Sequel: Tours 'N' Babies
Status: Finished!

No Doctors, No Shots...It's Just Love


Briana's POV:

The funeral was sad and hard but the meeting was the worst so much yelling.

"Briana does not get Josh we should we are his grandparents." Christie's Parents yelled.

"NO Briana was closer to JOSH and CHRISTIE then we every were Brian at least Deserves to have a part of her friends. Anyways Christie wanted her to have Josh just honor that for her." Candice yelled.

"NO he's my grandson." Christie's mom said.

"he's mine too but I'm sure Briana will bring him down to visit. Right?"

"Yeah" I replied. The arguing went on and when it finally ended it told Christie's mom."I'm going to be in town for about two more weeks and you can go to my wedding and see him there too."

"thanks but I just wished she chose me and her dad." I nodded then walked out. Josh was waiting at the house with Jared.

"Briana!" Josh yelled when I walked into the house.

"hey Josh."I said to him.

"Cameron." he hugged cameron and waited for me while I talked to Candice.

"he has some things in here and then when y'all go back you can take it with y'all." I nodded then walked out. we took a picture with Josh because Cameron's Parents wanted to see him.

"you have the picture?" I asked.

"yeah." when we got to the house josh kind of knew everyone they had met him the day before.

"Josh!" Kat yelled at him.

"what do you want to do little buddy?" Zach asked.

" Diego." He replied.

"huh?!?" they asked. I knew what he wanted so I put on go diego go for him.

"Oh." Zach said. I grabbed a bottled water and sat down.

"Man I can get used to watching this." Rayray said. We started laughing at Rayray. Once Josh got tired of watching it we went outside and played some games. I wasn't feeling to good that day so when we finished I got Josh ready for bed and the I went to bed.

"Man you're already like a mom." David said.

"shut up I don't feel good." Josh slept on the bed with Cameron and I. the next morning Cameron woke me up.

"Hey your mom keeps trying to call you."I got up and went to the kitchen.

"huh?" I asked.

"your sister-" Once I heard your sister I walked away."hey get back here your sister is pregnant."

"good for her but I don't feel good."

"ugh briana only a week and 3 days till your wedding."

"I know mom." I Grabbed my things for me to shower then I showered. I got a text from my sister telling me she wanted to meet me at a restaurant. I told Cameron what was going on and he said that he'll watch Josh while I talked to my sister. Once I to the restaurant I Sat down at the table with her.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I want to ask If you would be able to get me to meet a Band?" she replied.

"what do you mean?" I asked.

"I want to meet a band and you work for a record company."

"I don't any more." I told her.


"Dad doesn't like Cameron one of the sweetest guys I've dated but he loved all the douche bags I date and now that I'm marrying Cameron he's pissed he fired me and kicked me out of the apartment." I explained to her.

"do you have a job at all?" she asked.

"next semester I start teaching in Poway." I replied.

"oh um."

"why do you hate me so much?" I asked.

"you want to know why?"


"your dad's Favorite and I wanted the job in LA but when dad told you you wanted it and he gave it to you right away. then about the whole wedding thing dad Promised me he would come. he never did because you asked him to do something for you in new york."

"well I'm not his favorite any more at least dad approved of your marriage."

"but you have everything you have dad you have a rock-star fiance everybody loves you."

"I seriously don't have everything if you're jealous of me don't be I was so stressed out the other day I blacked out." I told her before I left. back at the house my mom was setting up for Kayla's Baby shower.

"you got them doing work?" I asked. Looking over at Josh walking down the stairs.

"Briana get Josh of the stairs he might Fall." My step mom told me. Just when I grabbed Josh people started walking in.

"Briana is that Josh?" they asked.

"yeah. um josh go get everyone we have to go some were." Josh ran the the back.

"aw you aren't staying?" they asked.

"I'm coming back."they all went to the back and everyone came in.


"we need to go get ice." everyone jumped in the car and we drove to some gas station .Once we got back Everyone was laughing and eating.