Status: finished

What Happens in Arizona


Chapter 18 – The Unexpected

Joel glanced back at me, then to John and the rest of the boys. “You know them?” he asked. Everyone turned their heads to me, my mouth fell open but no words came out.

“Y—yeah, I—I know them.” I stuttered, looking at John nervously.

Joel flashed a huge smile, and wrapped his arms on my shoulder pulling me to him closer. I swear, I saw John cringed at his sight. “Great! Then when can spend the rest of the night together,” Joel said.

“Well, we—we’re already heading home Joel. So you guys just go ahead,” I replied, pulling away from his arms. Ella then appeared behind me with a smile and a glass of tequila on her hand.

“Amy let’s g—oh, h—hi John, Joel, and company.” She stuttered.

“Yeah Ella, let’s go.” I replied, grabbing her hand and stumbling down the stairs.

John called out and followed us; he held onto my arms and pulled me hard. “That was a nice kiss on the cheek Ames, we’ll talk about this tomorrow.” He whispered, his voice was hard and angry.

My knees weakened and sweat started to form in my hands, I did not see that coming. It was just a friendly kiss on the cheek and he just being nice, Joel is nice and he’s just adorable. How can John be so immature about this? Ugh, it’s so hard dealing with him.
We arrived at Tessa’s house shortly; it’s been a rough night for me I guess. With Garrett, John and now Joel, I am now facing with 3 dilemmas. But I have to deal with John the most, since he whines and blames me all the time.

“Amy? Are you okay?” Tessa asked, walking towards the couch where I was seating.

I nodded, dropping my head down to the soft cushion. She wrapped her arm around
shoulder and pulled me closer to her. “You know Amy, you’re quite lucky.” She started.

“And why is that? All I’ve been getting into is trouble ever since I arrived.” I whined.

“Because, Garrett obviously hasn’t moved on from the past yet and John is trying his best to make you happy in his arms. These boys love you, which is why you’re lucky.” She replied with smile.

“But Tessa—,”

“Shh, just get some sleep. Tomorrow, I’ll talk to John before he talks to you okay?” she ordered.

“You don’t have too,” I whined again.

“But I want to Ames; I want you to be happy with him. And I’m going to make that happen.” She replied, standing up and turning off the lights.
The next morning I woke up with people crowding over me, hustling and bustling for the wedding. Ella and Lily had just woken up and were still eating breakfast; John sat on the small couch across me. He was looking at me intensely, a crease formed on his forehead. I slowly stood up and managed to ignore him, he followed my lead and I quickly went to the kitchen.

“Morning Amy—and John,” Ella greeted. Suddenly, Kennedy popped out behind her and threw his arms over her shoulder, pulling her into a hug.

“Morning Babe,” Kennedy greeted, kissing her on the forehead.

She kissed him back, “Morning.”


“Let’s go,” John cut me before I could even finish my sentence. He grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs, Ella and Lily looked at me worriedly.

“Ow! A little gentle, will you?” I exclaimed, pulling my arm off of his hand.

He looked at me deeply and cupped my shoulders, “Please tell me you’re not interested in Joel, please.” He said, his voice sounded like he was already pleading.

I looked at him back, “No John, I am not. Okay? We just met last night and was keeping me company, we’re just friends.”

His face fell and he pulled me into a hug, “That’s how Ella and Kennedy started Amy.” He said.

“Aww, John. We have just met, it’s not like I’m gonna fall in love with him in an instant.” I replied, burying my face into his shoulder.

“Don’t, okay? You have to fall for me, not for him or for Garrett.” He demanded, hugging me tighter.

I smiled to myself; John could get really selfish sometimes. But I was glad he wasn’t mad or angry anymore, Tessa must’ve talked him out of screaming at me.

“Amy, let’s go. We still have to get our make-up done!” Ella called out from downstairs.

I pulled away from his hug, cupping his face with both of my hands. “Listen, I told you we’ll try. But you don’t have to be that selfish okay? And you have to be understanding and patient all the time, I’m telling you this as a caution for our future. Am I clear?”

He nodded, leaning closer as his lips met mine. His kiss went deeper and deeper, and then he pulled away. I gave him soft smile and headed downstairs for our make-up. We spent the day putting make-up on, dressing up for the wedding and rehearsing our parts, while the boys wasted their time ruining their hair and tuxedos.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yey! This kinda serves as a fill-up for chapter 19, the wedding day. :---)
Also, Amy's trip back to London is near so watch out for thaaaaat!