
Chapter One

“Dawn, you have to get up now. You’ve been asleep for hours. We have to go sometime,” I heard my best friend’s voice distantly. To get rid of her, I groaned loudly and rolled over. It didn’t work. She still remained at my side shaking me violently and hitting me with a pillow.

“Dawny, come on,” she half-yelled. I groaned once again, throwing a pillow towards her direction.

“Ha, you missed,” she exclaimed triumphantly, “And you are awake. Let’s go.” Next thing, her hands were at my shoulders and she was heaving me into a sitting position.

“Sarah, seriously. I’m tired,” I mumbled but she wouldn’t hear it.
“So am I. But I’m twenty-one today and I want my best friend up and at ‘em to celebrate this day with me. Please?” the tone in her voice changed from urgent to pleading. I blinked a few times and then rubbed my eyes viciously before finally snapping out of my coma-mode and taking in the scene around me.

We were in our hotel room at a five star hotel. There was a killer pool with a waterfall running into it. Our room was huge with two bedrooms, two bathrooms and a very large kitchen. I had only just settled in and fallen into a sleep before Sarah had rudely awoken me to join her in her birthday festivities.

“Wow,” I exclaimed when I seen her outfit. A short mini blue dress with silver sparkles everywhere. She had done her hair up with all of the hair products we had brought and she was wearing a thick mask of make-up.
“What do you think?” she asked, getting off the bed and doing a three-sixty spin for me to see her whole figure.
“Very sexy. I like it,” I winked at her. She beamed at me, revealing a mouth full of pearly white teeth. I smiled as well, feeling more awake now. I threw the blanket to one side and stood up.

“I picked out your outfit,” Sarah’s voice was coming from the bathroom. Curiosity took over and I wandered into the massive bathroom. Sarah was holding up a mini black dress that would barely cover my thighs. I groaned loudly.
“Sarah, you know I don’t like wearing stuff like that. It’s just so, exposing,” I complained. She rolled her eyes and hung the dress on the corner of the mirror. Next to it I could see the make-up case and our hair products. Once again, I groaned.

“Sarah, you’re going to make me wear everything I hate tonight, aren’t you?” I asked. She grinned and left me alone, closing the designer door behind her. I quickly locked it and then started to strip. After washing my hair and letting the hot water run over my cold skin for a few minutes, I turned the taps off and looked around the room. The dress and the make-up remained in its place. I was hoping that they would grow legs and run away. I slipped into the dress and then started on my hair. Running a brush through it a few times, I then tied half of it up and made sure it poofed up enough at the back so I could see it. Then I started on my make-up. My foundation was first, then my blush and eye-liner. Then to finish it off, I coated my eyelashes with mascara and smeared my lips with deep red lip-stick. I checked myself out in the mirror. I still never fully understood why Sarah would want to hang out with me. I mean she was so pretty with her blonde hair, blue eyes and perfect teeth. She was any guys dream girl, beautiful and ditzy. She was shameless and really social. She knew everyone who lived on the ‘underside’ of life at the Big Apple.

Me on the other hand, I was the exact opposite. I had tanned skin with very dark brown hair and dark eyes. I was told that I was beautiful but I never listened. Compared to Sarah, I was dust. I was one of the smartest girls at our high school, always receiving academic awards and I was valedictorian for our graduating year. I had a few close friends who I studied with and had all my classes with. But One day Sarah took a shine to me and suddenly, we were best friends. She took me all around town, going out to clubs and getting with guys. Now she was twenty-one and she decided to take me and her to Los Angeles for her party. And I knew the reason why.

Sarah was one of those girls who wanted to be a roadie. Her life’s goal was to sleep with a rockstar and Los Angeles was the place for that. She had her sights set on one person: Nikki Sixx from Motley Crue. Even I had to admit that he was a great looking guy. But I wasn’t that much into rock as Sarah was. She was a glam-rock chick, always doing her hair up in crazy ways and wearing make-up everywhere, even to bed.

“Dawn, I really want to go. We have to check out all of the bars. I’m craving a drink right about now,” Sarah was yelling from the other side of the door. I slipped on the black stilettos she had left on the floor and walked, very slowly, to the door. Wrenching the door open, I looked at Sarah and raised my eyebrows.

“Wow, you look amazing,” she exclaimed. I did a little turn while I rolled my eyes and waited for her comments.
“Come on. It’s ten o’clock already. I really want to go,” she complained. I walked to the counter and grabbed my black handbag before walking to the door and closing it behind me.
“Where to first?” I asked. She pressed the button on the elevator and placed one thin hand on her hip before answering.

