Status: done

Young Money

Have to say goodbye and hello to the future

I hung up and booked the tickets back home and grabbed my bag while Zak got his. We told Marshall what happened and he grabbed his bag also an we all left.

~ Zarah~
I was laying in the hospital bed again trying to get air into my lungs but it hurt so much. Gudda was sitting next to me telling me they would be here soon they were to far away from us.
“T-t-take c-c-care o-of h-h-him.”
“Sh save your breath.”
I smiled and closed my eyes. Thinking maybe I could sleep for a few minutes before the boys got here.
“Zarah you have to keep your eyes open babygirl.”
“B-but I’m s-s-so tired.”
“I know I just wanna look at your eyes. They look just like mom’s.”
“You always say that.”
He kissed my head and laid his next to mine. The door swung open and they all ran I smiled and held my hand out to Zak.
“Momma you have to make it.”
“I’m sorry baby.”
“Zarah you have to make it so I and you can have a baby together an raise all the kids together.”
I watched as my mom and Wayne talked quietly. I couldn’t believe the sperm donor that was suppose to be my “father” would come back and kill my mother. I started crying at the thought of losing her.
“Zak wanna come talk to her?”
I nodded and walked over to her bed and took her hand in mine. She looked over to me and smiled.
“Zak, I want you to stay with Wayne.”
I nodded and started to cry even more. We both knew that she was going to pass away and I hurt me to think like that.
“I will momma.”
I kissed her head one last time and looked at Wayne as he did the same thing and held her other hand. She smiled at me and her eyes started to close and the heart monitor started to flat line.
~~one year later~~
I was sitting at home playing with the kids and watching Nicki do the girl’s hair and nails. I smiled and heard the door open and close. I turned my head and saw Zak walking in with some girl.
“Hey Dad.”
“Ey. Who’s this?”
“OMG! You didn’t tell me you’re father was Lil’ Wayne.”
“Dad this is Violet West.”
“Hello Miss. Violet.”
I smiled at them and turned back to the kids and listen to Zak take this girl into the kitchen. The boy was just like his mother and never rushed into anything. I missed her every day.