Sequel: Tours 'N' Babies
Status: Finished!

No Doctors, No Shots...It's Just Love

The Move

Briana's POV:

The next Morning I told my friends what was going out with Cameron and I. They were freaking out.

"WHAT! Omg Briana's dating a Cameron!" Alexis yelled.

"Alexis calm down I won't see him for a month though." I said to her. she calmed down and finished eating after we ate we went shopping and none of my friends would shut up. the whole time kat said " you get to see his green eyes all the time now!" I should've never told them! I thought to my self.

The night I flew to Dallas my dad told me I would be able to work for him as his secretary. I was so excited and I would be closer to Cameron and the guys. When I got back to San Antonio 2 weeks later I had to start packing my dad wanted me there by the next week. My mom and brother weren't to excited my dad has done some bad stuff to us in the past he left my mom and didn't talk to us for a while but I really needed the job and I was going to take it no matter what.

"why are you going? your father is a jerk!"My mom asked me.

"Mom this is good for me please I really need this!" I told her.

"fine no digas que no te lo advertí!" she yelled at me in spanish

"mamá que necesito este trabajo i no puede dejar que se escape!!!" I yelled back. she rolled her eyes and walked away. within two day my stuff was packed and already sent to LA . I flew over there and right away I was sent to the recording studio were my dad introduced me to everyone and his new band he was working on.

"Guys this is my daughter Briana she is my secretary and you will need to listen to her also!" my dad told them. they nodded and looked behind me confused

"Um who are they?" they asked pointing behind me. I turned and saw the guys.

"What are y'all doing here?" I asked.

"We have are last shows here in LA and I thought I'd come visit you!" Cameron told me.

"How did you know were I would be?" I asked them.

"I saw you walk in here we were walking around looking for a record lable you might work for then I saw you walk in here!" Cameron told me.I rolled my eyes

"Nah I asked David he told me this is were you were working!" He said to me.

"Okay hey guys!" I said waving at Nathan,Michael,Zach,and Dillon. They waved back and look at how confused everyone else was.

"Who are they?" My dad asked.

"oh Um Cameron,Michael,Dillon,Nathan,and Zach from Allstar Weekend!" I told my dad.

"Yeah I've heard of them!" My dad said shaking their hands."well Briana you Don't officially start your job for a week so you are free to go cada vez que I llame por favor conteste!"

"Okay dad I will." I told him. The guys looked at me in amazement. We walked out of the building and then Michael asked me "you speak spanish?"

"yeah!" I told him.

"wow Cameron did good!" Michael said still amazed.

"SHUT UP MICHAEL!" Cameron Yelled. I laughed then hugged Cameron. We got to the venue they were playing at and went inside the bus.

"Did you tell your friends because they looked pretty confused in dallas?" Cameron asked me,

"Yeah I just told them that we met in san antonio and then they were there when you asked me out" I told him.

"oh Yeah I forgot they were there!" he told me while he was laughing. my phone started to ring and I answered it.

"hello." I said into the phone.

"Briana ¿dónde he estado buscando por toda la casa para usted?" my Grandmother said to me.I laughed then said

"La abuela me mudé a California." I told her.

"por qué?" she asked me. I saw Cameron look more confused then ever.

"para un trabajo y mi novio!" I said to her while laughing at Cameron.

"Trabajo con quién?" she asked me.

"Mi papá!" I said to her. she got so mad she hung up.

"Cameron you look confused?" I said to him.

"I hate not knowing what people are saying." He told me.

"oh well my grandma thought i was still in texas so I told her I'm in California she asked why and I told her because of a job and you." I told him.

