By Your Side

Hello, Hello, is it me your looking for?


By Your Side

Chapter One

Kelli Mason walked into the crowed room, people were everywhere waiting to welcome back two very special people, one of witch was her very best friend in the whole world; Joseph Adam Jonas. The other was his brother Nick Jonas, Kelli was friends with Nick too, but no one would be closer then Joe and Kelli..

Kelli found Mrs. Jonas sitting at a table, looking slightly peeved that they were late, but this was Joe after all, he was fashionably late to everything, maybe even his own birth.

“Hey, Denise” Kelli smiled, taking a seat next to her.

“Hello, sweetie” Denise sighed, she has always loved Kelli like her own child, they've sure known each enough long.

“Have you heard from either of them?” Kelli then asked, her mind wondering back to wondering where Joe and Nick are.

“I got a text from Nick ten minutes ago, he said they were on their way and traffic was bad.”

“I see.”

Twenty minutes latter everyone was standing in front of the glass doors waiting for them to walk in, with a rush of hellos and quick hugs Kelli watched Nick and Joe push their way inside. Both men had been away for some time, Nick on another run as Marius and Joe touring with his new Album. It had been awhile since their friends and family have seen them. Awhile went by, where Kelli couldn't seem to get herself to Joe, she would try to get around the crowds of people to get to him, but the friends became like a wall between them. Soon she gave up, feeling alone and friendless she slumped away from the group of people and out the back door to sit on the back porch.

She often wondered a long time ago, before Joe became the world known heartthrob, she thought that maybe he would run off being famous and forget all about her, but he never has, they have been best friends since they could remember, being next door neighbors in New Jersey, and the day Kelli turned eighteen Joe demanded that she move to La, so they could be close again. Even with him going on tour all the time, at least once a year, he would call and text her through-out the day. But even with all that sometimes Kelli still felt lonely that, he was to important for her now, she rarely felt like that. And when she did Joe would pull her into a tight hug and tell her that she was more important then some silly tour, or some silly song, or whatever it may be.

It seemed like she was sitting out there forever, but really it was only ten minutes. That's when the back door opened and shut, she didn't bother looking back, betting she knew who it was, and sure enough he took a seat next to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her into him.

“I've been looking all over for you” he muttered.

“I've been right here the whole time, Joseph.”

“Why didn't you say hello to me?” he wined, hurt by his best friends actions.

“You seemed busy” she told him, he smelled heavenly, the smell only Joe could have.

“I'm never to busy for my best friend.”

They sat there a few minutes in a comfortable silence, Joe playing with the ends of her blond hair and Kelli still breathing in his amazing scent.

“How's Winston?”

“He's fine” Kelli told him.

“Did he miss his daddy?”

Kelli laughed.

“Yes, he cried all night long.”

“Aw, my poor dog.”

“Yeah, well your home now, he'll be happy.”

“We should stop by your place and pick him up before going to mine” Joe told her. “Or we could just crash at yours... whatever.”

“I don't care either way.”

“I'm tried of traveling, let's just stay at yours, ok?”

And soon enough the two were walking into her one bedroom apartment, Winston came running from the bedroom. Him being used to Kelli being the only one to be coming home, he jumped at her feet first but once he saw Joe was standing behind her he darted around and jumped up and down, no small task for a dog like Winston.

“Hi, buddy” Joe cooed to his dog, bending down and scooping Winston into his arms. Winston licked Joe's face, excited to see his owner back. Kelli watched grossed out.

“What?” Joe smirked.

“Nothing...” Kelli trailed off, but still couldn't help herself. “You do know what that dog does with his tongue right?”

“So what?” Joe asked, letting the dog back to the floor, but Winston didn't want to be put down, he began to jump at Joe's legs again.

“I would never let a dog lick my face.... no way.”

“Oh, well...” Joe trailed off, smirking, he rounded on her and Kelli pushed him away. “Oh, come on, give me a hugggg.”

“No” Kelli snapped at him, walking into the bedroom. Soon they were both in her king size bed, Winston in the middle of them, about as happy as one dog could be. Joe was feeling just as happy, looking up at the ceiling and smiling brightly.

“Ah, its good to be home” he mused, looking over to Kelli who's eyes were on him.

“Your not home, goofball.”

“When I'm with you, I'm home enough.... you know I missed you a lot, Kellz.”

“I missed you to, Joseph.”
♠ ♠ ♠
New story for my AWESOME friend Kelli who is on team Ninnie!!!!

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