? What. A. Buzz kill.” She retorted.

“I’m sorry guys, but I really didn’t plan on going to London with a bunch of vacationers and tourists. I was just going there for a business plan, so please understand me this time.” I whined.

“Oh come on girls, if Pat hadn’t suggested you’d all go you won’t be able to come with Amy anyways. Just give her time to finish her job there, and then maybe if she finds vacant time she can party with you. Right Amy?” Tessa popped in, smiling at me.

“Exactly, thank you Tess. If you all haven’t noticed, I am now a busy woman.” I replied, looking mischievously at Ella.

Ella glared me, knowing that she has just lost at this argument. I smiled back at her in return. We reached the mall shortly and immediately went to a few boutiques; Ella and Lily tried on dozens of dresses but didn’t even buy one. After walking and going around the mall for hours, we found this cute little store. They sell both shirts and dresses, and one dress caught my attention. It was a beautiful black dress, it stopped just above my knee, and it had a few ruffles on. It was simple and elegant, and it was just perfect for me. Ella bought a pink one with balloon end, it looked perfect on her and it also emphasized her body shape. While Lily went for a yellow dress, she looked perfectly cute on it, and it also made her beauty bloom more. We were enjoying all the fabrics and t-shirts and just everything around us, when suddenly a familiar face came into view, Izzy Del Rio.

“Oh, hey guys. I’m guessing you’re shopping too?” she exclaimed, smiling at us genuinely.

I could see Ella flinch at the corner of my eye; she was trying really hard not to look aggravated and compelling herself from strangling Izzy.

“Yeah! You too?” I replied, smiling back at her.

“Yep, I wanted to get something nice for my dinner tonight with John.” She answered, excitement gleaming in her eyes.

“Oh right, you’re John Gomez’s girlfriend right?” Lily popped in.

“Yeah, that’s me.” she replied back, she didn’t seem to be as bad as I thought. She was nice, and warm, and she wasn’t bitchy. Not one bit, I guess Ella was just exaggerating her emotions.

After chatting a bit, we went to ticketing office to get my ticket. Ella was still pissed off because of our encounter with Izzy a while ago, Lily and Tessa were busy with their phone.

I sighed heavily, turning to face them. “I got my ticket!”

“Oh great, let’s head home yeah?” Tessa replied, smiling gently at all of us.
It was hard dealing with Ella especially when she’s pissed, and I bet the only man that could calm her tits down was Kennedy. So we decided not to bug her about Izzy and went straight home, a few minutes passed and we were already parking in front of Tessa’s house. Jared was waiting at the front porch, chilling with Pat and Kennedy. Lily squealed as she jumped out of the car and ran towards Pat; Ella not even bothering to look at Kennedy went straight inside. While I was left inside the backseat, I hopped off and grabbed all the things we bought from inside. Jared approached me and offered to help but I politely refused and sent him off to go help Tessa instead. Everyone was huddling inside; there must’ve been an agenda. I grabbed the door knob and turned it, and to my surprise, an unfamiliar face popped out in front of me. Her fingers interlaced with Garret, she had a wonderful smile on her face and she was just gorgeous.

Garrett grinned at me, “Amy, this is her. The girl I’ve been telling you about, Brooklyn.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello guys!
Sorry it took so long for me to finish Chapter 11, I've been feeling unwell lately not physically though. But yeah, here yah gooooo!
