

Jared. When I first met him, I thought he was just another freak. This slender, pale-skinned boy with the jet-black hair, the mascara underlining his green eyes, the pale face, his skull chain and cone belts and wristbands, his black clothes...

...he passed me by on the street, on a misty fall’s night. I couldn’t sleep, so I decided to go out and sort of get my head clear again. He sort of glanced at me for about one second as we came close, but he didn’t stop or say anything. But his green eyes infected me right from the start. I knew somehow that he was special, in a way that I was absolutely unable to describe and would maybe never be able to understand. I wasn’t sure at all if this kind of special was positive or rather negative. In the beginning, a part of me was even afraid of him... at least I was confused. More than just a little confused. I felt that there was something mysterious and foreign about him, almost like as if he hadn’t been born in this world. But as I didn’t believe in things like that, reincarnation and „all this kind of crap“, like I used to call it then (later I wasn‘t that sure anymore), I tried to get these thoughts out of my head. However, it didn’t work at all.

When I fell asleep that night, I dreamt about that guy; he celebrated some kind of black mess and wanted to kill me as a sacrifice for the devil. I woke up, gasping for air and covered in a cold sweet, wondering why he was still on my mind, and, especially, in my dreams, that used to be pretty pleasant until that day, usually. Anyway, no one had ever tried to kill me (or maybe I’ve just been too dumb to notice it), not even in some stupid dream.

I got up – it was already around noon; thank fuck it was Saturday. As I’m a light eater - and as the rest of my milk was all sour and I hate coffee with diet sugar and forgot to buy „real“ sugar, I ended up eating nothing but a chocolate donut and afterwards had a cup of black coffee. Then I left the house. Whizzing around the corner, in the direction where the grocery story is and still thinking about how dump one must be as to leave 3 packages of milk under the living room table for about 1 week, I bumped into a slender, black-haired boy, with black clothes... and the greenest eyes I’d ever seen. Damn. I’ve always hated corners anyway. But I guess they must hate me even more.

So here you go now, I thought to myself, before I got lost in those eyes and in his voice that said “Oh, pardon me”. Smiling. Mischievously. Just like as if he wasn’t sorry at all, actually. I looked right into his face and could think of nothing else but his beautiful eyes and his voice. I hadn’t even quite understood what he had just said, but I could figure out. Didn’t matter anymore, anyway. Not at all. He had killed me. Definitely. A streak of his black hair covered his left eye, and his green eye was green, extraordinarily green... I started to think that I was about to faint and that I was a fucking wimp and a complete moron, staring in his face, with my mouth probably open, not able to speak and surely with my head turning into a beetroot. So I got the hell out of my crazy daydream of an even crazier romance, in order to speak. I’ve never been much a great speaker, but I figured talking was at least loads better than just looking like a stupid fish, stranded on an island, gasping for air, suffocating (I still felt a bit like suffocating, though, but I tried to ignore it; self-control is everything; who the hell used to say that again? Must have been an idiot; I’ve always disagreed, anyway).

So, after all I finally managed to open my mouth, and what came out wasn’t quite what I’d expected. So much for my knowledge about myself. I said:

“Is this your way to catch dates? Bumping into them?” I nearly put my hand to my mouth when those words were out. That didn’t sound like me at all. I must have looked even more astonished as him afterwards (actually, he didn’t look astonished at all, just self-confident and... so damn charismatic, I could’ve died). He burst into laughter – holy fuck, that killed me - actually for the second time, if you want to know the truth – with this incredible smile on his extraordinary face...

*to be continued*