Glory Never Fades

Sic Transit Gloria

Aubree sat on the roof of the garage of her parents house watching as the construction workers built the new addition to the house. Her parents were away in Italy for a month and now was the only time that would work for the new addition to be built, and her parents had asked her to stay at the house while the construction would be going on, and to maintain the cleanliness of the house. She sat on the roof of the garage everyday watching the men as they worked. There was one in particular who caught her attention, and fascinated her, shaking her to her core, filling her up with desire and lust. He was tall, muscular and covered in tattoos. He donned snakebites, a septum and gauges. He was her ideal man.
And she didn’t even know his name. But what she did know was that he reminded her of her high school sweetheart. And while most people would be turned off by that, she didn’t see anything wrong with it. Zacky and her were good together, but she had gone away to college, all the way to NYU; causing the end of Aubree and Zacky.
But that didn’t stop Aubree from finding any reason to go downstairs and check on how things were going. In fact, she went any chance she got.
Like right now. The shifts were beginning to end and they slowly started leaving, until it was just the one she had her eye on. He was working hard sawing at a 2x4 and she knew she had to go down and see him. She stood up from the flat roof top grabbing her now empty beer and climbed back into the window of her old bedroom. She sat the bottle down on the nightstand and walked out the room door down the stairs into the kitchen grabbing a glass and pouring lemonade into it to bring out to her tanned lustful desire.
Aubree lightly stepped outside, sliding the door closed behind her and walked over to the man who she could only think dirty thoughts about.
“First to arrive, last to leave” Aubree said trying to break the ice.
He looked up from his project and smiled upon seeing Aubree’s sun kissed glowing toned body, and let a smirk slip to his lips.
“That’s what happens when you’re the foreman” He said with a laugh.
“Figured I’d bring you something to drink since it looks like you haven’t taken a break all day”
“You would know since I see you’ve been sitting on the roof all day” He said with a smirk again taking the drink. “But thank you, I appreciate it. And you’re right, I haven’t had a break today” He chuckled swallowing down the lemonade in one shot.
“You know, I don’t think we’ve properly met. I’m Aubree” she said sticking out her right hand.
“I’m Zack.” He said with a smile putting the glass down taking her hand. “But, we have met before.”
“Where’s that?” Aubree asked with a confused look on her face.
“We went to high school together Bree” he laughed taking off his hard hat and sunglasses.
“Oh. My. God. Zacky?!” She squealed, jumping up and hugging him.
“I was wondering when you were going to realize it was me”
“I feel like such an asshole, you haven’t even changed!” She laughed. “How have you been? What happened to the band?”
“After Jimmy died we just felt like we couldn’t continue. We didn’t want to find someone to replace him. We know he’s probably not happy with us, maybe one day we’ll get back together. Who knows, but for now we’re done and we’re all doing our own thing.”
Zack bringing up Jimmy’s death hit her in a way she didn’t think possible. Jimmy and Aubree had been the best of friends, his death had completely torn her apart. The guys tried to reach out to her, but she just pushed them all away.
“I’m sorry Bree, I shouldn’t of mentioned it” Zack said when he noticed there were tears in her eyes
“Don’t worry about it Zack” she smiled. “You wanna come inside? It’s kinda hot out here” She laughed.
“I’m covered in dust and dirt”
“That’s fine” she smirked, “I like my men dirty” She whispered in his ear seductively grabbing the glass out of his hand and walked into the house. He walked in right after her, wrapping his arms around her waist as she stood as the sink.
“You know, you haven’t changed a bit Bree” he growled into her ear as he proceeded to slowly bite at her neck, still remembering her sweet spot.
“Zack…” She moaned turning around to face him.
“mhm?” he asked not pulling away
“upstairs” she breathed heavily as he still continued to suck on her neck.
He pulled his razor sharp teeth away from her neck as he put one arm under her back and the other under the bend of her knee and carried her up to her old bedroom. It still looked exactly the same as from when they were in high school, which meant everything would still be in the same place. It even had the same music playing, “Sic Transit Gloria…Glory Never Fades” by Brand New pumped through her speaker system, their song all throughout their relationship.
As Zack slowly took her shirt off, he quietly sang along to the lyrics pumping through the speakers, causing a smile to form across her face listening to Zack’s voice.
“You’re rougher than I remember” Aubree smirked.
“It’s been a few years Bree, things change” he said crashing his lips into hers as he lightly trailed his fingers down her body, followed by him trailing kisses down her body until he got to her shorts which were quickly removed and thrown on the ground. Zack smirked when he saw she was wearing black and green lace panties, his favorite two colors.
“Are you sure you didn’t know who I was?” He asked as he pulled them off with his teeth.
“Some things just don’t change Zack”
“So you mean, if I go in this drawer, I’ll find a pair of handcuffs?” he asked as he opened drawer, pulling out a pair of black handcuffs.
“I’m not sure if I like where this is going. This never ended well with you”
“You know it did. And you know you liked it, and still do. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have these” he said as he place one on each wrist, looping it through the metal bars on the bed frame.
“Don’t tease me Baker”
“What are you gonna do if I do Jones? You can’t go anywhere” he smirked as he kissed the length of her stomach again, and slid his tongue into her slit, moving faster than she could have ever imagined.
“Zack, please.” She breathed heavily through her moans, “Don’t tease me. Just fuck me already”
“Still demanding I see” he laughed. “You haven’t changed a damn bit Aubree”
“You love it and you know it” she said watching as he stripped down to nothing.
Zack crawled back onto the bed and started sucking at the spot on her neck right below her ear, causing a deep moan to escape her lips. She could feel Zack smirk as he continued what he was doing, reached up a hand and gently pulled on her hair, allowing an even louder moan to escape her mouth.
“You like that baby? I know you do” he whispered seductively in her ear as he slowly slid his member inside of her causing a gasp to escape her. “you got tighter” he smirked, “Guess no one could match up to my size?” he asked in a cocky voice.
Aubree replied with an audible moan of pleasure, enjoying every intense burst of pleasure and pain that shot through her body. He was right, she was tighter, her last boyfriend was way smaller than Zack, and there was no way anyone could match up to him. She could feel that she was reaching her climax, and realized Zack was too, his thrusts becoming sloppy, both of them hitting their climax’s at the same time, riding out their orgasms together.
Zack pulled out and laid next to Aubree as she snuggled up next to him, tracing the outline of his tattoos.
“You’re even better than I remember Zack.”
“Glory never fades Bree” he said with a smile as he kissed the top of her head.
A silence fell between them, but it was comfortable.
“I miss you Bree, come back into my life?” He asked as he played with her hair.
“Absolutely. I miss you too Zack” she mumbled as “The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows” started to play. Zack quietly sang along to the lyrics, having memories flood back to him of when he and Aubree were together. He wondered if what he had just done was a mistake, but then remembered that everything happened for a reason. He waited for Aubree to fall asleep before he slowly slid out of her bed to go finish what he had started.