"well we have to go on stage you two love birds coming or what?" Nathan asked. we got up and walked to the stage. the started to play some songs I waited in the back then I heard Zach say "To our new friend this is for you!" then come down with love started

Don't need a shot, don't need a doctor
They can't make me okay, it's up to you
Give me an answer because I'm trying just to see you
Only wanna feel you, dying just to hear you say

I've come down with love, got bit by the bug
I'm sick and I feel confused, I know it's true
I've come down with love, got bit by the bug
I'm sick and I feel confused, I know it's true

I've come down with love, I can't get enough
I'm sick and I feel confused, I know it's true
I've come down with love, got bit by the bug
I won't break this fever, I need her, I'm bit by the bug

I've come down with love
I've come down with love
I've come down with love
I've come down with love

I looked a Cameron who had turned then winked, I laughed. The guys played some more songs then finished. Cameron Ran off stage and hugged me we went to the bus for them to change and I waited. They finished changing and we went back in for meet and greet. before they walked in Cameron kissed me.

"Ew lip gloss!" Cameron said after he kissed me. I laughed then wiped my lip gloss off Cameron's lips before he walked in. During the meet and greet I stood to the side and watched the guys. The last girl came up and MIchael was flirting with her like crazy it made me laugh. They finished and we walked to the bus.

"I'll see you tomorow." Cameron told me.I nodded kissed him then walked to my car.

Cameron's POV:

The next morning I woke up and went straight to Briana's apartment.

"Hey come in!" Briana let me in. we talked for a while untill she heard a knock on the door.She went to awnser it to find her friend Jorge at the door.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him.

"We just came for a visit." He told her.

"We?" Briana asked him. Kat and Victoria came to the door.Briana let them in and Kat got shock when she saw me.

"Hi" I waved to them. Briana was still in shock that they just happened to be in la.

"why are y'all in LA?" she asked.

"My parents came to visit so friends and they wanted to join and my mom let them" Kat told Her.

"Why is Cameron here?"Victoria said unhappy.

"Well I better go." I told Briana as I got up.

"let me talk to you outside for a bit." Briana told me as we walked out.

"why are you leaving?" she asked me

"Your friends seemed kind upset that I'm here."

"I'm sorry about that."

"Nah it's fine anyway you should spend time with them. they are only here for a couple days right?"

"Yeah text me later." Briana walked in her apartment and I walked to the car.I got to were the guys were.

"why are you here I thought you were hanging out with Briana?" Dillon asked.

"Well her friends came to visit and they don't like me."I told Him.

"that sucks." Dillon told me as we walked to a resturant.

"why don't you like him?" I heard in the backround

"I don't think it'll work between y'all." another voice from behind me.

"do y'all feel that way to?"I reconized the voice

"No because knowing you it would have never gone this far if didn't think it was going to work!" .

"Dude she's behind you."Dillon wispered

"I know lets just walk out quietly so she won't notice." I told dillon. we walked out and we got to the sidewalk when I heard the voices again.

"look do whatever you want I promise I won't say stuff like that in front of him i'll just think it."

"LOOK! whenever you liked a guy and i didn't really think it was going to work I didn't make rude remarks like you did and I'm just not in the mood.I love him can't I have that logan was one of the worst thing that could have happened to me can't I just have one good thing." I turned and saw Briana start walking across the street when a car started driving by real fast. I ran and pulled her out of the way. Briana ended up on the ground some how. I heard wispers behind me then I saw Dillon runing over to us.

"Are you okay?" I asked Briana.

" yeah are you?" she asked

"Yeah you were the one who was in the street." I told her.

"Cameron what the Hell?" Dillon yelled "oh never mind It's Briana."Briana's friends came runing over once they noticed what happened.

"Briana are you okay?" Kat asked.Briana nodded as I helped her up.

"how did you know I was behind you?" Briana asked.

"I'd reconize your voice anywere."I told her. she blushed and hugged me.

"we better get back Briana are you coming tonight?" Dillon asked.

"I don't think so." Briana said with a sad look in her eyes.

"okay well you and your friends are more then welcome to come." Dillon told her. Briana's friends started walking off and Briana asked me."did you hear my conversation with them?"

"Not if you didn't want me to." Briana nodded and started to walk away "Briana!" she turned "I love you too." I mouthed to her. she blushed then walked off with her friends.
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I was listening to come down with love when i was writing this and thats were I got the tittle from yess i'm a dork and sorry it's kinda boring my mind wasn't working right today and well yes. please subcribe!