Status: Active

Our False Reality

Chapter 3

“Why are they being so terrible to me? I don’t understand,” the girl cried in frustration.

“They’re trying to protect you,” the boy replied. “They care about you like I care about you.”

“It’s different. You know me better than anyone. You’ve seen the depths of my soul and still you chose to return. You’ve been through Hell and come out smiling on the other side. They could never be there for me the way you are.”

“This is my lowest point,” she said, sitting on the floor sobbing. “I’ve never been at a lower point than now where it’s a struggle just to keep breathing and I can’t control myself and my own mother has to watch me like a hawk so I don’t overdose.”

“Things can only go up from here now. Only happiness and all the good you deserve wait around the corner,” he held her in his warm embrace.

“I’m so hideous,” she stood in front of the antique full length mirror in only a bra and underwear.

“You’re beautiful,” he told her. “So beautiful that it makes my heart melt every time I see you.”

“These scars…I’ll have them forever,” she points at her thigh, not paying attention to the oldest fading ones on her arm.

“They show you went through a hard time in your life but you were strong enough to survive and overcome it. They show you fought hard to live. They show secrets and the past and thoughts that make you the person you are.”

“And who am I?” she challenged.

“Incredible, smart, talented, gorgeous, and all mine.”

She smiled lightly as he kissed every inch of her body, even the scars. Then he looked into her hazel eyes and grinned like the sun. “Put on the dress I bought you and we’ll go get some ice cream.”