“I was thinking the Whiskey first. Then we can check out the Troubadour and then the Rainbow,” she replied. I nodded and stepped into the elevator. Inside were two other girls, younger than us by a few years. They were done up just like us, the smell of their hair products hung thick in the air. I smiled at them politely and waited for the elevator door to open up at the lobby.

“Did you hear that Motley Crue is playing tonight at the Troubadour?” one girl whispered loudly to her friend. I saw Sarah start to fidget with her bag with excitement. I smiled to myself secretly. Then, finally, the elevator doors slid open and I stepped out into the busy lobby. The two girls followed us outside and all the way up the street until Sarah and I walked into The Whiskey and they were held up out the front when asked for an ID.
“Barkeeper,” Sarah sung out once we had reached the bar. The Whiskey was in full swing, yet. There were only about ten people in there and another three walked in a few minutes later. But it wasn’t at full capacity yet.

“What’ll it be ladies?” the barkeeper asked. I waved him away but Sarah ordered their strongest drink.
“Whoa, slow down there. It’s only the beginning of the night,” I exclaimed after Sarah down the whole glass. She kept her eyes closed and slammed the money onto the counter. Once again, I smiled to myself secretly and then ordered myself a glass of water. I wasn’t going to drink until a little later. Maybe. If I felt like it.

“Come on. This place is so quiet. Let’s go and check out The Troubadour,” Sarah said after about half an hour. I nodded and let her lead me to the double doors leading out of the Whiskey. We took off down the street, me stumbling over the stiletto’s I was wearing. Eventually we did reach the Troubadour. It was full swing in there. The stench of alcohol and pot hung thick in the air. People were on the dance floor. And from what I could tell from the music, Motley Crue was playing. Sarah pushed her way through the crowd, dragging me with her, until we reached the front.

Onstage Motley Crue was playing their latest song, Home Sweet Home. I looked at Vince Neil to Tommy Lee, from Mick Mars to Nikki Sixx. Then I spared a glance at Sarah. She was staring right at Nikki Sixx, her eyes wide. I tapped her shoulder, but nothing worked. The song ended and I seen Sarah smile. Nikki must have caught her staring. I looked up at the stage. Nikki was clambering towards us as fast as he could. He leant over the barrier and whispered something to Sarah. Without one glance at me, she climbed over and let him lead her to the backstage area.

“Ok then. See you,” I called out. They disappeared behind a door. I blinked a few times then checked my watch. It was only just going onto midnight. I decided to head to The Rainbow without Sarah as I wasn’t going to wait around here forever. I walked outside into the pouring rain. With no idea where I was going, I chose to go left and wander around until I seen something familiar.

An hour later, I stumbled into The Rainbow. It was packed but quiet, exactly what I was looking for. I ordered a bottle of Jack and a shot glass and found myself a lonely booth. After my first three shots, I noticed a guy on the other side of the bar, staring at me. I caught his eye and then looked away shyly. I had never been a people person. When I thought it was safe, I looked again. I saw him whisper something to another guy sitting beside him and then he stood up. I looked at my Jack bottle for a few seconds and then I felt his presence near me.

“Do you mind if I join you?” the stranger asked. I pointed at the seat opposite me, not bothering to glance up.
“Axl,” his very deep voice crooned at me. I looked up and got a better look at him. He had long red hair and green eyes. His nose upturned. He had his right hand extended towards me. I stared at it for a few seconds before remembering what it meant.
“Dawn,” I replied, grasping his hand roughly and shaking it once.

“Dawn? That’s a really pretty name,” he stated. I smiled sheepishly and took another shot out of my Jack bottle. Axl cleared his throat loudly and I heard him swallowing his own drink.
“What brings you to the Rainbow tonight Dawn?” he asked.
“Well it is my best friends twenty-first birthday tonight but she’s gone off to get with this guy so I headed here all by myself,” I replied. He blinked a few times and then nodded.
“Interesting. I haven’t seen you before. Are you from around here?” he questioned. I swallowed a mouthful of Jack before answering.

“No. I’m actually from New York. What about you? Are you from here?”
“Uh, no. Originally from Indiana but moved here a few years ago,” was his reply. I nodded and offered him a drink.
“No thanks. I’m set,” he raised his glass at me. I flicked the hair out of my eyes and looked around the pub with curiosity.

