Status: finished

What Happens in Arizona


Chapter 25 – A Day with Brooklyn

My head pounded with pain the next morning, and I also missed work. I had a hard time sleeping last night since Ella and Kennedy’s moans echoed through the walls of my flat, and also my alarm clock ran out of batteries. “Ugh! Great. Missed another day at work,” I mumbled through the pillow. When I was about to stand up from my bed, John came rushing inside my room with a towel in his arm and went straight to the bathroom without a single word. I figured he needs privacy so I stepped outside, Brooklyn sat alone at the couch flipping through the channels.

“Hey,” She greeted, turning to me.

“Hey, morning.” I greeted back, walking towards the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee.

She stepped inside and grabbed herself a cup too, “So—any plans for today?” she asked.
“Hmm—nah-uh, Lily and Pat will be going on a date today. Ella and Kennedy will be going out too, how about you guys?” I replied, closing the jar lid.

She shook her head and lifted herself up the counter, “No—we already went out yesterday, I’m guessing Garrett just wanna stay home today. I wanna go out though.” She said, swaying her legs back and forth.

“Ooh—hmm, you wanna go to the antique bakeshop? Oh god, they have the best cupcakes there.” I said, clasping my hands together.

Her eyes widened and she cheered happily, “Yey—oh thank you for hanging out with me today, I just don’t wanna get bored here.”

“No problem! Eh, let me take a shower first okay?” I replied, leaving the kitchen and heading back to my room.

I slowly turned the knob but it was locked, John must still be inside. I tried turning the knob again but there was no movement inside, “John!” I called out. But no one answered, “John! I need to use the bathroom.” I said again but still, no reply. He must’ve slipped and hit his head on the floor, or worst, what if he cut himself and bled to death. My imagination ran wild and a sort of panic filled my head, I grabbed the keys to my room and tried opening the bathroom door from outside. I twisted the key and the door unlocked, a sigh of relief escaped my mouth and I headed inside.

There I found John, he sat on the floor with his hand grasping on his leg. There was no blood but he looked like he was in pain, “John—are you okay? What happened?” I asked, running quickly towards him.

“It’s nothing, just twisted a muscle. Don’t worry, you go wait outside. I’ll be out in minute,” he replied, his eyes focused on his leg.

I shook my head and grabbed his arm, “No—come on, I’ll help you up.” I said, helping him stand up and led him outside to my bed.

He flopped down at the side and reached back to his ankle, “Shit! This hurts a lot.” He gasped, massaging his feet.

“Watch your mouth boy, just hold still.” I commanded. Kneeling down in front of him and pushing back his feet to relieve the twisted muscles. “You shouldn’t have stayed in the water for too long.” I continued.

“I was taking a shower, how am I supposed to get my feet off of the water?” he replied, looking away.

Speaking of shower, why is he taking a bath in my bathroom? There’s a bathroom in every guest room he could use but why mine?

“Oh—right. Wait, why are you taking a shower in my bathroom anyways? Ella and Kennedy have their own bathroom in their room, also Pat, Lily and the others’ room?” I asked, turning my attention to him.

He tried to avoid my gaze but failed; he sighed deeply and looked at me. “They’ve already occupied every bathroom here Amy.” He replied softly.

What does he mean, “They’ve occupied it?” What, are they having a series of shower sex now too? Oh dear god, really. These people are just—.

“Uh—it’s okay now, you can let go of my feet.” He continued.

I slowly moved my hand away, my gaze still focused to him. I’m not really sure why he’s acting this way, and I feel really bad about it. He moved his leg and stood up slowly from the bed, “Hmm—thanks by the way.” He added and smiled, and I just stared at him as he slowly walked out of my room.


“Wait—what do you mean he’s acting differently now?” Brooklyn asked, sipping on her cup of coffee.

I nodded quickly and turned my direction to the ice cream shop, “He started acting different that night Joel had dinner with us.”

Brooklyn went in line and turned to me, “Maybe he’s just jealous?” she said, raising her eyebrow.

“No—he’s not; if he was I would know. Ugh, Brooklyn I don’t quite understand what’s happening to him.” I replied.

She let out a whiny tone and threw arms around me, it didn’t help me solve my problem but I am proud to say that Brooklyn made me feel a whole lot better. “Well, let’s head to the mall now yeah?” she said, dragging me across the street and getting a cab.

The trip to the mall didn’t take long, it was a Wednesday morning and I hadn’t realized that we’ve been in London for a long amount of time already ‘till today, it’s been 1 and a half week since they arrived here. Brooklyn turned to me and smiled, “Look at that shop over there, they sell the coolest shirts. You’ll love it!” she cheered in excitement. I nodded and we went towards the shop.

It was filled with random shirts, shorts and dresses. They also sell shoes there, and hats and other accessories. We picked out a few outfits and tried them on, a few hats, shoes and accessories. Half an hour passed and we finally finished shopping for random clothes, we paid for everything and headed out.

Everything was perfect that day; I finally relaxed and surprisingly forgot about my problems. We ate, shopped a bit more and got to know each other much more. Brooklyn was definitely the perfect girl for Garrett, she was cool and she likes everything that Garrett likes despite of her career. “You know, it’s so hard being a model.” She started, putting a spoonful of Chocolate Ice cream in her mouth. “You have to be really careful with you eat, and! You always have to act professional and bitchy among the others.” She continued, shoving another spoonful in her mouth.

“Haha! I can see that—you REALLY have to careful with you EAT.” I replied, putting emphasize on the word “eat”.

She let out a loud laugh and threw the half empty cup of ice cream away, “Hmm—how about you? What’s it like being a designer?” she asked curiously.

“Hmm, its fine I guess. It’s the same with what you said a while ago, I have act both professional yet bitchy especially when you have a boss who’s as evil as Lucifer.” I replied, rolling my eyes jokingly.

“Really? You think she’s that mean? Haha! Or maybe she’s just as troubled as you are,” she said, turning her attention to me.

I went silent for a while and thought really hard, maybe she’s right. Maybe my boss is just as troubled as I am and we all just need one long break, I looked back at her and smiled. “Hmm—maybe she is or maybe not, eh But B! When are you planning to go back to Arizona? You’ve been here for quite a long time already and those boys needs to practice.” I replied.
“I don’t really know Ames, I don’t make the decisions around here they do. But I don’t think we’ll be going anywhere without you,” she said. “Especially now, you know—with your situation with John.” She continued.

And she was right; no one would dare to leave me alone in this foreign country. No, not right now—not at this phase. But whether they like it or not, they have to go with me or without me. These boys have a job, and that’s to write, make and play music, not stroll around some different country and inhabiting more problems.

“I know, but you guys have to go home as soon as possible. Remember, you have a job too Brooklyn and I think this problem would be solved when we get back home.” I replied, as we crossed the street to my flat.

We reached the stairs and headed up, I turned the knob and opened the door slowly—Brooklyn followed behind. I pushed the door wide open and found John dragging his luggage down the stairs, he’s all dressed up and he was definitely ready to go.

He stood there and turned to us, “I’m going back to Arizona—thanks for the vacation, bye.” He said and headed towards the door, he reached for the knob and stepped outside not even bothering to look behind. He closed the door softly and my heart just sank, there goes the man I love.
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Sorry it took so long guys, I've been thinking about new things to add so yeah. I'm really sorry! But thank you guys for keeping up, I love you all okkkk <33
