Sequel: An American Tale
Status: Complete! :D

Chrysanthemum Night

Chrysanthemum Rose

Kiku woke to her phone ringing beside her on he futon. After Alfred so abruptly left—again—Kiku couldn't help but think she screwed everything up somehow… she probably did.

It wasn't like she didn't enjoy the kiss. On the contrary, it was the best kiss of her life. But the way she dismissed him so blatantly was her mistake. Alfred didn't deserve that kind of rejection, especially from the one he loved.

Groaning, Kiku picked up her phone. It was too early to be up, especially on her birthday, but looking at the caller I.D., she knew it was okay.

"Moshi moshi, shimai-sama," Kiku greeted, yawning. It was only… five-thirty. Which meant it was ten-thirty at night in Kyoto. Damn time difference.

"Happy birthday, imouto!" Yanmei cried into the phone. Kiku held it away from her ear and cringed. Again, it was too early.

"I'm so old…" Kiku lamented, giggling. She could use a dose of Yanmei's sweet voice, but the only thing on her mind was Alfred.

"So… is there anything you're going to do today?" Yanmei asked. "Oh, and your gift should be arriving any day."

"Arigatou," said Kiku. "And no. I need to relax." She felt like telling Yanmei about Alfred, but Kiku knew she couldn't. And she couldn't tell Yanmei she was going to die tonight, nor could she tell her she was never going to see her again. The last thing she wanted to do was make her family worry about her.

She decided if this would be her last conversation with her family, she wanted her parents to witness it, too.

"Yanmei," said Kiku, "can you put Mom and Dad on the phone, too?"


Kiku saved her tears until after she hung up the phone. The conversation left her with a bittersweet feeling, her parents and sister believing they'd speak to her soon instead of this being their last conversation together. It was seven-thirty when she got off the phone, starting to cry, and she silently sobbed herself back to sleep.


Kiku woke in the early afternoon again to her phone. Groggily, she answered it, not bothering to see who was calling.

"Moshi moshi," she greeted unenthusiastically. "This is Kiku."

"Hi, honey!" chirped Meg on the other end. "Happy birthday!"

Kiku smiled, feeling a bit better. "Thank you," she said. "What's up?"

"Well, Alice and I are standing right outside your apartment building," Meg explained. Kiku could hear Alice, another friend and co-worker with a cheery disposition, shout into Meg's phone, "Happy birthday, Kiku!"

"You're kidding." Kiku laughed, feeling unprepared.

"Nope," Meg clarified. "So if you don't get your ass down here in fifteen minutes, Alice and I are gonna have to bust in and get it down for you."

"Fine, fine," said Kiku, standing up. "I'll be out."


It was uncharacteristically warm when Kiku stepped outside (for February, anyway). But in her thin peasant blouse, flowing skirt, and wedge heels, she looked so out of place next to Alice and Meg, who were dressed in ripped jeans, sophisticated halters, and sexy, strappy sandals.

After the usual birthday greetings, Alice, flipping her auburn ponytail over her shoulder, handed Kiku her gift, as did Meg.

"Okay," said Alice. "No offense, Kiku, but you look—"

"Unattractive?" Kiku guessed, shrugging.

"No, not at all! You look adorable, but… you just need… Meg, help me out here."

"You should go for sexy on your birthday, not cute," Meg suggested. "Especially for where we're going."

"Where are we going?" asked Kiku.

"It's a surprise!" Alice sang, leading Kiku back inside. "Now, let's get you changed."


It was a blur. A fun, sexy, awesome blur. Kiku let go, enjoyed herself with Meg and Alice, trying to forget her inevitable death. She felt so out of place in the ensemble her friends bought her—it was similar to their halter-tops, ripped jeans, and patent leather heels. She had smoky makeup and disheveled hair, and she was sexy, no doubt, but not herself.

She snickered. What if Alfred saw me like this? She thought. Would he laugh? Or demand I look like this every day?

Alice drove them to the Glendale Galleria in her little car, which to Kiku was a big surprise. She'd only been to that mall a few times, and she was amazed by the giant selection of stores and fancy restaurants. Together she, Meg, and Alice were the sexiest group of girls in the mall—good-looking guys checked them out and they were specially tended to by store employees. Kiku smiled, carrying out new bags filled with clothes and other material goods, but she knew if she were truly sane, she would not be spending money so blatantly.

Dinner at Katsuya's, the expensive Japanese restaurant Kiku wanted to try, but never had the money or date to do so. It was delicious and mod, from the chic cushion outdoor seating to the mochi ice cream that reminded Kiku of home. Alice and Meg treated—even the drinks, of which there were a few—and Kiku wished she could have contributed, feeling guilty.

More shopping, more blur—until Alice dragged Kiku into Tiffany's, where Alice browsed for rings in anticipation of her boyfriend Ludwig's proposal. Kiku paled at the sight of expensive jewelry—it made her feel so simple and plain, since she never wore any except for the charm bracelet Yanmei got her for her fifteenth birthday.

