Sequel: Tours 'N' Babies
Status: Finished!

No Doctors, No Shots...It's Just Love

Chapter 16

Cameron's POV:

The next morning My family was flying down.

"hey it's nice to see y'all again." Briana told them when we met them for lunch.

"you too only 1 more week." My sister told her.

"I know. um Cameron told y'all know about josh right?" Briana asked.


"this is him." Briana told them." say hi Josh."

"hi Josh" Josh replied.

"he's funny. but I'm still confused about this whole thing." My sister said.

"his dad died before he was born his dad and mom were my best friends. His mom died of heart cancer a couple days ago." Briana explained.

"Oh sorry about that."

"it's fine."After lunch we took my family to their hotel. Briana needed to get somethings at the store so we went.

"Josh look you want it we can watch it when we go home." Briana told him holding up a go Diego go dvd . Briana was already being a mother to him.

"Uh-huh." Josh replied.

"aw your son is so adorable." The cashier said to us.

"Um." Briana replied.

"Josh come here." I told him. Josh was wondering off towards the toys. He came running back and we left.

"Ana I thirsty." Josh told Briana once we got in the car. She passed him back his prink he got from the place we went to lunch at. Josh can't say all of Briana's name so he says Ana. When we got to the house I pulled the guys aside.

"hey do you think you can watch Josh for a week after the wedding?" I asked.

"Yeah sure man." Michael said.I nodded and walked back over to Briana.

"Yeah we should go some time." Briana said as I walked back.

"ick." Josh said trying to call victoria.

"Huh?" She asked.


"okay." Josh challenged Victoria to a race. and everyone watched then wanted to challenge Josh.

" Man He can run." Kat said watching Michael and Josh race. once they stopped racing we ate dinner then slept.

"Cameron your phones going off." Briana told he in the middle of the night.

"No it's your phone." I told her . she answered it.

"No Just try to make things right with her." Briana said before she hung up. The next morning Jared came and talked to Penny. when they finished Penny came back in and ate with us.

"what happened?" Briana asked.

"we are okay now. I'm going to give him one more chance." Penny replied.

"yay okay." Briana replied. When we finished we cleaned up the mess of Josh's toys and went to Give out invites to the wedding.

"so were are we going again?" Kat asked.

"I have to give some people innovations. some people already got theirs but my old co-workers didn't so yeah." Briana replied.

"why did we have to help?" Victoria asked.

"because I need help carrying them and the Band director wanted to talk to all of us." Briana replied. we handed out the invites then went to the band hall.

"hey guys."

"here you go " Briana told him handing him and invite.

"oh thanks um I need help with the dinner fundraiser and I wanted your help."He told us.

"what do you need us you help you with?" Briana asked.

"um getting things set up on stage. wait who is he?" he asked pointing to Josh.

"sorry um remember Josh?" I asked.

"yeah. the one that died?"

"yeah. that's his son before he died his girlfriend got pregnant and know the girlfriend is dead she left in her will for Cameron and I to be his Guardians."

"oh wait wasn't josh with Christie?"


"she died?" He asked.


"oh um the dinner is tonight though is that fine?" he asked

"yeah."we left and went the arcade for a while. Everyone played the games until we had to go back to the school. The band Director asked us to set up the chairs in the auditorium. Josh got hungry so Briana bought him a dinner plate.

"Ms. Briana what are you doing here?" One of the students asked.

"Um the Band director asked me to help out." Briana replied.

"oh well I got to go." the student walked away and Briana went and sat next to me.

"1 more week." she told me.

"yup. I got us tickets to go to Paris." I told her.

"but we can't Josh." she told me.

"the guys said they'll watch him and its only a week." I told her.

"okay I guess. Josh you done?"

"yeah"Josh replied.I throe away the plate and we headed to the auditorium to finish setting up. everyone was sitting down waiting for the band to go on. Josh's Grandmother from Christie went to the dinner and performance.

"hey what are y'all doing here?" she asked.

"I had to help and some of my students are performing." Briana told her. Christie's mom nodded and went to sit down. after the performance we took everything back to the band hall and left.

"I'll see y'all next week. bye" The band director said. we nodded and left.

"hey what are you doing here?" a voice from behind us said. it sounded vary familiar. We kept walking then the voice soon caught up with us."are you going to give me an answer or not."

"not" Alexis answered for her. we went to the house and I slept.