Status: finished

What Happens in Arizona


Chapter 22 –

Long brown hair, a skinny lanky body, perfect smile, and a nose ring. I knew who this guy is, from his face, body and even his scent. But I still couldn’t believe my eyes; I did not see this coming. It’s been a month since I last saw him at Jared and Tessa’s wedding and now he’s here, dragging me further away from the crowd and screaming fan girls.

“Joel?!” I exclaimed, moving away from his arms.

“Amy! It’s so good to see you here.” He greeted, throwing his arms around me for a hug.

Surprisingly, a smile plastered on my face. I was glad to see him again but I was a bit surprised, London is such a big country. And for all the places in the world, why here?

I hugged him back and pulled away, “Hey—what are you doing here?” I asked, smiling widely.

“Oh—we’re on tour, and we’re playing a show tonight.” he replied.

“Hmm—I see, well good luck later on your show. Kick ass!” I said.

He gave out a laugh which was insanely adorable, it was just so irresistible. I let out a soft giggle, and turned my attention towards the group of girls staring us down from a distance. Their eyes were glaring at me with their fists balled on their side. I glanced back at Joel and he was looking at me, smiling.

“Haha—well, I better—go. Your girls are already heating up over there,” I said jokingly.

He laughed again, oh god he’s so adorable. It’s too impossible for a guy to be as adorable as him, I was dazed. Why am I like this? I shouldn’t be thinking of him that way, I promised John I wouldn’t. That night when we’re on our way to the airport flashed back on my mind, I remembered telling John that I wouldn’t like Joel. That we’d be friends but I wouldn’t like him.

“Aw, do you really have to go? Don’t mind them, they’ll be okay.” He replied, holding unto my arms. I can feel the group of girls walking closer to us.

I glanced at them and they stopped, and then I turned to Joel. “Well—I’d love to stay but John and the others are here, and they’re waiting for me at my flat. So yeah, I kinda have to go.”

“They’re here? Oh wow, this is great. We could meet up tomorrow, right?” he said anxiously.
I nodded at him with a smile, and grabbed my phone from my purse. “Yep and of course we can! You guys can come over to my flat and we can hang out.” I replied.

“Alright, now all I need is your number—,”

“Joel, hi!” a random girl suddenly popped in beside me. She had a striking blonde hair and her face looked like it got raped by make-up, her skirt was too short her butt was hanging out.

“Oh—hey there,” he replied.

“Can I have your autograph and picture?” she asked in her squeaky voice which didn’t sound cute like Lily’s.

“Oh sure!” he said, smiling. He took the album from the girl’s hand and signed it, then he moved next to the girl to take a picture with her.

“Hey—you.” The girl called out obnoxiously, turning to me.

“Hmm? Can I help you?” I replied indifferently.

“Yeah, take a picture of me and Joel, will you?” she said, handing me her camera rudely.
I took the camera and pointed it at them, taking the picture. Joel removed his hand from the girl’s shoulder quickly and went towards me; the random girl glanced back at me and scowled.

“Whoa—she’s freaky.” I sighed.

He giggled a bit and cupped my shoulders with his hands, “I’ll call you later on tonight?”

I nodded and smiled, adjusting the strap of my purse on my shoulder. He walked me back to the Bus stop and bid me goodbye with hug and peck on the forehead, oh god here comes the butterflies.


I arrived shortly at my flat and as expected, they were already there waiting for me impatiently. John was pacing back and forth at the living room, biting his nails. Kennedy and Ella were nowhere in sight but I was sure they’re home, Lily and Brooklyn were at the kitchen preparing dinner and Garrett was playing videogames with Pat. The door opened slowly with a loud creak, John dashed to the door and hugged me quickly. Pat and Garrett followed him and gave me a hug too.

“Uh—sorry, I’m late?” I said softly.

John shook his head and looked at me, “Where have you been?”

Oh no, I couldn’t tell him I was just exchanging phone numbers with Joel, he would go mad. And I couldn’t lie either, but I had no choice. Maybe I can tell him later…

“Traffic, sorry. Next time, I’ll try to come home a little earlier.” I replied, leaning my head unto his chest. He stroked my hair and pulled me inside our room.

“Ohoh, John I’m tired.” I whined.

He pouted his lips and pushed me to the bed, crawling on top of me. I sighed deeply as straddled on my waist, taking his shirt off. He leaned his face close to mine, “Now we’re not gonna have sex on the floor.” He whispered, a playful grin crossed his mouth.