"Ooh, Kiki, I'm gonna look over here, 'kay?" Alice giggled and trotted off to the other side of the store.

Kiku felt awkward, just staring at the rings and earrings with no purpose in mind.

"I'd like to see that one, please," said an all-too-familiar voice.

"Right away, sir," the saleslady giggled uncontrollably.

Kiku rolled her eyes. "You shouldn't be flirting with other women. That's just cruel to them."

Alfred sided next to her, his arm brushing hers. "Ah, so you do get jealous, darling. You do love me."

Kiku blushed furiously. "I never said that!" she hissed, trying to keep her voice down.

"You never said that you didn't love me, either." Alfred smirked cockily.

Kiku opened her mouth to speak, but the giddy saleslady returned. "Here you are, sir," she said, presenting Alfred with a necklace box. She opened it, revealing a simple, silver heart-shaped locket.

Alfred suddenly gripped Kiku's hand, as if asking for her approval. Unsure of why he was asking in the first place, Kiku squeezed his soft hand, as if to say yes. "It's very pretty, " she commented, eyeing the necklace with desire. She could see it around her neck every day, a casual, beautiful accessory that would make her feel much better and brighter.

"I'll take it." Alfred grinned at the saleslady, who nodded quickly and took the box, eager to wrap it up nicely.

Kiku groaned. Why was he doing this? She didn't want him to buy her love. "I'm not a jewelry person," she said, looking up at Alfred.

"Did I say it was for you?" he teased, his eyes joking.

"How could it not be?" Kiku raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Alfred shrugged. I'm a good friend of Natalia and Katyusha. Maybe I'll consume you whole and give it to one of them."

Kiku felt the urge to roll her eyes again. She really didn't like this façade he presented in public. "Any instructions for me tonight?" she asked, changing the subject.

"Just one." Alfred squeezed her hand, and a warm sensation ran through her body. People were starting to notice them… Shoot, what if Meg or Alice saw them? They'd know something was up.

He whispered low, as it only Kiku could hear him. "Get home early. There's a lot we have to discuss." He was at the register already by the time she processed the information.

At least he didn't notice my ridiculous outfit and makeup, she thought, absently returning to the rings on display.

"Oh, and by the way?" Kiku jumped, then noticed Alfred paying for the necklace. He looked straight at her and winked. "You look extremely sexy tonight."

She spoke too soon.


Meg and Alice were sure Kiku wanted to go out that night. But after the mall, she requested a ride home.

"Why?" asked Meg. "It's Friday night."

"Your birthday," Alice added. "And you look so sexy, you should go out and enjoy yourself."

Maybe she should. But Alfred would find her and fly her home if he had to.

"I'm tired," Kiku admitted. "Seriously, I had a lot of fun today. Thank you both so much."

Meg and Alice gave her sentimental smiles. "Okay," said Alice, caving. "But you have to promise you'll come with us next time. My birthday's coming up next month, and I want you there."

Kiku held her breath. She didn't even know if she'd live to see tomorrow. She crossed her fingers where Alice couldn't see. "I promise."


Kiku loved her birth date, February 11, 1985. She loved the end of winter, and sometimes the flowers would bloom early, as if just for her. But today, February 11, 2011, she dreaded her birthday. She wasn't home. She was in a different country, where the skyscrapers towered above her head and cherry blossoms never bloomed.

But she had friends. Alice and Meg showed her a great time at the mall. She had family. Yanmei and Kiku's parents still supported her. And she had love. Alfred truly loved her, enough to bond to her and travel the world with her. And maybe, just maybe, Kiku was starting to love him, too.

Alfred was waiting outside her apartment on the seventh floor. Kiku shouldn't have been surprised, given his supernatural abilities, but it still kind of freaked her out. In his hands were a Tupperware from the Cheesecake Factory and a small gift bag. He really didn't have to put the effort in to impress her. His history alone was impressive.

"You didn't have to do that," she said, smiling.

"I know." He smirked in return. "But I've never celebrated a human girl's birthday before. So I figured, what the hell."

Kiku opened her door to let him in. "Seriously, though. I feel bad for last night. Let me at least offer you a… snack. I can run down to the pet tore and get a domestic rat, I guess," she offered.

"It won't be necessary," said Alfred. "Besides, you're more like a three course meal. But I guess for now… some red wine. You have a bottle, right?"

How did he know? It was her only bottle, and it was hidden in a cabinet. "Sure," she said, walking to the kitchen to retrieve the wine after she placed her many bags down. "Make yourself at home. I'd feel uncomfortable if you didn't."

Alfred nodded, and sat on the futon, placing his items on the coffee table. Kiku got the wine and two glasses, ready to entertain her guest with her hostess skills.

Once the wine was flowing, Kiku felt more at ease. Her new heels were strewn about the floor, and with Alfred as relaxed as she was, she felt more like herself.

"So," she said, taking a sip of wine, "what's with the Tupperware?"

