Status: finished

What Happens in Arizona


Chapter 26 –

Gravity must have pulled me down hard as my body dropped to the floor, tears started to form at the corner of eyes. Brooklyn sat down next to me and threw her arms around me for a hug; I had no idea with what just happened. What was John doing? Why would he leave all of the sudden?
“Amy—let’s go to your room okay?” Brooklyn said softly, helping me get up. We headed to my room and she sat me on the bed, soon Ella and Lily came rushing inside from the kitchen. They sat down the bed, circling me. “He left?!” Ella exclaimed, she ran out of my room and headed towards the kitchen. Moments later, she came back with Kennedy.
“I’m gonna call him Amy, don’t worry.” Kennedy said quickly.
But what was I to do? Why is he doing this? I thought he wanted play fair but with what he’s doing now; it looks like he’s just giving up on me and it just broke my heart. They decided to leave the room and give me some time alone to think, although it didn’t make me feel better—I needed it.


--Ella’s Point of View—

“What was he thinking?” I exclaimed, hitting the end call button on my phone. “Leaving without even telling us or even giving Amy a reason why he’s acting like that?!” I continued. Kennedy looked me worriedly as he kept on dialing John’s number in his phone, trying to reach him.
“He’s not answering; we’ll have to try again tomorrow. He’ll probably be back home that time.” He finally said, dropping his phone at the couch.
I closed my eyes tightly, frustration filled my whole body. Amy keeps on freaking out even though we’ve calmed her down already, I don’t know what the hell has gotten into John. Maybe he was just jealous—maybe he didn’t want to see Joel take a notch up in his relationship with Amy but why would he leave? It’s so hard dealing with this man; sometimes he’s just so eccentric. I flopped down next to Kennedy as he wrapped his arm around me, “Everything will be fine, don’t worry—Amy will be okay.” He said softly, his words would always calm me down and I don’t even know how or why. But I’m glad I have this man, and I’m glad that he’s always there anytime.

--Amy’s Point of View—

Well that sucks, John’s acting strangely cold all of the sudden when it’s his choice to let me give Joel a chance. It’s somehow frustrating and I don’t really know what to do next, should I go back to Arizona with them? Or maybe I should just let John cool his head before I come back; it all just came in one sudden whiplash. I decided head downstairs for some ice cream and found Garrett sitting on the counter.

“Hey buddy,” he greeted softly. I looked at him and smiled, “Hey—what are you doing here alone?” I asked. He let out a small laugh and jumped down from the counter, “Oh, I was just eating.” He answered.

“Eating? Hmm—alright, where are the others?” I said.

“Lily and Pat went out for their last date here in London and—Kennedy and Ella must’ve went out too with Brooklyn, I think they’re going to get our tickets.” He replied, I nodded slowly and walked up to the refrigerator to get some ice cream. His eyes remained glued to me as I took my first step towards the refrigerator door, “Amy—do you go back home with us? Or do you wanna stay here for a while?” he asked all of the sudden.

I froze for a while and then I turned to face him, “As much as I would love to stay here and get away from all my problems, I have to go back to Arizona to deal with John and maybe after that I—I could move someplace else.” I replied. Garrett’s expression changed when I finished my sentence, it wasn’t a good idea telling him that I’d move somewhere away from them but I ought he should know what I wanted.
“Move someplace else?! Amy—you’re going to leave again?!” he exclaimed, his face turning red as his voice rose.

I looked back at him with sorry eyes, “Yes Garrett, it sucks to tell you that I wanna move after all of this—I thought going back to Arizona would be a good idea but as of now, I think I’ve made a wrong decision. It feels great seeing you guys again after disappearing for years, but whenever I’m with you—trouble seems to have its way with me.” I replied.

For the first time in years, I saw Garrett Daniel Nickelsen break down in tears. His cheeks went red as he tried to cover his face with his hands; I quickly went near him and we both sat on the floor. “Well—this is new to me, I’ve never seen you cry.” I said, rubbing his back gently.

“You’re—going—to—leave—me—again…” he replied through his sobs.

This was just heartbreaking; it came out of nowhere randomly. I’ve never have seen nor heard him cry and now he is—because of me. “No Garrett, I would never leave you. I’ll always be here—maybe not physically but I’ll always be here for you. And besides, you’ve got Brooklyn remember? I just don’t think I can handle living in the same town with O’Callaghan anymore, maybe he’s giving up on me or something.” I said, consoling him.

