Because We're Friends

Coming Out

Frank sat on the couch in his hotel room and ran a hand through his hair. Gerard's finally single, he thought. He knew that Gerard was upset and that he shouldn't be happy about it but he couldn't help himself. He had been waiting for this for a year and a half. I can finally tell him how I feel! There was just one small problem, Shit, how am I gonna tell the guys I'm bi? He got up off the couch and walked into the bedroom to practice infront of the mirror. Facing his reflection, he shut his eyes and pretended it was his bandmates.
"Guys, lately I've been having these weird feelings-no that's stupid and makes me sound like some confused twink. Hey Guys! Oh by the way, I'm bi!" Shaking his head, he opened his eyes and looked at himself in the mirror. "Come on Iero, it's not that hard. Just tell them that you don't just like girls. I don't just like girls. I don't just like girls," he continued this mantra as he stepped away from the mirror and walked into the main room. "I don't just like girls, I don't just like girls, I don't just like-"
"Yeah, we heard." Interupted Ray, from his spot on the couch. Frank jumped and turned to face his bandmates. He had been so wrapped up in his thoughts that he hadn't noticed
them let themselves in and take up home on his couch.
"Um... look, I can explain!" began Frank stumbling over his words. "I, erm, I... the thing is..."
he trailed of.
"You're bi." finished Bob. Frank nodded, unsure what to say next. He was surprised when Mikey suddenly jumped up off of the sofa.
"I fucking knew it! Pay up Toro," he said, pointing at Ray. Frank looked up at Mikey in confusion.
"Dude, no straight guy has your kind of fashion sense," he laughed, gesturing at Frank's candy-pink hoodie. Frank smiled and looked at Ray who had just handed over £50 (they're still in England) to Mikey.
"Lot's of guys wear pink," he said, shrugging.
"Yeah," interjected Bob, standing up with Mikey and Ray, "but no one wears it quite like Frankie"
Frank laughed and glanced at Gerard who had stayed sat on the sofa, silently staring at his scuffed, black Converse.
"Er... Gerard?" said Frank, cautiously. Gerard stood up, and slowly walked over to Frank. He looked down at Frank, a mysterious look in his eyes before punching him playfully on the shoulder.
"You idiot, why didn't you tell us sooner?" he said, smiling.
"You mean you're okay with this?" Frank asked.
"Sure I am, gay or straight, you're still my best friend!" he replied, cheerfully, pulling Frank into a hug.
"Thanks Gee," said Frank, quietly so only Gerard would hear him.
"Okay love-birds," said Bob, "we gonna go out to eat or what?"
Frank pulled away from Gerard, blushing slightly, before nodding and heading out of the door with the rest of the band.

***At the restaurant***

If Frank had known how easy it was to come out to his friends, how would have done it months ago, but now, as they sat around the table at the restaurant, with Bob pointing at random people and loudly asking, "What about them?", Frank wished the floor would just swallow him whole. It was all in good fun and Bob didn't mean anything by it, but after yet another waiter had given them funny looks, Frank had finally had enough.
"Give it up already man," he said, just as loudly as Bob was, "you know I only have eyes for you!"
Bob cheeks reddened slightly as Frank winked at him, but he laughed once he realised it was a joke.
"Pfft, please," joked Mikey, "We all know Frank's got the hots for Gee!"
Gerard and Frank turn scarlet, making the other three laugh even more.
Frank suddenly grinned and looked at Gerard. Gerard grinned back with a mischievous twinkle in his eye to show he understood.
"Okay boys, you found us out!" said Gerard, feigning surprise, before grabbing Frank's hoodie and pulling him in for a mind-blowing kiss.
They stayed that way for a few minutes before hearing an uncomfortable cough from Mikey. They pulled away and looked at their friends awkwardly when they were interrupted by a teenage girl, stood at there table. She was clearly embarrassed and from the way she looked it was obvious she wanted to ask a question.
"Erm... yes?" said Gerard.
"H-hi! I'm E-eleanor and I was wondering if, 'cause I know it's just for the fans, but... with what happened just now... I was... I was thinking that maybe... y-you two were... you know... a c-couple now?"
"Oh no, we're just good friends," said Gerard, nudging Frank playfully.
"Oh..." she said, looking downcast, "Well... could I maybe get an autograph... and a photo?" She asked shyly.
The band nodded and signed a napkin and posed for a picture with her. The girl took the napkin and the camera back eagerly and held them to her chest.
"These are going straight on my bedroom wall!" she said, excitedly, "Sorry for bothering you, and..." she looked at Gerard, "...sorry about you're break-up with Lin-Z"
"What?" Gerard looked confused.
"Er... yeah," her cheeks flushed again, "it's all over the Kerrang website, apparently Lin-Z told them herself..."
She looked at the bands faces and could feel the tension in the air.
"Um... I've got to go; my family are still having dinner... thanks for the autograph and the picture..." she said, waving and walking towards another table.
"I can't believe she started telling people already..." muttered Gerard, holding his head in his hands. Frank put a comforting arm around his shoulder.
"Gerard..." said Mikey, quietly, "Gee... why didn't you tell me?"
"I... I don't know. I'm still getting used to it to be honest."
"Maybe we should head back to the hotel," suggested Ray. The others nodded and they stood up, Bob throwing some money down on the table, and left the restaurant.
"Hey Frank," said Mikey, "can I talk to you for a second?" Frank nodded and removed his arm from Gerard's shoulder. Mikey waited until they were out of ear-shot of his brother. "Will you stay with Gee tonight?"
"I don't know Mikes," he said, "I don't think that'd be a good idea."
"Please," the younger Way pleaded, "you're his best friend, he's gonna need you."
Frank nodded and walked faster to catch up with Gerard.
"Hey Gee, you okay?" Gerard nodded, but stayed silent, "You want to spend the night in my room tonight?" He thought about this for a bit before eventually nodding.
The walk from the restaurant to the hotel wasn't too far and before long they Frank and Gerard found them self sat on Frank's sofa.
"So..." Frank said, "Do you wanna watch a movie? I think Interview With The Vampire's on soon."
"Sure," shrugged Gerard.
An hour into the movie and Gerard and Frank were curled up with each other, Frank laughing at Gerard's side-notes.
"See, I still don't understand why they don't just kiss already... I mean, the sexual tension is too obvious."
Frank let out an involuntary giggle and abruptly covered his mouth with his hand.
"God my laugh makes me sound like a girl..."
"Hey, I like your laugh." said Gerard, smiling.
"You do?" he asked, suddenly realizing how close they were.
"Yeah, I do." he said, leaning in and, finally, closing the distance between their lips.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah! EVIL CLIFF HANGER OF DOOM!!! So... it's been a while but chapters should be a little more frequent now. I've only got three weeks left at school before summer and obviously I'll be spending it indoors. :)
Thanks to the people who subscribed but I've got to say 10 readers, 3 subscribers and ZERO comments, don't really make me feel too good.