Alfred picked up the container and placed it on Kiku's lap, also presenting a fork. "I said I'd get you a cake," he explained. "Well, it's not exactly a cake, but…"

"Arigatou." Kiku smiled, and in her slightly tipsy state, pecked Alfred on the cheek. Inside the container was a delicious-looking cheesecake slice, and Kiku took the fork and dug in greedily. The cheesecake was rich and creamy, and it melted in her mouth in a velvety smooth ribbon. "Mmm…" she hummed. "This is amazing."

Alfred smiled, almost as if he wasn't telling her something. "I'm glad you're enjoying it," he said, resting his elbows on his knees.

Kiku stopped chewing, realizing why he bought her the cheesecake in the first place. This would be her last human meal. "What does food taste like when you're a vampire?" she asked.

"Like dust," Alfred answered, his glasses reflecting the light off Kiku's lamp. "Like nothing. The only thing that has flavor is blood. Not even this wine is very enjoyable… but it reminds me slightly of blood, so for the moment, I'm satisfied."

Kiku wasn't hungry, but she ate anyway, wanting to enjoy herself. "Um… so tell me about your creator. He must have had some influence on your life," she said, trying to engage his history.

"It has everything to do with him," said Alfred. "My life, my anger, my sorrow, my love…" I owe it all to him. He changed my life, for worse or for better.

"After Yao left Françoise, she didn't know where to turn. No one sympathized with her; they were all ecstatic about the creation of the bond. So for decades she searched for someone who was lonely, someone like her. Misery loves company, and no vampyre reeked more misery than Françoise.

"In 927, she found a creature more miserable than the devil himself. Arthur Kirkland was a drunken British man who had never known happiness. Françoise, desperate, wanted him. Because under the scraggly blonde hair and monstrous thick eyebrows, there was a man as lost as she was. So she turned him, wanted him to feel the same way she did.

"Once immortality kicked in, Arthur vanished. Françoise did not know where he ran, all she knew was that there was a new vampyre on the loose, hell-bent on discovering what he could do with his new powers. She told no one, and ran back to Gaul, not to be heard of for eight hundred years.

"Arthur never went far; he lived a comfortable, noble life in Britain, devouring what he could like a king. For all he cared, he could have been the only vampyre on the continent by how oblivious he'd been at the time.

"But Arthur wasn't satisfied. Centuries of gathering his riches only made him itch for adventure. So in 1620, he followed the Separatists onto the Mayflower, eager to see the New World. He'd only heard about it from Columbus' tales and the Jamestown founders, and the prospect of exploring on a new continent excited him."

"Your creator was on the Mayflower?" Kiku exclaimed, almost choking on her wine. "That's amazing."

"Hey!" said Alfred, frowning. "You're looking at one of the passengers with your own eyes."

Kiku's eyes grew wide. "But… if you were on the Mayflower… you've been in America since its history began!" she cried. "You know everything about this country firsthand."

"Not exactly." Alfred paused to take a sip of wine. "I was traveling before and after the Civil War. Didn't want to get into that mess."

"So… you met Arthur on the Mayflower?"

"No," Alfred answered. "He did not confront me directly until ten days after we landed.

"But my story does not start with my transformation. It starts on July 4, 1601, the day I was brought into this world. I was originally going to be named after my father, but my mother took a liking to the name Alfred instead. So my father's name became my middle name."

"So the 'F' stands for…?"


Kiku fought the urge to laugh. Alfred seemed nothing like a Ferdinand. "Alfred Ferdinand Jones," she stated. "It suits you well. Although, the 'F' initial is much more mysterious, I'll admit."

"I took it from Kennedy in the '60s," Alfred admitted. "Alfred F. Jones sounded much better than plain old Alfred Jones.

"Anyway, I didn't know anything about my father, though I inherited everything from him. He died before I could walk.

"My mother, Mary Jones, though heartbroken, married again to Fletcher Williams, my stepfather. On July 1, 1605, my half-brother, Matthew, was born.

"My brother and I were very close, like you are with your sister, Kiku. I loved my brother, though we were complete opposites. He inherited my mother's quiet demeanor, while I was told I inherited my father's hasty decision-making and outgoing behavior. I protected him, and he kept me in check.

"But his father resented me. Fletcher saw I was my father's double by how much my mother compared the two of us. Everything was apparently his, except for the eyes. My eyes were the same ocean blue as my mother's.

In late August of 1620, my mother and stepfather decided we would travel to the New World. We were Separatists, eager to escape. On September 6, 1620, we were on our way to a new life, just two months after Matthew's fifteenth birthday and my nineteenth.

"It was the worst two months of my life. The boat creaked constantly, and my only solace was in my sweet bother, who was excited to begin anew on a new continent. I shared his enthusiasm, excitement, and freight.

"Then, tragedy. My mother was found on the upper deck one morning, dead. Matthew and I paled, though we never saw what caused her death. Half of the passengers on that memorable ship died on the voyage, never to see the New World. Mary Jones was included.

"Matthew and I became especially close after that. For two weeks we mourned together, promising to keep living, no matter what might strike next. It was a silent pact, made when we huddled close in fear, his violet eyes wide in terror behind his glasses.