He looked up to me with his puffy eyes as he tried to stop his sobbing; I wrapped my arms around his back and pulled him for a hug. This was one of those girly moments, except Garrett’s a guy and I’m a girl. He pulled away with his eyes locked into mine, “You think John’s giving up on you?” he asked.

I nodded quickly, looking away from him. “Looks like it,” I replied.

“He’s not—he’s just trying to not get too attached, because he knows he’s gonna get hurt when you pick Joel over him.” He said, placing his hand upon mine. “Amy—you’re not going to pick Joel over John right?” he asked again, looking at me intensely.

“Yesterday, I wasn’t going to. But shit happens—so I don’t know anymore,” I replied.

He grasped my hand a bit tightly as I tried to look away, “But he told me he wasn’t going to let anyone steal you away from him.”

“Yup, that’s what he told me too—let’s face it Garrett, he has become the asshole just like what I expected when I came back. And now I’m hurting—really bad, because of him.” I replied, finally looking at him and smiled.

He shook his head and stood up, pulling me along with him. “We’re all out of ice cream—do you wanna go out and get some?” he said, putting his arm around my shoulder. I nodded with a smile and we headed out.


It’s been almost a week since John left, Joel together with his band had also left the country. And the rest of us have been spending time together as much as we can although I had to sneak away from work to do that, but it was worth it. Kennedy and Ella had also given up trying to call or reach John since he probably threw his phone away or something, a part of me is still hurting and depressed while another part of me felt anger towards him. It’s like I have an alter ego of some sort, but as of the moment I didn’t care. I went out with the girls, drank loads of alcohol, danced with British men, and bought some clothes, bonded with Pat, Kennedy and Garrett. And I feel great.

We decided to go to this somewhat popular club in London; it was just me, Lily, Ella and Brooklyn. The 3 guys stayed at home since they were too lazy to even get up, and dress up.

It was a bit of a long car-ride from my flat to the club, but everything was worth it since the place was simply smashing. There were lights and good music, plus it wasn’t that crowded at all. We spent the whole night dancing and partying ‘till my stomach started twisting and I felt like I was going hurl.

“Ames—you okay?” Ella asked worriedly.

I nodded quickly and headed over to our seat, “Ugh, what is happening to me?” I exclaimed softly to myself, rubbing my stomach to relieve the ache. I just sat there for the next few hours while the girls were on the dance floor, grinding everything they’ve got. And then the alcohol got to me, I knew I was gonna do something crazy and so I did. I grabbed my phone from my purse and dialed John’s number, it kept ringing at first and then voila! He answered it, finally.

It felt like the club’s ceiling was going to fall down on me as shivers ran down my spine, when I heard a high-pitched voice answering John’s phone—saying “Hello” again and again while giggling like a crazy motherfucker. I was speechless, I tried opening my mouth but there was no sound—just air, I was breathing heavily and I felt like I was going to hyperventilate. Anger filled my whole body, I felt anger—and I was going to mad. This man just went there, and this bitch giggling on the other side of the phone just messed with the wrong woman this time.

“Who is that?” a faint voice came from the background. A familiar voice, John’s voice.

“I don’t know—this retard won’t answer, oh wait her number’s registered to your phonebook.” She replied to him.

“Who is then?” John replied. I just listened to them—I didn’t talk, I wasn’t able to talk. But I was furious, it’s like I wanted to shove my hand inside my phone so I could reach the other side and rip both of their heads off.

“Uhm—Amy Johnson?” She replied to him again, in her high-pitched blonde accent.

I didn’t hear anything else, the phone call ended suddenly and I—I snapped back to reality. The moving lights and the loud bass filling up the club, Ella, Lily and Brooklyn came back to our seat. They could sense that there was something wrong though, since I looked pale and my hands were uncontrollably shaking.

“Amy what’s wrong?” Lily asked worriedly.

I swallowed hard and turned to them, my eyes were burning relentlessly as tears started falling—one tear and then another. “John—John’s with—he’s with another girl…” I stuttered, my cheeks burned red and I broke down.

What is happening? I thought he’d be the one—I thought everything would be fine between us…I thought wrong.
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Hi, I'm sorry it took so long. It's just that I've been procrastinating lately but as I've promised, I will update more often and the story's gonna soon anyways so yeaaahaaa :----)

Thank you guys for Subscribing and reading, knowing that you all take a minute from your time to read this fiction warmths my heart. Even though it's bombarded with typographical errors and such.