Status: finished

What Happens in Arizona


Chapter 19 – The Wedding

The whole church was filled with flowers and petals, a red carpet was set on the middle and the verandas were covered with fabrics that complimented the chandeliers. The photographers were setting up their stands and everyone was just busy fixing and setting everything on their places.

“So are you ready?” I asked Tessa, helping her out with her wedding gown.

She nodded at me as her eyes tear up a bit, “I’m just a little nervous, that’s all.”

“Oh, don’t be dear. I’m sure everything will go well later.” Her Mom popped out from the door, helping me out with gown.

We spent a full hour fixing Tessa up with her make-up, gown, shoes, everything. She will be the perfect bride for Jared, and we’ll make sure everything goes swell.

“Are you ready bridesmaid?” Tessa asked, turning to Ella.

“I was born ready!” she exclaimed, pinning the veil in Tessa’s head for the final touch.

“Alright, then let’s start this wedding shall we?” Tessa’s Mom cheered, leading us out.


The wedding started shortly and it went flawlessly, Jared and Tessa were just the perfect couple. Everything was just magical from the beginning, to the end. After the ceremony, we proceeded to the reception. Everyone was rejoicing, eating, and congratulating the both of them, while I had to chase time since I had a flight going straight to London.

“Ella, I’d love to stay and have a wonderful dinner with everyone but you know my job. It doesn’t wait for me,” I gasped, fumbling through my things.

She let out a grunt, stomping across my bedroom. “Come on Amy, you’re not gonna be late for flight. Just drop by for a while and make your speech, please?” she pleaded.

“Alright! I’ll go and make that speech for everyone, you happy?” I exclaimed, dropping my bags on the bed.

She ran up to me, threw her arms on my shoulders and pulled me in for a hug. “Thank you, you know this would mean a lot to Jared and Tessa,” she whispered.

“I know, now let’s go.” I replied, pulling away from her arms and headed out.


The reception was 22 blocks away from my house so it really didn’t take long to get there, good thing the streets were free from traffic. We reached the venue in no time, and hopped out of the car. I had bring all my luggage with me so I can leave right away after I make my toast and speech, we went inside and it was a little bit crowded since everyone was standing and walking and going around.

“Where’s Jared and Tessa?” I asked Ella, holding unto her arm.

“They’re over there,” she replied, pointing at the long table where Jared and Tessa sat next to each other. Then there was Kennedy, and John, and Garrett, and Pat, and Jared’s Mom and Tessa’s Mom and my Dad and everyone’s parents. They all sat in one group, I approached them and Tessa saw us at an instant. She waved at us and suddenly, everyone turned their heads to us which made us stop walking.

“Hi everyone!” I greeted awkwardly, clasping my hands together.

“Oh, well if it isn’t my favorite cousin, just in time for her speech.” Jared exclaimed, standing up from his seat.

I walked towards the stage where the microphone is at, Jared and Ella followed me there. I took the mic from the stand and started my speech,

“Hey everyone, so how’s your evening? Ha—ha, it’s a pleasure to have guys all gathered up here in this wonderful ceremony. Actually, I’m not quite prepared for my speech tonight so I’ll probably just go with whatever comes up in my mind. Uh—ehem, so Jared! Jared my man, congratulations! You are know a husband and hopefully a father soon…”

Everyone let out a few awes and small laughs,

“Haha, and so I wish you more happy years together Jare Bear. I’m expecting a nephew or niece already, haha! So uhm, I guess that’s it. Congratulations to the both of you and best wishes, love. I’d love to make my speech a little longer but I’m a bit running late for my flight. Good Night everybody, and God bless!” I ended my speech, returning the mic to the stand and stepping off of the stage.

John was the first one to grab my arm, then Jared on the other one. They escorted me out since Ella was already with Kennedy, I hopped in my car and the John followed.

“John? What are you doing? Go back inside!” I commanded.

“I’m coming with you,” he replied calmly.

“Jared! Can you slap John at the back of the head, and get him out of here?!” I exclaimed, turning to Jared.

He just shrugged his shoulders and went closer to me, leaning into the open window. “Let him go with you, he won’t be seeing you for weeks. He’ll definitely mope around,” he said, nodding at John.

“But Jared…” I whined.

“Just go, or you’ll be late.” He said.

I nodded at him and buckled up my seat, starting the engine. “I’ll drive,” John started.

“No John.” I replied.



“Did I tell you that you were absolutely gorgeous earlier at the church and a while ago at your speech?” he said.

“No, and thank you. I saw Joel stare at me like he could see through my clothes.” I replied.

“WHAT?!” he exclaimed.

“Nothing, let’s go. I’m gonna be late for my flight.” I said, putting the gear shift in reverse pulling off of the parking lot.

“Joel does not stare at you just like that and gets away with it,” he said softly.

“John! STOP IT. I was just joking, I saw him but he was busy hitting on some chick.” I replied, taking a left turn to the airport.

“Please don’t go Amy…” He pleaded.

“Why are you so random?” I asked.

“I don’t know, I’m just trying to stop you from leaving.” He answered, looking at me.
“I know, don’t worry. I’ll be back in no time,” I assured, looking back at him with a smile.
He scooted over a bit and leaned close to me, kissing my cheek. I felt my face heat up and blush, I loved it when does that and it gave me butterflies.
We arrived at the airport and I was just in time, my flight was almost boarding.

“I’ll miss you, love.” He said, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulled me in closer to him, our noses almost touching.

I stole a kiss from his lips and smiled, “I’ll miss you even more, but I really have to go.” I replied, slowly pulling away from this grasps but he held me tighter.

“You didn’t expect me to let go of you easily, did you?” he said, teasingly.

“Yes I did, but I also expected that you’d give me an exemption this time since I’m really late for my flight.” I replied, looking at him with my puppy eyes.

“Oh—oh, please don’t pull that on me.” He exclaimed, trying to look at me.

I held his face with both of my hands, facing him to me. I tiptoed and kissed him, more deeply and passionate as the seconds passed. His tongue met mine as he leaned in closer, we making-out intensely in the middle of the airport terminal. And then I pulled away slowly, removing his arms around my waist and bidding him goodbye. His face fell and I felt a huge heave in my heart, I definitely didn’t want to leave anymore but my job needs me and I need my job too.
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Well I'm not really good at detailed weddings, but I hope it's alright with youuuu! Here's chapter 19 :---) I'll post Chapter 20 after this. :DD