Status: finished

What Happens in Arizona


Chapter 15 – A day with the best friend

What a great way to start a morning, 2 of your best boy friends glaring and almost screaming at each other ready to start a fight. And here I am standing in the middle, hands shaking and heart pounding. What have I gotten myself into?

“Alright! Stop it, the both of you!” I snapped, balling my fist on the side.

Their heads both shot up and slowly turned to me, I swear I felt my knees shake and weaken. I wasn’t prepared for this, well I kinda saw this coming but I never really thought that it would actually come to this point. They are friends, and they’re both in a same band. They’ve spent years together, why the hell would they do this?

“JUST STOP IT, I can’t bare to see the both of you fight! You two are best friends and you both are on the same band. Tomorrow, Jared’s going to get married and you two are acting so immature. Now tell me, what the fuck are you doing?” I continued. My head was definitely heating up.

Garrett’s face fell and John just stared blankly at the empty space in front of him. I was just too furious with them, and I just had to leave. Without second thoughts, I ran upstairs not even bothering to look back at them. Slammed the door shut, took a bath, dressed up and got ready to leave.

Apparently, the both of them left already too. It was burden I had to bare, since they fought because of me. I don’t have no one else to turn to except Ella and Jared, but I don’t Jared has room for trouble at this moment. I hopped in to my car and drove to Ella's.


“Kennedy left a while ago Ames, John called him.” She said, cleaning up the kitchen counter.

“Ohhh, well alright.” I replied, pretending like there was nothing wrong. But I guess Ella’s senses are better than that.

She moved across me and held my cheeks with both of her hands, “What actually happened Amy?”

My face fell as I tears started to fall from my eyes, oh God, another series of Cry-a-lot-Amy. “I just thought Garrett would understand,” I replied through my sobs.

“Aww, Amy! Know what? We really need that trip to London, just the both of us.” She replied, wrapping her arms around me. “They’re boys Ames, they’re not gonna fight that long.” She continued.

Gladly, Ella was always there whenever I have a problem. And I do the same back at her; she held up my face and pulled me into a hug.

“So what do you wanna do now?” she asked, releasing me from her arms.

“I don’t know, get drunk?” I replied, shrugging my shoulders.

She gave out small laugh and a mischievous smirk crossed her face. “What?” I asked, befuddled. “Do you wanna go to the skating rink instead?” she asked.

“The ice skating rink? Ella, come on! I bet it doesn’t even exist anymore.” I whined.

She jumped onto one of the seats next to me, “Yes it does. I’ve taken Kennedy there so many times since you left.” She replied, holding both my hands.

“Really? In this kind of weather? Wow.” I retorted.

“Yup, now let’s go. Let’s spend the whole afternoon there, you can teach me more tricks.” She said, pulling me out of the seat.


She was right; the skating rink was still there. Apparently, they renovated the whole place after I left. The place got bigger and they started Ice Skating lessons for little kids, I can feel my heart flutter in excitement. I haven’t been to this place a long time, and now I’m back again.

“Yah ready?” Ella asked.

“Hmm!” I replied with nod.

We stepped into the ice and the next thing I knew, I was leaping on mid-air. I was doing flips, skating backwards, leaning forward, and leaning back, like an ice princess. Ella stood at the side laughing her ass off, but the kids just stared at me with amazement.

“Hmp, don’t you laugh like a fool Carter. You can never defeat me on this anyway,” I huffed, putting my head up high. The kids’ mouth was filled with oohs and ahhs, and some were even attempting to do what I just did.

“Pfft, oh please! But you can’t defeat me when it comes to bowling Johnson,” she retorted, and glided back to the rink entrance.

I looked at her puzzlingly, and wondered why she was leaving. “Oh come on Johnson, are you too afraid that I’d beat on the alley today?” she exclaimed. I gave out a huge evil laugh and followed her outside.

“Oh please Ella, I’m pretty I got good with bowling too.” I replied.

“Ha—ha! Please! Don’t make me laugh Ames,” she said sarcastically.

My eyebrow automatically rose as she attempted to intimidate me with her sarcasm. “Psh, that never worked on me Carter.” I replied, smirking at her.

*Phone Rings*

“Oh hold up Ames, Kennedy’s calling.” She said, raising her index finger.

“Alright.” I replied, seating down on the sidewalk.


“Baby, where are you?”

“I’m with Amy, Kenny.”

“Oh, is she okay?”

“Yeah, she’s alright. Why?”

“Oh it’s nothing really, I was just checking up on you.”

“Ah alright, well that’s very sweet of you Kenny. But can you tell John to stop being an immature bitch because he’s giving Amy such a hard time kindly. Thanks Baby and I have to go too, so byeeee!”

“Haha, alright I’ll tell John. Take care okay? I love you.”

“Thank you, I love you too.”

*Phone call ends*

“Well that was extremely cheesy,” I started, standing from the gutter.

“Hmm! You’re just jelly,” she replied, sticking her tongue out.

I scrunched up my nose and folded my arms in front of me, “No I’m not. I’m not jelly okay!” I retorted.

“Fine, whatevzz.” She replied.

We took a left turn and ended up on a familiar street, Garrett and I would always come to this street since the comic book store was located here. And then we would head to the diner across the street and order some fries, and then he would walk me home. Up until now, I still wondered if he still comes by here.

“Oh look! That’s where the comic book store is!” I exclaimed, pointing to the dusty windowed empty store with a broken sign.

Ella turned to where I was pointing at, “You remember that? That shop closed a month before you left. The owner said no one came to the store anymore and they to close it down, if you look on the side there’s still some old comic books he forgot to dispose. Wanna look?” she said.

“He closed it?” I replied, my voice quivering slightly.

She nodded and turned to cross the street, “Yep, I asked him one time when I passed by here. He was still closing it down the moment, actually his exact words were, that boy and his girlfriend didn’t come back here anymore. No one bought the books even though I’ve already putted them on sale, I was losing profit.” She said as we crossed the pedestrian lane.

“His girlfriend?!” I exclaimed.

“Yup, actually everyone thought you broke up with Garrett when you left for Paris. He was a bit devastated when you left without telling them,” she said.

My mouth fell open as soon as she finished her sentence, wow. People actually thought that I was Garrett’s girlfriend. Wow, just wow.

“Uh, okay. Let’s head to the bowling alley!” I retorted, forcing out a smile.

Ella shrugged it off and grabbed my arm and ran fast, pulling me down to the side walk. We were heading towards the left side of the street when a man suddenly popped in from the curve, causing me and Ella to crash unto him.

“Ow, my arm…” I whined.

Ella stood quickly and pulled me up, and turned to the man.

“You should be more careful you kno—,” she stopped.

I looked up to him and my eyes couldn’t help but widen, “Garrett? What are you doing here?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi guys!
Wow, it's been taking me a lot of time writing some chapters. :((((
I've been unmotivated lately, what is this?
Well, try helping me out yeah? A simple comment or something on my profile would def. hype me up!
