I Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore

Okay, so I searched this site high and low for an ianthony fanfic, and I couldn't fine ONE! D:


So anyway, I decided to write one ^_^ its mostly fluffy cute romantic stuff with sort of a plotline thing o.O I wrote it at two in the morning, but i can actually understand what i wrote, as opposed to most stuff i write at two in the morning which is impossible to decipher XD

So anyway, for those of you who aren't familiar with ianthony, its Ian Hecox and Anthony Padilla from Smosh, which is like the greatest thing in the world. Don't let anyone tell you differently -_-...teehee :D

Song credit goes to REO Speedwagon, but I was listening to the Glee version when I picked the title, so shoutout to Glee too ^_^

Disclaimer: Sadly, I don't own Ian, Anthony, or any other component of Smosh, including Teleporting Fat Guy, Charlie the Drunk Guinea Pig, That Damn Neighbor, etc. <----sadly teleporting fat guy, charlie the drunk guinea pig, and that damn neighbor are NOT in the story :'(

Rated PG-13 for some mild language, which is rare for me, so drink it up XD

Hope you enjoy! Rate, comment, do watever you mibbites do! Thanks for reading ^_^

Peace, love, and cupcakes <3