"'I don't want to die, Alfred,' he told me.

"I hugged him close. 'And you won't. For if you die, so shall I,' I promised.

"Then, an even greater tragedy. Matthew was found exactly like my mother—dead without an explanation. Losing him was worse than losing my mother, because now I knew—truly knew—there was no God. If God were real, Matthew would have lived to see the New World.

"So I took a remnant of his, one he would want me to have should he die. I wore his rectangular glasses as my own before his body was thrown into the Atlantic Ocean to rot for eternity. I never needed them, but even now, I still wear them." His eyes misted over behind, what Kiku now knew, Matthew's glasses.

"I was numb. Pain was smothered within me; anger could not surface. Fletcher pretended like I was never a part of his life. I was nineteen, already a man, with no one.

"The joy of landing on Plymouth did not excite me, since the only two that had ever loved me were gone. Ten days after landing, I wanted to scream until the pain in my vulnerable heart ceased. So I ran. I ran into the woods one night, not caring if any native saw me. And I screamed to the heavens, 'THERE IS NO GOD.'

"'Well, well,' said an unrecognizable voice from the shadows of the forest. 'Such strong words for a Separatist.'

"I could not reply. I simply glanced for any sign of life.

"'Really,' the voice continued. 'You're too beautiful to be condemned by your peers. Is there something you want to prove God doesn't exist? I can make it happen, you know.'

"'How can you prove He doesn't exist?' I said. 'Is it impossible to know until death?'

"'Hm…' He silently emerged from the shadows into the clearing. Never had I seen a more beautiful creature, even in the dimness of the moonlight. His blonde hair was disheveled perfectly; I drowned in his cocky smirk and hypnotizing emerald eyes. 'Ask me anything. I can answer, I assure you,' he said.

"'What killed my mother and my brother?' I demanded. 'The devil? An untimely disease?'

"'I did,' he answered casually. 'This… Jones blood… It truly is the most delicious taste in this world.'

"I couldn't believe it. My brother's killer was before me. Right then, I felt my rage and sorrow grow to new heights. I wanted revenge for my poor brother; I know he did nothing to provoke this man.

"So I tried to attack him. But he was too fast and too strong. Eventually I tried and he pushed me up against a nearby tree, pinning my body down with his. His smirk was devilish, rebellious, and sexy; I couldn't find myself wanting to hurt him now. I drowned in his jade eyes that were hidden underneath fitting, bushy, dark eyebrows, succumbing to him. Why couldn't I be that beautiful? And why the hell was I here in the first place?

"'Do you know what I am?' he asked in that thick, proper British accent, his hot breath on my neck. 'I am Hell on Earth, the devil himself, a living nightmare. I drink your blood and refuse to go out in the sun. I am the hybrid between living and dead, the mediator between worlds.' He whispered in my ear, 'I am the vampyre."

"And out of the blue, he kissed me," Alfred's eyes were clouded; Kiku couldn't tell if this was a good memory or a bad one. "And I wanted to hate it—oh, how I wanted to, but I couldn't. It was my first kiss, and everything was perfect, from the way his lips moved against mine to how he kept me pinned against that damn tree. I wanted it needed it, never felt it before. He held me close and intertwined his tongue with mine. I knew it was unethical, but I couldn't help it—I'd already given in."

Kiku sipped her wine, entranced by Alfred's words. She felt his vulnerability, his insecurity ad naïve thinking within her. She'd never known so much about him, and now she was practically reliving his past. He knew this would affect her, would make her fall for him even further. But like how Alfred described Arthur's demanding kiss, Kiku felt like she had given in to Alfred's charms.

"I gave in because it was so easy. His mouth manipulated and ravaged mine as if I were his only solace, his only sanity. I blanked out, not caring if anyone saw us. Let them. I needed this.

"His mouth latched onto my neck, sucking my skin, kissing it tenderly, reassuringly. In my hazed state, I held him close; I had to keep him there forever, if possible.

"When his fangs pierced my neck, I could not feel it. I succumbed to the pleasure of his sweet kiss, loving every second of it. Each passing second my life was slipping away slowly, slowly…

"Suddenly, he stopped and looked at me directly in the eyes. They were so green, so beautiful… 'Alfred,' he said. 'I've made my decision. I'm not going to kill you. But I will prove to you God does not exist.'

"'How?' I wanted to ask, but a sharp pain ripped my chest apart. I tried to scream, tried to gasp in pain, but nothing would sound. He watched me as I died, merely raising an eyebrow. He'd never transformed anyone until now, I could tell even then. I'd heard of the vampyres of the myths and legends of the devil himself walking the Earth.

"I knew I was dying. My human soul was slipping away, yet something else was replacing it. I was keeping to Matthew's promise, that I would die if he did. But I did know one thing: we would never be reunited. I was doomed to a life in Purgatory; he was enjoying himself in Heaven.

"It made me feel peace. If I was dead as a human, and still alive somehow, this vampyre was right—there really was no higher deity.

