By Your Side



By Your Side

Chapter Two

“Does this shirt make me look fat?”

“No” Kelli laughed at her best friend, Joe was looking at himself in his big bathroom merrier.

“You would tell me if I did, right?”

“What are you a women?” Kelli smirked.

“No, I just wanna look nice.”

“You never care what you wear when we go over to your rents house....” Kelli trailed off.

“Well, I just wanna look good” Joe smiled.

Kelli wondered why, the rest of the time he got ready, witch was a good hour. She still wondered about it while he drove them over to his parents house, but at last her answer was given when they walked into the grand, beautiful house to find a young women sitting on the couch. Joe smiled big as he ran past Kelli and took a seat next to the girl.

“Hello” she smiled.

“I'm Joe” he stuck his hand out to shake her hand, she shook hands and smiled still.

“Its nice to meet you.”

“It currently is” Joe muttered, smirking, this women still seemed to hear him though, cause she smirked back at him. “My mom told me you would be having dinner with us tonight, but she never said you were so pretty”

“Oh, please” Kelli muttered, but no one seemed to hear here.

“Aw, that's sweet” the women said, seeming to now notice Kelli in the background. “Is this your girlfriend?”

“Her...” Joe trailed off, laughing a bit. “Hell no, she's my best friend, Kelli.”

“Oh, you two are here, I see you met our guest” Mrs. Jonas smiled, walking into the room.

“Some of us have....” Kelli trailed off.

“Oh, well, Kelli, this is Nicole Mangler she's working with Nick on a few songs.”

“Hello” said the girl Kelli now knew as Nicole.

“Hi...” Kelli trailed off, for some reason Kelli just didn't like her. They sat down for dinner and Joe didn't shut up the whole time, talking this Nicole's ear off, pretty soon when Joe's parents weren’t around he began to flirt, and flirt a lot. It was making Kelli sick, she wanted a bucket. The way he smile and the things he said only mad it worse.

As time went on the flirting started to come both ways, and neither cared if Joe's parents were there or not, it was getting very late and Frankie and Nick had went to bed already, Kevin and Danielle went home and that left Joe's parents, Joe, Nicole and Kelli all in the living room. It was clear Mr. and Mrs. Jonas wanted all of them to go, it was nearly midnight and they were tried.

“Joe, I really need to get home, I have work in the morning” Kelli interrupted him mid flirt.

“Just one more minute, Kellz” he told her, looking down Nicole's shirt as he did. Kelli almost took the lamp next to the couch and smacked him over the head with it, she unframed and sat back down. Twenty minutes latter she found herself doing the same thing.

“Joe, its almost twelve-thirty, I have to go.”

Joe looked sad as he looked over at Kelli, then back to Nicole.

“That's alright, I have to get going anyway” Nicole smiled to Joe who stood up and helped her up as he did, Kelli watched them exchange numbers and she kissed him on the lips, a peck was all it was but it still made Kelli cringe. The new feelings of anger, annoyance and mostly jealousy rang inside her as Joe ushered her out smirking wildly.

“God, I can't to see Nicole again... isn't she hot?” Joe smiled as he drove Kelli back to her place.

“No... she's a slut” Kelli told him.

“You say that about all the girls I date.”

“Cause they are all sluts... didn't you learn anything from Ashley?” Kelli barked at him, that was it, she wasn't jealous of those dumb girls, she was worried about her best friend, that's all it was.... it had to be all.

“What do you mean?” Joe asked, looking at the road he was driving on intensely.

“She used you, dumped you and moved on in like a week.... she didn't love you.... it was the same with Camilla.... you need a nice girl who isn't in the spot light... someone that loves you for you... not for your wallet and fame.”

“And where do you pray-tell do I find a girl like that?” Joe asked, a bit annoyed.

“Their around.... wait till one finds you.”
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Chapter two!!! Please comment!!