Status: finished:)

Keep It Secret, Keeps Us Safe


Monday, April 6, 2011

"Bro, thanks for hooking me up on Sunday." Andrew slaps him on the back as he passes by Alex.
Alex winces at the harsh contact. He shouldn't have come to school today, but his parents wouldn't have let them skip without an explanation. Alex sighs to himself as he makes his way to his third lesson.
A patch of fading blond hair comes into his peripherals. He can't help but let a small smile pass on his lips. He takes a hold of Jack's arm, turning him around so they fall into step.
"Everything hurts." Alex sighs.
Jack nods in agreements. "My lip still hurts."
Alex turns his head so his chocolate eyes are focused on Jack's face. The beautiful face that was once flawless is now blemished with a split lip and a black eye. He'd gotten it much worse then Alex.
"Jesus Jack, I don't think we can risk much more." Alex whispers. Jack looks upon Alex with tears already in his eyes. "No no no! I meant we need to do something, we need to get him in trouble. He's bound to strike again considering us."
The tears subside and Jack gives Alex a look that Alex has come to know lately. He rolls his chocolate eyes before pushing away some hair. "Alex, just leave it." Jack says sternly.
Alex shakes his head. "I'll figure out the plan and then tell you. We're gonna be free, Jacky, you'll see!"
"Al-" Jack stops himself. Alex is already off to his third lesson. He doesn't want to hear Jack's rebuttal.
As much as Alex hates to do things involving Jack without Jack's approval, he just has to help him. Even if Jack wants to leave it alone, Alex can't. His father needs to be taught a lesson. He can't go around hurting to boys just because they're in love.
Alex won't allow it, he can't allow.
Jack's life is on the line whether or not Jack even knows it. Alex is doing this for Jack and a little bit for his own selfishness. He wants to have Jack around, he wants to be the hero in Jack's life.
The hero Jack doesn't want. Jack pushes away his brown and blond hair whilst staring at his third period teacher. He doesn't care to hear what's to be said so he pulls out his phone and texts Kelly.
Since their date he'd given her all the information on what was going down. They'd yet to go on another "date", but Jack needs a cover tonight.

To: Kelly
Fake date tonight?

Jack watches his phone for a reply. He knew the blonde texted in class, it was something she admitted to him over the phone.

From: Kelly
Sure why not?! I'll tell my daddy. See ya tonight;)

To: Kelly
Thanks baby, it's appreciated.

He tucks away his phone and sits there. He has no need to pretend to be working on anything, the teacher knows he doesn't give a fuck.
Instead of contemplating whatever it was his teacher taught, his mind drifts to Alex. He knows that caramel haired boy all to well. Whatever plan came into Alex's mind would be either complex or ridiculous, it'd be a miracle if he came up with something logical.
The plan that was cooked up wouldn't be logical as far as Jack was concerned. Alex would have to analyze the situation and figure out similarities between all the beatings. Jack seriously doubted Alex would sit in his class and write all that out. Alex Gaskarth was a man of logic, but when it came to being the hero he acted purely on impulse.
Jack doodles on his notebook paper as he tries to analyze the beatings. His heart isn't in it though, not that he's surprised. Why would he want to look back on his own father beating him up?
Things were so much easier when Jack wasn't trying to seem like he wasn't gay. Before they'd told their parents and they didn't think they had anything to hide was the best time the two had together. Friday afternoon ruined it all. Jack's father hit like a beehive and Alex ended up setting fire to the relationship.
"Jack?" His chocolate eyes look up at the teacher, surprise etched into his face. He wasn't usually called on in his classes. "What did you get for number five?"
Jack stops himself from rolling his eyes and bites back a snarky comment. "D."
A few giggles and chuckles are heard from various places in the room. The teacher sends the students a sharp look before turning her attention back to Jack. "That'd be correct if this was multiple choice."
Jack sighs again. He messes with his brown and blond hair before giving a new answer. "3=D."
This time around there is laughing heard from everyone in the class. A stern look doesn't do it for the teacher this time so she just sighs. "This isn't math."
"Africa!" Jack exclaims getting annoyed.
What kind of teacher calls on a student who isn't paying attention? Seriously, what kind of bullshit was this?
The teacher sighs and looks around the room for a new victim. Jack is a lost cause. He doesn't pay attention and, in all honesty, he just doesn't give a shit. He's confident he'll find a job. If he doesn't, he'll sit on his ass and say screw it all repeatedly.
Jack goes back into his thoughts. Whatever class he's in doesn't really matter. What does mater is that Alex wants to take down his father. Again, he uses all his brain capacity for figure out the similarities between the beatings. All he can remember is the empty house and beer.
Alex couldn't do much but take away all the beer. What was left? A fucking house? Jack is confident in saying his mother will be pretty pissed off if Alex comes in and destroys their house just so his father doesn't beat him.
Jack would kill to find out what Alex is thinking this moment. He can't think of shit. The only two similarities do nothing for them as far as he can figure out. Jack sighs.
What was he missing?
The bell pierced the air and Jack gathered up his belongings, eager to leave the classroom. Not that he had much. He had one notebook for all seven of classes. Somedays he didn't even bother bringing a backpack to look the part.
"Mr. Barakat, a word please." The teacher calls over the noise of the students leaving.
Jack groans silently stepping over to the desk. "Yes?"
"You're going to need to start paying better attention if you want to be a senior next year." She tells him.
"I have a C, thank you. Last time I checked that was means for passing a class. Besides my mother will override any decision you make." Jack replies not even trying to hide his roll of the eyes.
" realize you don't care, but Jack, what about your future?"
"As long as Alex is by my side, I'm not worried." Jack says simply before turning to exit the classroom.
He still isn't quite sure which teacher that was and what class it is. All he's positive about is it wasn't French and it wasn't English. In French he wouldn't have known what she said and Alex was in his English class.
Jack makes it into the hallway before spotting beautiful caramel locks he'd grown fond of walking beside a petite girl with long brown hair. A smile hits his face as the two wave over at the lanky boy. Alex kisses his lips quickly and lightly while Hadley just opts for a soft uttered greeting.
"You've got a keeper, Jacky. And guys, thank you so much for introducing me to Andrew. He's absolutely amazing!" Hadley grins excitedly pulling Jack in for a thank-you hug.
Jack chuckles as he squeezes the tiny girl. "It's no problem. You should be thanking Alex, he thought of it." Jack release the brunette who immediately envelopes Alex in her skinny arms. "Hadley, I said thank him. You're such a hug whore." Jack teases.
"Sorry, he's just so freaking adorable." Hadley pinches his cheeks lightly, giggling as Alex blushes and Jack laughs. "I should get to class, thanks again guys." She scurries off in her heels to locate her classroom leaving the couple together.
"I have my plan formed."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this took so long and it ended up so short. Anyways, thanks to all the new subscribers.

Do you guys want me to put up the chapter of what happened over the weekend? Like when Jack and Alex got beat by his father or no? I have part of it written up, but I was having trouble which is why I skipped over it. I wanted to leave some kinda mystery, ya dig?

So hey, more comments, pweease! This time around comment if you want what happened over the weekend. If there are enough comments for it, I'll finish it and put it up.
So yeah. Comment. It'd be much appreciated.