Status: finished

What Happens in Arizona


Chapter 14 - Unpleasant Morning

Amy's Point Of View

The next morning, I woke up groggy and unprepared. Tonight, we'll be partying our asses out for Tessa and Ella hasn't called yet. She must have been busy with Kennedy last night, while I had to force John to go home so I can finish packing up for London. Dad left again, and I was left in charge of the whole household.


John suddenly came busting inside my front door with his sunglasses on and his lanky body walking towards the kitchen, "Hey Amy! Let's go grab something for breakfa—," he stopped.

I was standing next to the counter, no, scratch that. I was actually leaning down next to counter, picking up the pieces of cereals that fell on the floor when I tried tilting down the freshly-opened cereal box to the bowl. This was probably the most awkward moment I've ever had.

I snapped back up and turned slowly to John, "Hi! I was just cleaning up the mess." I said, wiping my hands at the side of my shorts.

John flashed a huge smile and walked closer to me, opening his arms for a hug. I smiled back at him but remained still, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug.

"You look so sexy with those boxers on," he said, wrapping his fingers around the locks of my hair. I let out a soft giggle and pulled away from the hug, returning to the scattered pieces of corn flakes on the floor.

"So are you going out tonight?" he asked, hopping on to one of the elevated seats.

My fingers were slightly cramping from holding the bits of cereal on my hands, I shrugged my shoulders and turned to John, "Yep, we'll be partying tonight at a club." I replied, smiling widely.

He nodded slowly and his gaze followed me as walked to the trashcan to throw the bits of cornflakes from my hand. "So, what time will you get back?" he asked again.

Well, that was extremely unusual. John Cornelius O'Callaghan V is asking me what time I'll be getting back home. "I don't know John, maybe we'll be partying the whole night. Maybe drink a few shots, dance around, get some boys..." a sudden panic struck me as I realized that I just said something that John wouldn't like.

He raised his eyebrows and looked at me straightly, "Did you just say, get some boys?"

"Uh—Uhm, I was just joking John. Heheh, it's not like Tessa would allow that to happen." I replied, laughing nervously.

It was just my luck, good thing he bought it and just shrugged his shoulders. I proceeded onto the counter and started wiping of the remaining bits of cereal, John's gaze still following my every move. "What?" I exclaimed, as I casually stopped wiping the counter.

"Nothing, it's just funny looking at you like this." he replied, giving out a soft smile.

"Oh, right. By the way, I have to go to Ella's today. So, you can't really hang out here." I said.

"I'll go with you then," he replied right away.

"You don't have to John, we're just gonna be preparing our clothes for tonight." I said.

"No, it's fine. I mean, I can hang-out with Kennedy while you're preparing." he replied, looking blankly outside the window.

I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, resting my head upon his shoulder. "You two, are gonna end up getting bored. And will eventually make a ruckus inside Ella's house, which will make the both Ella and I worry about the two of you" I said, through the fabrics of his shirt.

"We won't, I promise." he replied, turning around to face me and wrapping his arms around me too. He leaned in closer, his lips gently brushed to mine.



"Amy! I need to talk to you." A familiar voice exclaimed on the other side of the door.

I pulled off from John's hug and rushed to the front door, oh look! It's just the man I've trying to avoid since last night. I turned the door knob and pulled it open slowly, gaining a clear view on the man's face.

"Hi Garrett, what brought here?" I greeted, smiling pleasantly.

He stepped inside, which caused me to step backward and he shut the door behind him. "Are you and John together?" he asked, I sensed disappointment in his voice.

My heart suddenly started beating faster, my breathing began to slow down. My hands started sweating, and I didn't know what to answer him. Me and John aren't together, yet. And I don't know what his reaction would be if he finds out that we're getting together like this, even though he told me that he was fine with that night at the party. I knew he wouldn't be happy if he finds out that me and John are starting to get together again, I took a step back, staring at me blankly.

Suddenly, John pops out from kitchen with an apple on his left hand. "Yeah Garrett, we're together. Is there any problem?"

♠ ♠ ♠
Yep, cliff hangers.
Wow, am I fond of it. :---)
Sorry it took so long guys, I promise I'll be getting to Chapter 15 after this. My keyboard is being retarded and everything, that's why.
Thank you guys! Readers reached 100+, well this is a new record. Thank you!