"Everything was different after that. I felt my senses heighten; my body itched to test out this new life. My creator regarded me with his green eyes, still beautiful, of course, but somehow… not as much. Like he couldn't hypnotize me anymore.

"His hands ran over my face, as if he were observing me for the first time. 'Fascinating,' he commented, his eyes wide. 'You're even more beautiful, if that's possible.'

"Hunger overcame he; it was as if I'd never known food until this night. I regarded my surroundings—the forest was much more enchanted, filled with life and natural beauty. But I needed blood. It was a lust like no other.

"His hands dropped back to my shoulders. 'You must be hungry, Alfred,' he said. 'You lust for blood like there is no tomorrow. I know; I felt this way when I was first turned.'

"'How?' I asked, surprised, surprised. My tone of voice was so new and ran across my tongue like silk.

"'We'll feed,' he explained. 'I will teach you the joys of consuming the best humans.' He began to walk out of the woods.

"'Wait!' I called. 'What's your name?'

"He gazed at me, a calm smile playing on his face. 'I am Arthur. I am your creator, and I am all you will ever need to know.'"

Kiku finished her cheesecake, gazing at Alfred's vulnerable body language. So that was how he came to be. She wanted to reassure him he could be loved, that it wasn't the end. That's why he was giving her a choice. It was the choice he never had. It's why he wanted eternal love; because it wasn't ephemeral like the love he had before.

Alfred paused, taking a long sip of wine, as if it's make him forget his troubled past.

"I'm sorry," said Kiku, trying to sympathize.

"Don't be," Alfred replied, as if he were trying to hold in a stray tear. "What's done is done."

They sat in an awkward silence, sipping their wine respectively.

"After I was turned, I lived peacefully with Arthur," Alfred finally continued. We lived secluded from humans. They couldn't know what we were. For over a hundred years, we watched the country grow and develop to be what would one day be modern America. As the wealthy became wealthier, so did we. We moved up in society, consuming rich families and stealing their money, much like Roderich and Elizaveta.

"But Arthur and I had different views in the days before the American Revolution. Arthur was a Loyalist, faithful to the ruling British monarch, King George III. I, however, developed an American accent and began to love this country, since there was nothing left for me anywhere else. And when I saw the determined Americans marching in the streets for independence, I knew I was a Patriot.

"Arthur, angered by the war in general, departed fir Britain, wishing to be back home. I did not follow. I was content here, even with a raging war in the midst. I even went as far as signing up for the war. I wanted the Americans to have this independence, and I wanted to help. So I worked at night. I killed those limey bastards in their redcoats and fed off their dying British blood, spitting in the face of the monarchs. I was angered by Arthur's sudden disappearance, no way to contact him, and I took out my rage on the unlucky. It was a dark period of my life, Kiku, but I don't regret it."

Kiku was amazed. She didn't know he'd lived through so much. She felt his rage and anger, his sorrow and confusion. She wanted to comfort him, but not out of pity. She wanted it to be selfless; because she wanted to comfort him. But she didn't know how.

"Tell me what happened when Arthur went back to Europe." Kiku's eyebrows creased in worry. "I can tell this is hard for you, Alfred."

"No, darling." Alfred rubbed his forehead, sighing. "I told you I'd tell you my history, and I am. I've never told it to anyone, and I must admit, it's so relaxing. I feel like I can tell you anything, Kiku." He took Kiku's hands in his own.

She blushed at the comment. "Then continue, if you intend to do so," she encouraged.

Alfred sighed again. "While the war was raging in America, Arthur returned to Britain. He felt refreshed by the cool, salty air and knew he was back home.

"Whom should he run into but Françoise Bonnefoy, who had decided to travel again after eight hundred years? When she saw Arthur, she immediately recognized him, as did he.

"What they never told me, though, was the story of their bonding. No matter how much I pressed them, they wouldn't cave. All I know is that when they returned to America after the Revolution, I saw Arthur with someone else. My mentor, my creator, my everything was bonded. It was devastating, but I knew—Arthur was happy like this, and I had to accept it. During this time, Antonio soon followed Arthur and Françoise to America, looking for a bondmate.

"I wanted to be as happy as Arthur and Françoise were. And when I saw Antonio, I felt that pull of lust course through me. I wanted him—his foreign air, his piercing emerald eyes, his wavy, soft chestnut hair, his suave smile. I mistook it for love, like Yao did when he first met Françoise. I'd never met a fourth generation vampyre, one who shared my abilities, until Antonio. He was Spanish and sexy, and I had to have him.

"He stayed with us for us for a few years, up until the end of the French Revolution. During that time I courted him, giving him tours throughout the colonies, and his eyes sparkled at the new adventure.

"Arthur knew I was infatuated. After a century of mentoring me, he knew my mannerisms and my different behaviors. He told me if I didn't make my move on Antonio soon, she'd be out of my grasp. So I did.

"Vampyres are controlled by emotions and actions. We act on what we feel rather than hold back. But I was one of the more patient ones. I waited for the right opportunity to strike.

