Status: Started

I Hate This Boy, but Now I Might Like Him, and More Than a Friend


After school I sat on the curb waiting for Matt to pick me up. Blake walked over
"Hey" he said sitting down next to me "Hey" I said looking up at the sky.
"Wanna hang out today" Blake said looking down at his feet, "sure" I said
looking at him he looked up and smiled "I'm glad we're friends" he said
looking at me in the eyes "Me too" I said getting lost in his eyes I thought
he was about to kiss me when.

honk honk

I looked at the road and there sat my brothers car. I jumped in the front seat,
"Hey bro" I said hugging Matt "Hey" Blake said getting in the car,
"Hey guys" Matt said and started the car
"You guys looked like you were gonna kiss" "We weren't"
Blake and I said together but we said it to quick. "Ya,sure" Matt said smiling
"We're just friends" I said hitting Matt in the arm "I thought you guys were
enemies" Matt said smirking "We were, but we are friends now" "Whateva"
Matt said pulling in the drive. "Wanna come hang at my house" I asked Blake
"Sure" he said getting out of the car,"but I have to bring my little sis cuz my
mom is at work" he said. "Ok" I said getting out of the car. He turned and ran
to his house, me and Matt walked inside I ran up the stairs to put my bag away
I walked in my room and sat my bag down, I started back down stairs when
the doorbell rang I ran to the front door and opened it. "Maddie!!"
Jenny yelled hugging me "Hey Jenny" I said hugging back btw I sometimes
babysit for her. "What do you guys wanna do?" I asked as we all walked
inside. "Can you guys teach me to play Soccer?" Jenny asked
"Sure" Blake and I said at the same time "Yay!" Jenny said jumping up
and down "Let me see if Matt wants to play too" I said heading to the kitchen
I saw his eating leftover pancakes which caused me to burst out laughing
Matt looked at me like I was crazy and realized what I was laughing about and
chuckled, Blake and Jenny walked in the kitchen and saw me laughing
"Um, whats so funny" Blake asked looking down at me
"She's laughing because earlier our dad was making pancakes and one
landed on my head cuz my dad turned to greet her" "And then he sprayed me
with whiped cream" I finished. Jenny started laughing "You guys are funny"
she said smiling "Now can we play soccer?" she asked looking at me
"Oh ya" I turned to Matt "Wanna help teach Jenny to play Soccer" I asked Matt
"Sure" he said helping me up. We walked outside. "Blake can you help me
get the stuff" Matt asked "Sure" Blake said following Matt when they were
gone. "Do you like my brother?"Jenny asked, I looked at her "Why?" I asked
because he never stops talking about you" she said looking up at me
"He does" I blushed "I kinda like him a little bit, but please don't tell him"
"Ok, I promise" she said, Matt and Blake came carrying a goal sitting it down
going back in and coming back out with another going back in with a tub of
soccer balls "Wow!" Jenny said excited "You have all this"
"Ya, Matt doesn't mess around when it comes to Soccer" I said taking her
hand taking her out to the field "You ready to learn?" Matt asked Jenny
she nodded "Ok, lets start" he said grabbing the balls.
2 hours later
We walked in I walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed out 4 ice cold
water bottles I threw Matt one, I handed Jenny one, and I threw one to Blake
but he didn't catch it and it hit his head "Whoops" I said with a giggle
"Ow" Blake said rubbing his head "At least it wasn't a basketball" I said
"Ya,sorry" Blake said looking, "What happened" Matt asked confused
"Blake accidentally hit my head with a basketball" I said before taking a long
drink of water, "He did" Matt asked a little angry
"Don't worry I'm ok, and Jake got mad and punched him" I said
"Oh that's why his eye looks kinda black" Matt said not angry anymore
"Does it hurt more than when Kimmy punched you?" Jenny asked
"Nope" Blake said. "Who's Kimmy" I asked confused
"She's my cousin" Jenny said "She's 12" , I laughed "why'd your cousin
punch you?" I asked, "Because I accidentally broke her mp3 player"
"Wow, I would punch you too" I said smiling "Ya, she would" Matt said
"Cuz last year she did, and it hurt" Matt said smiling
"Why would you be happy" Blake asked, Matt smirked
"Because, if someone breaks her heart she breaks there nose" he said
"Ow, that would hurt" Blake said taking a drink of water
I heard the front door open and close which means dads home, so I ran in the
living room to the front door were my dad was putting his briefcase away
"Hey dad" I said running and giving him a hug, when I let go he looked at me
"Were you playing Soccer?" he asked, "Ya,why?" I asked confused
"Because your all sweaty" he said with a chuckle. "Daddy!" Matt said acting
like a little boy and ran up and hug attacked our dad. Blake and Jenny walked
in and they looked kinda sad because there dad left them. "Hello Blake" my
dad said said giving him a hug because my dad is a person who loves hugs
"Hey" Blake said hugging back, they pulled away and my dad looked at Jenny
"You must be Jenny" my dad said and she nodded her head, "Wait here" he
said leaving the room. Jenny looked up at Blake, "I wish I knew daddy" she
said frowning, "Dad was nothing like Maddie's dad" Blake said hugging Jenny
"Ok, but can you still tell me what he was like" she said looking up at him.
"Ya of course" he said kissing the top of her head. My dad walked back in,
"Jenny" dad said getting down on his nee "Here" he said handing Jenny a
giant stuffed bear and some candy, her face lit up "Thank You Mr. Parker"
Jenny said holding the stuffed bear that was as big as her. "Your very
welcome Jenny" he said standing up "If you ever need a dad i'd be happy to
help" Jenny sat the stuffed animal down, she ran and hugged my dad and he
picked her up. When he sat her down she picked her stuffed bear back up
"Um, we should get going" Blake said grabbing the bear and candy from
Jenny and took her hand in his. "Bye guys" my dad said walking away.
"By bro" Matt said doing that one arm man hug thing "Bye Jenny" he hugged
Jenny "Oh and Jenny, here" Matt said handing Jenny a Soccer ball.
"Thanks Matt" she said hugging Matt "Your welcome Matt said before walking
out. Blake and Jenny started towards the front door and I followed. Jenny
started running home with the Soccer ball "Blake" I said, he turned around
"Ya" he said
"Your a great big brother, and Jenny is lucky to have you"
"Thanks Maddie" he gave me a quick hug then left
I closed the door and headed up stairs to my room, I walked in my room and
went to my dresser I opened the top drawer, I grabbed some clean pjs and
put them on, I pulled my hair out of the ponytail and slipped into my bed
and fell fast asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know that its kinda crappy but its the best I could think of, I will try to make a better one next time.