Sequel: An American Tale
Status: Complete! :D

Chrysanthemum Night

Kiku Honda is on the verge of turning 26. She has just been granted American citizenship after leaving her home in Kyoto, Japan, where her mother, father, and half-sister, Yanmei, still reside. For two years, she has felt the presence of someone following her. Two nights before her birthday, the vampyre Alfred F. Jones approaches her, and promises to weave a tale of what he kind really is... before he kills her. Kiku has a choice: she must forge a sacred bond with him, or she will die.
  1. Demon Rose
    Kiku Honda finds out just what has been trailing her for two years.
  2. Chinese Rose
    Alfred begins to tell Kiku the story of his kind.
  3. English Rose
    It's the night before Kiku's birthday, and Alfred has something to show her.
  4. Chrysanthemum Rose
    On Kiku's birthday, she makes her final decision.