Status: finished

What Happens in Arizona


Chapter 7 – Denial

Still Amy’s Point of View

My deep slumber got interrupted by large footsteps approaching the bedroom; I lay in a king-sized bed with a Toy Story comforter. John must’ve carried me, or dragged me inside last night.

“Alright! Rise and shine Sweetheart, we have to head home soon! And you definitely have a lot of explaining to do.” Ella said, with her voice full of enthusiasm.

“What do you mean I have a lot of explaining to do? And is that a hickey? Eww,” I replied, rising up from where I was laying.

“Oh please, like you and John weren’t so busy tongue fucking last night.” She exclaimed. “Kennedy and I, just got a little more intimate last night...” she added with sigh.

“And what about Izzy?” I replied.

“Izzy can suck it, Kennedy is MINE.” She snapped, emphasizing the word mine.

I gave out a small laugh, thinking about what happened last night. I rubbed the back of my head, trying to remember even the smallest details of what I and John did. My eyes started to widen as scenes of what had happened with John flashbacked on me in a matter of seconds.

“I think I just got back with John,” I started, sounding bleak.

“What?!” she snapped back, “What are you saying?” she continued.

“We talked last night, about us. I mean, I didn’t talk a lot. He was the one talking and talking, and then he asked me if we could try it again. And that maybe this time, I won’t turn him down since he’s the only one I’m dating.” I replied, last night just drained out every emotion I have that I sounded like a Zombie talking to Ella.

“Oh god, Amy you did realized that you’ve just come back home from running away to Paris because of the same exact reason? If Garrett finds out about this…oh god. Let me tell you Ames, you got to make up your mind. Take your time, and make the right decision.” She said.

“I know, but I just told him we’d try. Come on Ella, I can’t do this alone this time. I might make the same mi—,”

“Oh hey ladies! You ready?” John said, suddenly popping in the door frame.

“No John, we’re not ready yet. Why don’t you and Kenny wait for us downstairs, yeah?” Ella replied, pushing them out of the room.

“We are gonna have a hard time…” I whined, burying my face into a pillow.

“You said sister,” Ella replied, “Now wash yourself up from John’s cooties and I’ll meet you downstairs,” she continued.

Taking a shower went by incredibly fast, especially when you’re all worked up about denying another relationship with a man. What if everything was a joke? What if he’s just doing this to get back on me? I mean, it’s childish but why wouldn’t he do it right? I managed to get myself prepped up to go back home. They were all waiting outside, including Garrett although I didn’t see him last night.

“Hey Princess!” Jared greeted, opening his arms for a hug.

“Hey Jared,” I greeted back, hugging him.

“Hey Amy,” Garrett greeted.

“Hi Garrett,” I greeted back, pulling him for a hug.

I can feel John’s piercing eyes on us, what I did was definitely not a good idea.

“So, uhm where else are we headed today?” I asked, clearing my throat.

“Uhh, we’re going to the church to ask if everything’s been set and then you can go wherever you want to go.” Jared replied.

“There’s still 5 days left right?” Ella exclaimed.

“Hmm, yep. 5 days to go!” Jared replied again, enthusiasm filled his voice.

I thought about it, maybe spending time alone with Ella even just for day would be a good idea to think about my future worries. And also getting John off of my back for a while, ugh I shouldn’t have done what I did. I’m regretting it now.

“Hmm Jared, you think me and Amy could take a leave for a while? We just wanna visit a few friends and, you know.” Ella asked, giving Jared a “let-us-leave-for-a-while” look.

“Ah yeah, sure! When will you be back though?” Jared replied.

“I don’t know, after a day or two?” Ella said.

“Wait, who’ll take care of the wedding thing-o’s?” Kennedy butted in.

“Yeah, who will?” Pat added.

“We’ll take care of everything once we get back, Ella let’s go. So we can come a little earlier…I guess,” I exclaimed, pulling Ella inside the car.

We left everyone with puzzled looks on their faces and headed straight home to pick up a few things, we were definitely not gonna spend more days with those guys or we’re eventually gonna get in trouble.


“Amy, your phone’s ringing.” Ella said.

“Well, thank you Captain Obvious. Pick it up for me, will you?” I replied in a sarcastic tone.

“Hold on.” She replied, ignoring my sarcasm and picking up the phone.


“Hey Ella, it’s Garrett.”

“Oh hey Garre—, wait how’d you know it was me?”

