Status: finished

What Happens in Arizona


Chapter 4 – I left Arizona because…

Pat came busting inside the living room with a huge smile on his face, something good must have come up. He sat down on the space beside me, smiling at Jared and me.

“Pat, you look so adorable with that smile on your face. But you’re freaking me out right now,” I said, trying to hold a giggle.

“She said yes! Jared, Amy! Lily said yes!” he exclaimed, jumping up off his seat.

“Uhm, I’m not quite sure if I’m following…” I sighed.

“Lily! Remember? The girl I met one time at our show in New York?” he asked.

“Oh! that Lily. Crap, how could I forget? Haha, what did she say baby boy?” I replied.

“Well, she agreed to go out with me for dinner tomorrow night. And I’m planning on letting you meet her.” He explained, his eyes still sparkling from happiness.

There was a silent a pause at first, I couldn’t decide what to say. There’s still an issue between Kenny and Ella, I’m sure everything wasn’t fine still. Jared gave me an “agree-with-him” look, which made me uneasy even more.

“Really? That’s a great idea Pat! But don’t you think it’s a bit soon bringing her here? It’s your first date, come on. Spend more time together, get to know each other. If you bring her here soon, things would probably get a little too awkward don’t you think? With Ella and Kennedy…” I replied, my thoughts wandering around.

“Hmm, you have a point. But I really want you guys to meet her, I mean, she’s so awesome and she’s really nice and she cooks and she’s a model and I know you guys would definitely love her.” He replied, almost pleading.

“I know Pat, even I would love to meet her and judging by everything you just told us, I’m pretty sure we’d get along. But you know our situation right now Pat, I hope you’d understand.” I said.

“Yeah, I know. Its fine really, maybe I’ll bring her here at Jared’s wedding?” he replied with enthusiasm in his voice. I could tell that he really fell hard for this girl.

It’s already 1:30 in the morning and we all decided to doze off, after one long and tiring day. It’s been just a day, still just a day.


The next morning started off much more pleasant, Ella was a little better but her eyes were still a little swollen from crying. Dad started to make breakfast, and I plan on going to the mall just to relax and get away from all the things that have just happened on my first day back in Arizona.

“Good Morning Ladies!” Dad greeted, his back turned while cooking omelet.

“Morning Dad, is there any coffee?” I greeted back, snooping around the counter trying to look for coffee.

“Yep, it’s on the shelf on your right.” He replied.

I must have developed a habit of bumping and crashing into people ever since I came back home from France, since when I took a swift turn I got my faced buried into someone’s chest. And I was pretty familiar whose chest that was.

“Oops, don’t you like bumping people around,” he said.

“Ahoooww, sorry Garrett. I must’ve developed a habit on crashing unto you guys,” I apologized, rubbing my forehead.

“*sniffs* Wow, that smells good.” He said, seating at one of the elevated chairs at the counter.

“Well, making it special for my princess.” Dad replied.

I couldn’t help but smile whenever Dad calls me his Princess, Ella fought the urge to laugh. And Garrett flashed me his killer smile, oh God can I just die now.

“Alright, let’s break it up. I’m getting hungry!” Ella exclaimed.


We went to the mall later that day, Ella and I. We shopped for clothes, got our hair done and went to the Bridal Shop to help out Jared’s fiancé pick out some stuff we needed for the wedding.

“Ooooh, this looks so cute!” I gasped.

“Try it on.” Ella said.

“What? Hell no, I don’t plan on wearing a wedding gown sooner.” I retorted.

“Ohhh, I see. That’s why you ran away from Garrett 5 years ago when he told you he was going to ask your hand in marriage after they get signed as a band, right?” she replied, with an evil smirk.

“Ugh, are we gonna argue about this again? I didn’t run away okay, I simply needed time to think…alone.” I replied, and she started mocking me.

“Needed sometimes to think, my ass. 5 years Ames? Don’t you think that took a little long for you to think about it? And what’s your reason for coming back? Because Jared’s gonna get married, oh that’s why!” she said, sarcasm all over her words.

“I would’ve come back a little earlier if I hadn’t got a job as a designer Ella; my life-long dream came true there. I couldn’t just leave it, look, I know I’m the bad guy here for leaving Garrett and getting his hopes up that I would come back to be Mrs. Nickelsen one day. But whenever I think about it, I’d feel my stomach hurl. You know what I felt about Garrett, and what I’ve always felt about John.” I explained, catching my breath.

“John. John. It’s always about the feelings for John, have you ever thought about Garrett’s feelings? Have you tried proposing to someone and they turn you down because she likes your band mate *slash* best friend of some sort? Look Amy, I’m not blaming anything on you. I just want you to consider Garrett’s feelings for you, you’ve been best friends too you know.” She replied.

“Garrett has a girlfriend now, let’s just all deal with it and move on.” I said, the feelings came crashing down on one shot. I really did hurt him, but it’s all in the past. And he didn’t seem to realize that I’ve always loved John in a different way.

We went home after picking out a few gowns and dresses, and that was probably the worst trip to the gown shop ever. I am a bad person, and I would not let Garrett make the same mistake and get hurt because of me ever again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Welp, chapter 4 guys. :----)
The relationship between Amy and Garrett has been revealed, I guess the drama starts now? I think, lol this is hard oh god. Idek how to write their love scenes kadhasjhd. WELP
