Escaping Hell


There was a knock at the door.

"Are you two desent?"

"God damn it, Kass. I told you we weren't going to do that. You can come in." She came in with a huge smile on her face.

"Aw, you two look so cute!" She said, motioning to the way that we were sleeping all night. He shifted, making his nose go deeper into the crook of my neck. I started to play with a strand of hair.

"Baby," I cooed. "Wake up, Brent." He let out a muffled groan, scooting closer to me. "Time to wake up." I whispered against his ear, causing shivers to go down him. Again, all I got was a muffled reply. "What was that, baby?" He reluctantly pulled away.

"I said, I don't want to get up. I'm too comfy and tired." His head retreated back.

"No, no." I said, moving away. He let out a frusterated sigh.


"Blame it on your sis, babe." He looked over to Kassie, who looked like she wasn't breathing.

"What? Don't tell me that my own sister is growing homophobic." I started giggling, kissing his cheek softly.

"Give me a few, I'm just not used to my best friend kissing my brother."

"Why are you in here anyways?" I asked.

"Mom saw that you weren't on the couch and asked me if I knew where you were. Guess I was right, hih? Question, is this a fling, or are y'all actually dating now?"

"Iwould never have just a fling with him. Trust me on that, Kass." I was serious. I would never do that to him. Flings were just another word for 'I am going to fuck you for the hell of it.' I would never leave him hanging like that. Anyways, got off topic again...

"Does Mom know anout him staying in my room last night?" Brent asked.

"I think she suspects it."

"Let us confirm her suspesions, shall we?" I held out my hand for him. He laughed and took it. "Onward!"

She took it really well, actually. She also said that whenever I stayed over, that I could sleep in his room... As long as I didn't do certain things. I almost died laughing when she said that.
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Lots of love,