Escaping Hell


I was so relieved when I got out and Kassie was already there. "Hey, babe," I said, getting into the car.
"Hey. We're going home."
"I thought that we were going to see Brent at the hospital?"
"He's home now. He was doing better than we thought, and they let him out."
"That's great!" We drove back to her house. When we got there, she said,
"Oh, we don't have living arrangements worked out yet, so your going to sleep on the couch, kay?"
"Fine by me." We walked into the living room and saw him curled up on the couch, watching TV. "Hey!"
He looked you at me and smiled. "Hey. How was your detention?"
"You know, detention- y." He started to giggle. God, that's so cute!
"Come on, Cory, we have homework to do. See you later, kiddo," Kassie said while pulling me toward the stairs.
"Aw... I don't want to!" I pouted hoping that she'd let me go. This, of course, caused Brent to giggle more.
"Your going to do it even if I beat you up to do it!" My eyes widened, even though I knew that she was playing.
"Eeperz! Brent save me! She's going to get me!" I jumped over the couch and hide behind it. I popped my head next to his and looked around. "She's still there," I 'whispered'. He was laughing so hard now.
"Okay. Enough playing around, Cory."
"No! Brent, save me! She's crazy I tell 'ya, crazy!" I was now sitting next to him and shaking his arm. He just laughed at me.
"Sorry, she's stronger than me." I pouted, then went willingly to her.
"Skippy with me!" I grabbed her hand and started to skip to her bedroom, almost falling down the stairs in the process.
The rest of the day I found myself trying to make him laugh, whether that be by faces, stories, or just being the fairy that I am. It always worked. Finally it was time for bed. They both said goodnight and left me to my couch/ bed.
I was almost asleep when I heared a voice call my name and shake my arm gently.
"Hm? Brent? What's up?"
"I'm sorry to wake you," he said. "but could you possibly come and kill this huge spider in my room? It's really starting to freak me out and... I- I didn't want Kassie to think that I was being a baby... so..."
"Sure, I'll kill it for you." He smiled and lead me to his room. "Where is it?" He pointed to a corner. It wasn't all that big, an average sized wolf spider. I grabbed an empty glass and a piece of paper, climbed on a chair, and captured it before it got away. "Hey, little guy. You aren't so big and bad, are you? Let's just put you outside..." I opened the window in his room and let it go. "There, no more spider." I said and smiled at him.
"T- thank you. You must think that I'm a pathetic kid." He looked down in shame.
"Nah, everyone has something that they are afraid of. It's just how you are." I smiled. He still didn't look up. Hating the silence, I held his chin in between my thumb and figures and pulled his head up. "Don't be ashamed of how you are. One day, someone is going to come along and fall in love. And it will all because of how you act. I mean, your just so cute, who could resist?" OMG! I made him blush! Yay!
"Do you really think so? I- I mean... I just assumed that the people who liked me weren't thinking straight or something."
"Nobody can think straight with someone as cute as you around." Cheesy much? He stared at me for the longest time before he started to edge closer to my face. Right before I could feel his lips on mine, the door opened.
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Yeh, really sucky update but an update none- the- less.
So, comments... only got one from someone other than my sister. I need more people. 2 at least. Kay?

dedicated to All Time Liz