His lips landed mine, burying the kiss deeper. His hand traveled from my nape, down to my spine and then to the hem of my blouse. He pulled up over my head and threw it on the side; I stopped and pulled my head away, catching my breath.

“Wait—I’m not…”

“Shh…” he cut off, leaning over again for a kiss.

He moved his mouth down to my neck, leaving his mark. His hands fumbling with the wire of my bra, he unlocked it slowly and threw it on the ground. I moved up to head board and he followed my lead, he went in for my lips and kissed me deeply. His tongue met mine and the atmosphere heated up more, he reached down taking off his shorts. And we did it, again and again. Moans escaped from my mouth as thrusts in and out, sex noises all through-out the night.


The next morning I woke up with pain all over me, my back ached, I felt dizzy and I had an iron burn the size of Europe on my neck. The bed sheets were tangled around me as I reached down for my bra and John’s shirt; I quickly putted it on and sat up. John was still sleeping soundly on his back; there were huge cat scratches on it and I cringed in sight. I stood up and went inside the bathroom, oh god I had a hard time walking there. I washed my face, brushed my teeth and took a warm bath. My body was still aching from last night, and alas! I forgot to tell everyone that Joel and his band will be coming over. I headed to living room and found Lily and Ella grinning widely at me.

“What?” I asked, flopping down to the couch.

Ella pointed to the iron-burn-looking thing on my neck, I quickly pulled my shirt up and covered it.

“Ehem, looks like someone got banged last night.” Ella teased.

“Oh come on Ella, it’s not like she’s the only one.” Lily added, looking over to her.

She glared at her and shook her head, “Yeah but this one’s her first time!” she exclaimed. I rose from my seat and tackled her down in a flash.

“Ella!” I snapped, straddling over her.

“What? Hahahahah! It’s true!” she laughed, pushing me off of her.

“Ugh, come on guys. I’m facing a dilemma right now,” I whined, falling back to the couch.

“Oh—facing a dilemma after sex? Well, that doesn’t sound good.” Ella replied sarcastically.
I grunted and turned to them, “I’m being serious right now okay? I ran into Joel yesterday and invited them over tonight for dinner, and I wasn’t able to tell John because suddenly his hormones acted up.” I exclaimed.

Ella’s mouth dropped open and Lily looked surprised, there was a short silence between the 3 of us ‘till Ella broke it.

“Joel—Joel Kanitz? Oh god Lily, 2 boys in 1 night.” She replied, laughing loudly. Lily followed her and let out a huge laugh.

“Girls!” I snapped. Their heads turned to me in unison.

“Oh don’t worry Ames, we’ll tell everyone about it. I’ll tell John that me and Lily saw Joel yesterday and we invited him over, okay? Now calm your tits.” Ella replied calmly, smiling over to me.

I took at deep breath and gave them a big smile, Ella scooted over next to me resting her head on the curve of the couch.

“So how was it with John?” she asked teasingly.

I slapped her arm and glared at her jokingly, “Don’t you think that’s a little private?”

“Oh please, me and Lily are both your best friends now. And I tell you about me and Kennedy all the time right?” She retorted.

“Yeah, you do even if I’m not asking.” I replied haughtily.

“Right, because that’s what best friends do.” She said, holding her head up high.

I shook my head and stood up, “I’m gonna call my boss, I don’t think I can make it to work today.” I exclaimed, walking limply back to my room.

The door opened slowly and I tiptoed inside, grabbing my phone from the table. I headed outside and went back to Ella and Lily, “My hips hurt when I walk.” I whined.

“Well that’s the aftermath of making love, Ames.” Ella sighed.

“I hate it, it burdens me.” I retorted, looking scornfully into the blank space.

Ella turned to me slowly, tilting her head sidewards. “You didn’t like John inside of you?” she asked.

“Excuse me?—No, I didn’t meant that. I meant the aftermaths and everything, you know, the sores and back pains?” I explained, rolling my eyes.

“Oh—I thought…” she trailed off.

Then Kennedy came out of their room, wearing a white shirt and boxer shorts. He smiled at us adorably and greeted us Good Morning, and went to the kitchen.

“Kennedy seems happy.” I started.

Ella glanced at me and then to Lily and then back at me, “No—we did not do it last night!”

“Alright, whatever you say Ella.” I replied, letting out a small giggle.

She stood up and marched to kitchen, glaring at me and Lily jokingly.

“They definitely did it.” Lily said, laughing.
♠ ♠ ♠
second shot, ugh it was hard okay. I had a hard time typing everything out, I'd end up staring at the laptop screen for minutes. UGH. okay here!