“Because I kinda have talked to you on the phone a million times, and I’ve already recognized your voice?”

“Ha-Ha, right. So, what is it that you wanna tell Amy?”

“Uhh, can you give the phone to her? It’s kinda private.”

“Oh now, you and Amy hide secrets from me?”


“Alright, hold on. I’m gonna hand her the phone.” Ella replied, handing me the phone.

“Hey Gare bear!”
“Amy, can you help me out?”

“Uh, yeah sure. What is it?”

“It’s about uh, Brooklyn.”


“Hello? Amy?”

“Oh Garrett, sorry. I’m driving, so yeah. What about Brooklyn?”

“I’m picking her up tomorrow, and I can’t decide what to bring.”

“Oh, haha! As simple as that? Alright, just bring flowers and a Teddy Bear. That would mean a lot.”

“Really? Uh, okay. Oh wait Amy, have to go. Brooklyn’s calling. Bye.”


“Seriously?!” I exclaimed.

“What?!” Ella replied, jumping off of her seat.

“Nothing, uhh. Let’s just grab our bags and go.” I answered.

Brooklyn huh? Okay, what the fuck is wrong with me? I shouldn’t be jealous of any girl that comes into Garrett’s life, we parted ways long ago. Although we’re still best friends, ugh! Why the fuck is this giving me a hard time!?

Packing up took a lot of time, since Ella couldn’t decide what to bring. We headed to Glendale to visit some of our old classmates and batch mates, and then to Tucson to visit Ella’s grandparents.

“Oh Ella! We’ve missed you a whole lot!” Ella’s grandma, Elaine, greeted.

“I’ve missed you too Nana, remember Amy?” Ella replied.

“Well if isn’t little Amy, oh darling you’ve grown up a lot!” she greeted, pulling me into a hug.

“Hello Nana, it’s nice to see you again!” I greeted back politely, pulling away from her hug.

She invited us in for lunch and told Ella about her Grandfather having a trip to Ontario, Canada for 2 days with some of his fishing buddies. They were going on an expedition, she says. So Nana was left alone in their house. Good thing we came to visit her.

“So Amy, how is your heart doing?” Nana asked all of the sudden.

“Uh, uhm…It’s been fine Nana, I haven’t been getting into relationships ever since I left Tempe.” I replied.

“You haven’t? But why? You are a wonderful grown woman, and you deserve a good man.” She added.

I choked on my steak, not knowing what to answer her. Ella was definitely holding back a huge laugh, avoiding my glares.

“Uh, haha! Nana, I don’t need a man right now.” I replied with a small giggle at the end.

“But, what about Garrett? Aren’t you two lovers ever since?” she asked back, with innocence on her voice. Not knowing what had happened between me and Garrett, and how we never decided to talk about it.

Ella choked on her drink and so did I, we didn’t see that coming. And it was like, a big smack on the face for me. Damn it, why did it have to end that way with me and Garrett.

“Uh, haha. Nana, Garrett has a girlfriend now.” I replied confidently.

“WHAT?! HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND?! HOLY SHIT, WHY DIDN’T HE TELL ALL OF US?” Ella cut in, almost screaming at me.

“Shh! Ella! Watch your words!” Nana exclaimed.

“Now, I see that Garrett has moved on. But the last time I saw you were at the airport, on your way to Paris. After that, I knew Garrett was devastated. I knew that he got all depressed about you leaving, for one, because he didn’t know the exact reason. While your other man John, did nothing.” Nana added.

Oh god, what am I supposed to do now? Everything got so confusing; I didn’t know what to answer Nana.

“Oh and Nana, let me add the part where John and her made out last night and agreed to try to make their relationship work out again. Haha!” Ella replied, forgetting about the fact that it was a secret.

“Ella! How could you?!” I exclaimed.

“Okay, both of you calm down. I’m pretty sure Amy wasn’t the only one who had fun last night at Jared’s party.” Nana said, waving her hand down.

“Amy, think about it okay? What if, all of those things that John said were only taken out from his emotions since he was drunk? But what if, it’s also true? You need to be wise and clever about this. So you can pick the right man.” She continued.

“And you, Ella. You need to take care of yourself, don’t give it all away to Kennedy. Please. He is a man and he needs to treat you like a woman, so don’t give it all in.” she added.
♠ ♠ ♠
Things got a little confusing this part, lol.
I feel like putting a challenge onto it.
will post chapter 8 soon!