“You know, the streets of LA are no place for a fine young thing like yourself. I’ll walk you home when you’re ready to go,” he sung out. I smiled kindly at him.
“Thanks. That’s really sweet of you. And I’m only twenty-one. Not that young,” I replied cheekily. He laughed a very deep laugh. Something about this guy was drawing me to him. I never talked to someone I just met as comfortably as I was. I yawned.
“Actually, I might take you up on that offer to walk me home,” I replied tiredly. He nodded and downed my bottle of Jack for me. I nodded my appreciation.

“Come on then. Where are we headed?” he asked after we staggered out onto the street. I pointed up the street and we walked that way.
“So anyway, how long will you be in Los Angeles for?” he asked. I thought for a moment.
“Probably another two days and then we’ll fly home. I have to go back to work on Wednesday,” I replied.

“You work?” he asked. I nodded and explained my job to him in deep detail. His eyebrows travelled further up his forehead so I stopped talking.
“Well what about you? What do you do for a living?” I challenged.
“I’m trying to make it big in the music business,” he retorted back. I nodded at his decision.
“Wow, that’s cool,” I replied. He smiled shyly and then led me down an alley way.
“Why are we going down here?” I whispered.
“Shortcut,” he mumbled back. I nodded and grabbed his hand nervously. He returned the pressure and led me up the middle of the buildings. At the other end were two guys. We tried to pass them quietly but I accidently kicked a can. Their heads snapped up and the caught sight of me and Axl.

“Hi there. What are two young lady’s such as you doing here in the early morning?” one of them said. I started to squeeze Axl’s hand.
“Lady? I am not a LADY! I am a fully grown man thank you very much,” Axl half-screamed at the two strangers. They both stood up and started to advance on us. I closed my eyes and cringed, waiting for one of them to grab me. But then Axl released my hand and punched one of the men in the stomach, the other in the side of his head. They both doubled back with pain and Axl and I took off at a run. We ran all the way back to my hotel room, where we were greeted by Sarah and Nikki.
“Oh hi, I didn’t know that you would be home so early,” I shot at Sarah, not bothering to look at her. She giggled and muttered something back but I ignored her. Axl nudged my ribs softly.

“Oh uh, Sarah this is Axl. Axl, my crazy best friend Sarah,” I introduced them. Axl nodded at Sarah and then turned to me.
“Well, I uh, better go. Don’t want to keep you up,” he announced. I felt my heart sink a little.
“No wait,” I called and ran to the door just before he closed it.
“What is it?” he asked. I hesitated before answering.
“Why don’t you stay the night?” I suggested. He stared at me for a few seconds before pulling his thin lips into a smirk.
“Why should I spend the night?” he challenged. I bit my lip.
“Well one: those guys could be anywhere. Two: It is pretty late right now. And Three: I don’t want to be alone with those two,” I whispered the last one. He looked thoughtful for a minute before walking back in the room and closing the door behind him.
“Oh, you’re staying?” Sarah sung out from the lounge room. I rolled my eyes and led Axl to my suite.

“This is my little room thing for the next two days,” I said, pointing around the large bedroom. He smiled widely and sat on the bed.
“Comfy,” I heard him mumble.
“Now, there are no spare mattresses so we’ll have to share a bed,” I stated carefully. He shrugged his shoulders and flung himself down onto the huge double bed. I rummaged through my suitcase and looked for something appropriate to wear to bed. Eventually finding a singlet and a pair of boxers, I slipped them on and took all of my make-up off.
“God, that feels so much better,” I sighed when my hair was down and the make-up was gone. I heard Axl softly chuckle from the bed. He was already under the covers, his white cowboy boots, black leather jacket and Mickey Mouse T-shirt hanging off the nightstand. I crept to my side of the bed and crawled under the covers.
“You know, I don’t usually do this,” I whispered when he turned the lamp off. He rolled over to face me.

“Do what?” he asked.
“Get into bed with random guys and be able to talk to someone new so easily,” I mumbled. He ran a warm hand down my jawbone.
“What’s so different about me?” he questioned.
“I don’t know, something about you is just special,” I answered. He smiled and let his shoulders relax. Once again I yawned.
“Well I don’t usually do this,” he murmured. I rearranged my pillow.
“Do what?” I asked. This conversation seemed like Déjà vu.
“Go to bed this early,” he stated. I laughed softly and closed my eyes.
“Goodnight Dawn,” he mumbled. I entwined my hand with his.
“Goodnight Axl,” I whispered back. He squeezed my hand and I left the real world to enter dream world.
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Sarah's Outfit
Dawn's Outfit
That's the first one up. I hope you guys like it! Comments mean more updates sooner :)