"I encountered him on a full moon, the closest a night is to day. I was situated in a Chesapeake manor at the time, so we walked down to the beach, the moonlight reflecting off the calm, black sea. We sat on the sandy beach, talking of mundane subjects. Antonio was enjoying America, and I could not be more proud. I'd helped make this happen, America's independence.

"Before I could cower, I leaned over and kissed him. He did not pull away. He kissed back softly, caressing my face. And I thought it was right. I thought this would be where we'd decide to be bonded. I melted into his arms warm touch, surrendering myself to him.

"He gently pulled away, looking me directly into my eyes. 'Mm…' he hummed, his lips pressed into a tight line. 'This isn't right, mi amigo.'

"My eyes grew wide behind Matthew's glasses. I thought it meant something. I thought we'd succumb to each other and bond, like how every other vampyre seemed to do so. It was news I really didn't want to hear. 'Why?' I asked, confused. 'Why is it not right?'

"'Because you don't love me,' he said simply. 'You want me. You don't understand the difference between love and lust.'

"'Are they not the same?' I asked. I was only a century old at the time, much younger than Antonio, who was pushing four hundred years. I was naïve while he was wise, immature to his worldly knowledge.

"He laughed. 'Of course they're not,' he said. 'Lust is what you're feeling right now. Your body and soul want me physically, for my looks. You want me next to you because you think it will make you happy. You want to be like Arthur and Françoise, because you could not have Arthur for yourself. You want me because I'm beautiful and you'll think I'd look good next to you. That is not how love works, Alfred. Love is true devotion to a being, heart and soul, physically and emotionally. You wouldn't sacrifice yourself to the Sun so I could live. You need to find someone you would do that for.' He kissed me softly on the cheek and stood. 'It may take centuries. Me, I'm four hundred years old and I'm still looking. And when the time comes, promise me we'll meet again.'

"I gave him a solid nod. 'I promise,' I said.

"Antonio returned to Spain later that month, and the last time I saw him, he was already happily bonded to Chiara.

"But I wanted to keep to his promise. I wanted to find the perfect bondmate. So Arthur, Françoise, and I ventured to Europe, in hopes of finding the other vampyres to learn of our history. I truly became part of the community—I grasped a greater sense of what we were, and I met vampyres that would change my life forever. From Yao to Feliciano, I met as many vampyres as I could.

"And I never stopped the search for the perfect bondmate. After the disaster with Antonio, I moved to women. There were some hopefuls over the years and even a little vampyre romance with Natalia, but I couldn't seem to find the right person."

"Natalia?" asked Kiku, raising an eyebrow. "Didn't you say she was…devious?"

"Worse." Alfred shifted on the futon uncomfortably. "She was psycho. It's something I'd really rather not get into. She and I had different needs; that's all you need to know."

Kiku nodded. He wasn't ready to tell her everything. Maybe one day he would, if she lived past this fateful night.

"Do you know why I chose you?" Alfred asked, changing the subject. "Over all the other hopefuls, all the countless victims I devoured?"

"Because you fell in love?" Kiku guessed.

"Not just that. Not just because you were lonely. Because your eyes always twinkle when you think of talk of traveling. I wanted you to experience that, the sensation of being in another country. You did it once— you were so determined for citizenship here, and you accomplished it. You're an American citizen. And somewhere during your endeavor, I noticed you among the throng of beautiful women, simply because of your determination. You fight for what you want, no matter how ludicrous. So I knew— you'd show that same spunk if you had until the end of time to travel the world.

"I want to show you the wonders of the world, Kiku," Alfred said, his blue eyes sparkling as they met hers. "If the bond is what it takes for me to be happy, then my mind is set. If you choose to die, I will never love another. I will never bond to anyone unless it's you, Kiku."

This was it. Decision time. She had two days, and they were over. Bond and travel with Alfred for eternity, feeding on humans and living nocturnally, or die and ensure Alfred's single, eternal life. Either way, she'd never see her friends and family again—and she loved them to death.

Alfred had nothing when he was turned. But Kiku was held back for a number of reasons. It was like she was giving up what she worked so hard to achieve.

Would she throw it all away to be with him forever?

She pondered, weighing her pros and cons again.

He'd bared his soul to her. She was the only person besides Arthur who knew of his human life, his infatuation with his creator and Antonio, and his struggle to find a bondmate. He made his choice.

And so did she.

"Alfred," she started, taking his hands in hers again. "When I first met you, I was scared. And in truth, now I'm even more frightened. You've trusted me with so much of your history, and I am eternally grateful for that. You've taught me love and devotion, and you've showed me the world is large, and I need to go out and see it and experience it. And I want to do that… with you, as your bondmate. You've sacrificed your heart and soul for me. Now I'll sacrifice my life and family for you."

She almost couldn't believe what she'd just said. Kiku meant every word of it, of course, and nothing would give her a feeling of pure satisfaction until Alfred was happy. She now knew that.

Therefore, it was possible to fall in love in such a little amount of time.

