Status: finished

What Happens in Arizona


Chapter 9 – No options left

Things ended up with Ella calling me non-stop, trying to get my ass into Tessa’s house. But I really won’t be going down without a fight, I didn’t plan on facing John yet that’s why I’m running away every time I get the opportunity to.



“Amy, where the fuck are you?!”

“I’m going to a meeting, it’s urgent and I have to get there before I get fired.”

“I’m not falling for this one Amelia; get your ass down here right now.”

“I can’t, okay? I called Jared a while ago, told him I won’t be able to come.”

“Yeah, and apparently, we were eating that time so everyone got to hear it.”

“It’s just lunch Ella, no one’s gonna die if I won’t be able to come.”

“Just get your ass down here Amy, or I swear I’m gonna have someone search for you.”


I had no choice, but to get my “lying ass” to Tessa’s house and spend a lovely tea with the man I’m loathing right now. Everything just happened so fast, I wasn’t able to keep track of time. The next minute I was driving fast on a highway, and in the next minute I found my car parked in front of a familiar lawn.

“Well! Guess who decided to arrive? Party’s over lass.” Ella greeted, approaching my car.

“Sorry I’m late, I was busy.” I greeted back.

“Eh, whatever. Let’s just go inside, John’s been looking everywhere for you.” She teased, nudging my left arm.

“Could you stop that? Sheesh.” I replied.

“Oh, why so grumpy?” she continued teasing.

“Ella!” I snapped.

She stopped talking and we made our way inside, I was greeted with hugs and kisses from everyone. Yes, including John and Garrett, I got dragged inside and everyone was partying. This doesn’t look like a pleasant and peaceful lunch at all.

“What are they doing at the pool?” I asked Ella, baffled.

“I’m guessing they’re skinny dipping, with John.” She replied, taking a sip from the glass of wine she held.

“And who are those girls who are skinny dipping?” I asked again.

“Some of their college buddies, I guess. I don’t know, I don’t really care, they’re just a bunch of sluts and whores anyways.” She replied, waving her hands at the air to make a point.

“And who is that fine gentleman with John? Who seems to be enjoying those girls whom are skinny dipping?” I asked once more, trying to make my point.

“What?! Why don’t you go find out Amy,” she replied, looking out the window.

And there he was, Kennedy Brock, enjoying the view of half-naked girls playing with themselves at the side of the pool, together with John. Garrett looked indifferent though, but I can definitely tell that he’s enjoying it too.

“Now, what the fuck is he exactly doing?!” Ella snapped, charging outside to the pool and ready to scratch Kennedy’s eyes out.

Luckily, I got to her halfway. And managed to calm her down, we seemed to catch everyone’s attention when Ella started cursing like a mad pirate. Kennedy looked not but a shamed man, Ella went a little too far when she called him a man-whore. Oh god, I find this too amusing. I can’t say that I regret even going to this lunch party.

“Ella, calm down!” I exclaimed, cupping both her arms to stop her from fighting.

“What the fuck?!” she screamed, trying to fight my grasps.

“Ella!” I snapped, finally.

“You had too much wine, just stop okay?” I tried to calm her down.
Although I felt kinda bad for not sticking up with her, tears streamed from her eyes as she cupped her mouth. She ran inside, leaving me to give the people around us an explanation.

“Ha—ha, yeah. Carry on with your partying guys, Ella will be fine.” I said, making my way inside awkwardly. I saw Garrett standing up to follow me at the corner of my eyes, Kennedy and John following his lead.

I tried to hurry up my pace but they managed to catch up behind me.

“What was that all about Amy?” John asked, his voice rose up a bit.

I scrunched my nose, closed my eyes and turned to them, made a pleading look and told them that Ella just had too much wine. They somehow believed it, but it was actually my fault Ella raged. If I hadn’t shown her Kennedy enjoying those nasty girls, she wouldn’t have done that. Kennedy rejoined Jared at the living room together with Garrett, and John stayed behind, hoping he could make a conversation with me about what happened at the party.

“Uh, can I help you with anything?” I asked.

“Actually, yes you can. You can start helping me by talking to me about what happened at the party.” He replied, he sounded so calm, like he’s done this before.

I swallowed hard and took a deep breath, as I was about to talk, Garrett popped out from the door.

“What did happen that night at the party, Amy?” Garrett asked, a glass of coke on his left hand.
♠ ♠ ♠
Eh, oh god.
This has so much suspense in it, idek. :))
But yeah, hahah. Hope you like it!
Thank you guys though, by the way I need suggestions on some band dudes I can add to the story. thankssss
