Escaping Hell


"Hey, babet!" I said, walking up to Kassie. She just kept staring infront of her. "What's wrong, sweets?"

"My brother..." She was a twin. During her mom and dad's divorce, they got split up. Her mom got her and her dad got him. I've met him earlier in Kassie and I's friendship. He was cool, so I was concerned.

"Brent? What about him? Did he get hurt!?" She nodded. "How... who?"

"M- my dad... he raped him..."

"What? Why would he do that!?"

"It's because he came out of the closet... he's coming to live with us now 'cause Dad's going to jail."

"Brent's gay?"

She nodded. "Yeah, he told me that he realized 'bout a month ago. He even had a boyfriend."


"He doesn't want anything to do with him now 'cause Dad hurt him too."

"Oh, god. I feel so sorry for him. Where's he now?"

"Hospital. You know, so that they know that he's a 100% alright. I'm going to visit him after school... if you want to come, of course..."

"Yeah, I think I'd like that. Hell, Haven't really seen him since we were in, like, the eigth grade."

"Thanks, Cory." She gave me a huge hug. Today, I think it was her day to be saved.


"Brent Davis." Kassie said to the help desk person at the hospital.
"Hmm.. he is on the third floor; room 142. Hve a good day!" She kinda went overbored with that scarry smile she gave us.

We walked to the elevator, it was empty. When we finally got to the third floor, Kassie, being her usual annoying self, pushed all of the floor buttons. And, as usual, walked out all inocently.

"God, Kass, do you always have to do that?"

"Yes, yes I do. Why do you ask?"

"What would you be like if someone dis that to you?"

"I'd have a crazy dance party, of course! Anyways, Here we are; 142." She knocked and then walked in. "Hey, Brent. How are you doing?" I just walked in and sat by the window, stating to look out to see the roof.

"Okay, I guess. I still wish that they hadn't of found me."

"What do you mean?" She said, scared.

"You didn't hear? I tried to kill myself, and now there's a fucking camera in my room and the bathroom!"

"Talk about an invasion of privacy." i couldn't resist saying it. He giggle a little.

"That's what I said. So, how have you been, Cory? Last time that I saw you, you were 'bout the stage of drowning yourself in a lake of misery."

"Haven't missed much since then, but now it's more of a pond." I smirked. He giggled a bit.

God! That's so cute!

Shut up!

"Maybe you should give me ome pointers on how to get there."

"You hang out with your sis 24/7." He just burst out laughing then.

Shit, I think I'm going to cry. That was so adorable!

I thought I said to shut up!

We talked for about an hour, well I just sat there listening, before we had to go.

"Oh, Cory, I'm sorry but Mom can't let you stay tonight. You have to go home." She frowned. She didn't like it when I was with my parents, not like I did either.

"Shit. I don't want to. I overheard them yeterdy sying that someone was coming to 'talk' to me tonight."

"Don't you have anywhere to go?" Brent didn't know my dituation, not alot of people did.

"Ha, yeah, I have millions of friends, and my parents just adore me for me." I said sarcasticly. "I guess I'll just get a hotel room for the night."

"Ew, your braver than me to stay in one of those germ infested hotel rooms!" Brent scrunced up his nose.

"Believe me, it's my last resort going to one." I laughed at the cute face he made.

"Hey, I have an idea. Why don't we go and get an extra set of clothes and you can stay here for the night?" Kassie suggested.

"Yeah! I get so bored here, it'll be fun."

"I don't think that the doctors would like that." i said doubtfully.

"Screw them. Anyways, you can make be the one to make sure that I don't try to kill myself during the night. The night crew here is so careless." He smirked.

"Umm... i- if it's not too much trouble..."

"Yay! I'll have someone to talk to!" So that's how it settled.
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yeps thats it babes.
comment and send meh love and i will probably write faster!