"Aishiteru, Alfred," said Kiku grinning. "Itsumo, itsumo, itsumo."

Alfred's grin was genuine, not suave. "I don't need a translator to know what that means," he said, pressing his lips to Kiku's in a passionate kiss.

This time, Kiku fully gave in to him. She would soon be his for eternity, and her dream would soon be fulfilled.

What was the saying about the birds and the stone? Kiku was too busy kissing Alfred to remember.

Alfred pulled away a centimeter, his forehead pressed to Kiku's. "Let's go somewhere more intimate," he whispered, his hands caressing her face. "Although… there's no possible way this could be any less perfect."

Kiku smiled, reading his mind before crashing her lips to his again.


Wow. Kiku panted heavily, her eyes focused on her ceiling as if it were the most interesting ceiling in the world.


Alfred was accurate when he said he acted on emotion. Two years of no contact with her had probably built up an eternity's worth of sexual tension. Kiku struggled to catch her breath, not entirely sure what had happened. One moment they were innocently kissing on her spare futon. The next, their tongues were intertwined, his hands hastily undoing the knot of her halter outside her bedroom door.

Next to her, Alfred also tried to grasp his breath. He reached around the tousled sheets for Matthew's glasses, hurriedly tossed away in the heat of the moment. Like Kiku, he was unsure of what had happened just minutes ago.

"Kami," Kiku gasped, clutching her bed sheets. "If my parents learned I hadn't saved myself for marriage, I'd be disowned." She was still a human, still uncorrupted. Well, for the most part.

Alfred laughed uncertainly, pressing his palm to his forehead. "Shit," he said. "I had no idea…"

Kiku chuckled as well, rolling over to face him. "It's okay," she reassured. "It just means it will only and always be you." She exposed her neck to Alfred. "It must have been tempting, since I'm still a human."

Alfred's nose winkled. "Not really," he admitted. "If your blood were type O… well, that's a different story." His lips touched her neck softly. "I will be right here," he whispered, "as you die your human death. It will be painful. You'll want to surrender to death. Don't succumb. Hold on."

Kiku's fingers ran through his soft, blonde hair, mustering up all her strength. After tonight, she would not be a human. She'd be part of his kind for eternity. She'd be his forever. "I trust you," she stated, preparing for the worse.

Alfred took her hand, intertwining their fingers. "I won't let go," he whispered against her skin. With that, he bared his fangs and pierced her neck.

Kiku let out a soft moan, keeping Alfred pressed to her tightly. It felt so sweet, so good. Her vision hazed as she felt her life slowly begin to slip away. Her grip on Alfred's hand tightened; she didn't want him to leave.

He pulled away and kissed her new wound. He had to keep it exposed and open for the bonding. His grip in her hand was reassuring, telling her that everything would be all right.

A sharp pain erupted in Kiku's heart. She was dying her human death. Alfred was right. This was hell. All she wanted was to surrender to the pain, but she could see Alfred hovering over her, telling her to hold on.

No matter what, she had to keep fighting. She had to focus on Alfred, focus on anything and everything that would keep her going. She had to make him happy, had to help him keep his promise to Antonio. She wouldn't let him down; especially after all he'd done fore her. She just had to fight throughout his unbearable pain for a little while longer.

She felt her human life slipping away, but something foreign was replacing it. Her canines elongated; her entire body felt leaner, stronger. Her vision changed, becoming clearer and wiser. It was set. Irreversible, undying vampyrism was hers. Kiku blinked once, twice, three times, assessing Alfred's slightly toned body over hers. It was different, normal almost. No longer did he seem like the most beautiful creature in the world, because now she knew she was equally as beautiful.

"A-Alfred," she stammered. Her voice had that same velvety smooth ton on his.

Alfred leaned down and kissed her neck tenderly. "I'll give you a moment to let it sink in. It's a bit of a shock for the first few minutes," he said.

Kiku nodded. "Of course," she replied, not really knowing what he was saying. This was just too incredible. Everything was so different now. It was impossible to describe her new sight, which was not enhanced and everything around her seemed to be… animated.

Before she knew it, she felt a hunger she'd never felt before. The sushi and cheesecake would not satisfy, even if she were completely full not twenty minutes ago. No. She needed blood preferably type AB positive.

It would kill her if she didn't feed soon.

Alfred laughed at her uncertainly. "I know, your next door neighbor's blood smells incredibly delicious. Of course, you didn't taste too bad yourself," he joked.

"When will we feed?" she asked, a little too eagerly.

"All in good time, my love, all in good time." Alfred gently raised a hand to stop Kiku from protesting. "We aren't even dressed."

Kiku felt her blood rise to her cheeks as she looked down. Even in her primitive form, she didn't feel as self-conscious as she would have been earlier. She looked god.

"I assume you'd like to bond first" she asked. "You seem so… eager." She sat up, getting comfortable around the tangled sheets and strewn pillows.

Alfred straddled her legs and took her face in his hands. "I'd love that," he said, "But only if you're ready. I've made you deal with so much already, and I don't want to put you through anything else if you can't handle it."

