Status: finished:)

Keep It Secret, Keeps Us Safe

Onze Part Dois

Jack stuffs his hands deeper into his hoodie pocket as he rounds the last corner to the park. He's ten minutes late but he knows Alex is already there. He'd been scared to show up but he'd said yes, he couldn't avoid it. 
His chocolate brown eyes look up immediately finding the elder in a black hoodie with the hood pulled up. Alex was swinging slowly back and forth. Jack feels a tug at his heart realizing it was his fault Alex feels this way. 
"Hey," he whispers once he knows Alex will hear him. 
Alex looks up, brown eyes full of sorrow. There's nothing he says that hurts Jack, it's what he does. He brings his black Converses to the sand and stops swinging. Alex doesn't smile, he doesn't tense up, he just keeps his sad-looking straight line upon his face and stares straight at Jack. It's almost like he was looking right past Jack. 
"I'm sorry, Alex!" Jack exclaims as a tear slips down his face. 
"Jack, just tell me what you're keeping from me." Alex sighs lightly not wanting the lanky boy to start crying. 
"Remember my date?" Alex bites his bottom lip. He regrets asking. He had known whatever Jack had to tell him was to do with that, but he hadn't wanted that to he the truth. Alex nods slowly, making eye contact just when Jack decides to look away. "Well, I told her I was dating someone I wasn't supposed to and I really wasn't on the market. She said she wanted to help me with whatever at the end of the date and I told her that'd be great. Now, according to her family and my family, we're dating."
Jack hears something he hadn't wanted to hear: A heartbroken sigh. It came from Alex's lips straight to Jack's heart. He knew from the start he'd be breaking Alex's heart but he was wrapped up in his web of lies, but he wasn't the spider, he was fly who got trapped. 
"Alex, I'll fix this. I will."
Alex looked into Jack's eyes and forced a smile upon his lips. "Don't worry about it, bro, you're just looking out for us." 
Jack notices the emphasis on "us" and can't help but wince. Alex is being harsh in the most painfully subtle way. He's lashing out in a calm way when he's obviously going crazy in the pretty little head he had. 
"Alex, please."
"Please what? Do you realize your parents are going to think you're out with that skank daily when you're out with me? How are you going to eventually tell them about us, Jack?! Have you even thought about me? I hate to be selfish here, but I have fucking feelings! I'm going through this too, Jack!" Alex yells at him before taking a deep calming breath. He doesn't want to get in a fight. He isn't interested in fighting. 
"Alex, we aren't going through the same thing. Your parents accept you, they welcome you with open arms. My parents are hesitant when they let me into the house, making sure I don't smell like your cologne, but a hint of perfume. They want me bound with the ropes of proper society when I'm obviously breaking the rules of society. I wanna break those rules with you, I want you by my side, but it's so fucking hard." Jack takes Alex's hands into his own. "I love you, baby, I do. But right now, I have to figure this out. If it means a fake girlfriend, then get hype because I've added another figure to our mess. Now c'mon, I'll walk you home."
Alex blinks a few times before finding his head. He doesn't want Jack to walk him home. He wants to stay here with Jack. He wants Jack to sleepover at his house like in the good old days. He wants Jack to be the first thing he sees when his brown eyes open. 
"A walk home won't do it." Alex snaps. 
Jack is taken aback. "What?"
"I want more then a walk home! I wanna see you when I awake in the morning. I wanna cuddle into you as I fall asleep. I want you there throughout the night. I want to know you aren't off in your own bed forgetting about me. I want -"
Alex was cut off by a booming voice. It was the sound of all things bad for Alex and the cause of all Jack's pain. The owner of that voice was the devil in disguise, a prisoner from Hell. "You lied!"
Jack turns around slowly to see his father speed walking towards Aled and him. He isn't sure what to do. This situation never presented itself in his head. "Go Alex, I'll figure it out. He's my problem." Jack whispers to his lover. 
Alex looks at Jack with wide brown eyes that looked as innocent as the day he was born. The dirty blond nods before taking off to his home. He hates to leave Jack like that but he knows everything will get worse if he stays. He doesn't need to get Jack in anymore trouble. 
"Why the hell were you with that fag?!" 
Jack flinches at the word. He hates any insults at Alex but tonight he can't do shit about them. He's got to roll with it if he's ever going to date him again. 
"Don't just stand there, boy, answer me!"
When no words come from Jack's mouth, he takes his son's skinny wrist and drags him towards the Mazda. He opens the door and throws his son in before getting himself in the driver's seat. "Now tell me what possessed you to go hang out with that reject of society!"
"N-n-nothing. I just, I just," Jack swallows, suddenly scared of his father. "We j-j-just kind of saw each other and he st-started talking to me."
"Don't lie to me, boy! That better be the fucking truth!" He yells parking in the driveway. 
"It is, I sw-swear!" Jack whimpers as he fights back tears. 
"Get in the house, now!" 
Jack scampers from the car straight into the house. He isn't sure where his father wants him though. He wants to go to his bedroom and lock the door but he isn't sure his father will appreciate that. 
"Get over, Jack!" Jack comes over to the living room to see his father with a beer on the table in front of him. "If I catch you with that fag again, you'll be sorry." He says simply before pulling back his fist and getting Jack right in the eye. 
Jack looses his balance temporarily but before he realizes what's just happened, his father is nailing him in the gut making Jack fall over from the impact and shock. His father kicks him a few times in the teeth and stomach before stepping on his legs. He wants to make sure Jack's full of bruises that will last. They're a guarantee he'll remember not to go near Alex. Most importantly, they're a guarantee he won't become a fag. 
"It'll be much worse next time I catch you two together." Jack's father snarls. "Now tell me he means nothing to you. Tell me you never want to set eyes on him. Tell me he's a low life fag that will never accomplish shit." Jack's cries aloud, the words stinging him along with his bruises. It only makes his father smile in a sick way Jack could have never imagined. "Say it!" Jack feels a kick to the back of his legs. 
"Alex means nothing to me!" 
Tears begin falling from Jack's eyes. 
"I never wanna see Alex again!"
Tears fall faster only making Jack's dad grin with a twisted pleasure his son could only hope he'll never understand. 
"Alex is a low life fag that won't accomplish shit!" 
Jack's sobbing now with a proud father standing above.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sad:(
This chapter makes me sad:( I'm actually quite fond of Jack. Sometimes I'm fond of Alex, depends on his attitude and the situation.
But enough about Jack and Alex.

All I ask is a comment on this chapter. I'm not gonna say it'll take an update for a comment but comment, it's been like 2 or 3 chapters since my last comment.
So comment. Don't be silencio (I spelled that wrong but whatever I parler francais).