Kiku kissed him reassuringly. "Just add it to the list," she said, smiling, her new fangs giving her a devious look. "This is already the most memorable night of my life."

Alfred smiled, his right hand moving down her neck, brushing her open wound. "The blood must be mixed at the source for the bonding," he explained. "That means our blood must mix from where there is an open wound. Since a vampyre may feed wherever he or she wishes, I had an idea."

Kiku raised an eyebrow, knowing what he was thinking. She leaned up and kissed him fiercely, with a rigor she didn't know she possessed. It must have been her new vampyre instincts.

Suddenly Alfred pulled away, as if he just remembered something important. "Hold on," he said, sitting up. "I have to get something. If you look in you jeans pockets, you'll find something similar." He winked and left the room.

Confused, Kiku shuffled around the floor for her jeans, wondering what Alfred was talking about. To what was he referring? It must have been that little gift bag he'd brought in with the cheesecake.

She gasped as she gripped the object in her pocket. He wasn't serious, was he?

Alfred reappeared, the gift bag in his hand. He smiled, noticing that Kiku found what he'd slipped into her pocket at Tiffany's. Had she been a vampyre then, she'd have noticed him, but he was too fast for humans.

Kiku clutched her find, sitting back on her bed. Alfred followed her, placing the small bag in her lap. "Kind of a late birthday present," he said, shrugging. "I'm sorry."

"That's fine. Thank you." Kiku made herself comfortable at Alfred's side, opening the gift bag.

The first gift was, to Kiku's surprise, a CD. 1947 by Einsamkeit. On the cover was a very beautiful man, with harsh white hair and piercing crimson eyes, surrounded by others that were not as eye-catching as the front man.

Kiku's eyes grew wide "Gilbert?" she asked.

Alfred shrugged. "I saw it Amoeba yesterday and knew I'd discuss him with you. It's his ban. I hate to admit it, but I listened to the demo… and I liked it. Granted, I know German and you don't but still… it's more of how the music affects your mood."

"Hm…" Kiku hummed, rummaging through the rest of the bag, "It's going straight to my iPod then." She picked up a Tiffany's box, suspiciously the same size as the necklace she saw earlier.

She raised an eyebrow and glared at Alfred. "I knew it," she said.

"You don't like it?" he asked, his face playful.

"You know what I think of it." Kiku couldn't help but smile as she opened the box, revealing the heart-shaped necklace she would probably wear fot the rest of her eternal life.

She lifted it out of the box, admiring the intricate silver heart. "It's beautiful."

Alfred took the necklace from her hands and clasped it around Kiku's neck, the cool silver meeting her warm skin beautifully. He hummed "Heart-Shaped Box" by Nirvana softly, so low Kiku was sure only she could hear it.

"She's has me like a Pisces when I am weak.

I've been locked inside your heart-shaped box for weeks…"

Kiku shifted her head to kiss Alfred, a smile present. Never in her life had she imagined this. She was a vampyre, something she hadn't known existed until two days ago, in love for the first and only time of her life, wearing nothing but a Tiffany's necklace. Sweet, dignified Kiku was no longer the naïve child from Japan, she was an entirely different being. Out of her element, her shell, her skin… she was free.

Alfred's arms snaked around Kiku's slender waist, reaching for the gift bag. "Yoink." He grinned slyly, taking it from her hands and pulling out another Tiffany's box.

Kiku was confused. She hadn't seen Alfred make that purchase. And it must have been today, because he did not know what Kiku would say… right?

"I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn black…"

He whispered in her ear sweetly, letting all her troubles melt away. When Kiku looked down at his hands, he held an actual heart-shaped box. And Kiku knew what it already contained. Opening her hand, she asked, "Was it your father's?"

"No," Alfred replied. "And only this box is from Tiffany's. But the ring…" He opened the silver box, reveling a simple, gold band. "This was Mary Jones' ring. My mother's. And the ring you are currently holding was Arthur's, back when he was a human. His human wife's death was the cause of his drunken, miserable state, the state in which Françoise found him. He gave it to me not fifty years ago. There was nothing he wanted more for me than a bondmate, and that is you. As we exchange the sacred vow, when the blood begins to fuse, slip Arthur's ring on my ring finger, and I will do the same to you with Mary's. It is not required, but it is a physical reminder of what we've done."

Kiku nodded. "Okay," she said, sitting up, her back supported by a wall. She fingered her new necklace with her free hand, nervous. How would she feel after this? More complete? Nothing?

Alfred raised an eyebrow, as if he were analyzing Kiku's body language. "Are you sure you want to do this now? Now that you are a vampyre, why rush?" he asked. "We only have forever."

"I-I want to," Kiku stammered, not meeting Alfred's eyes. "What if I met someone else? I wouldn't want to leave you without a bondmate. You deserve one."

"Kiku…" Alfred resumed his earlier position, straddling her lap, which forced her to look at him. "The bond must be consensual on both sides. Don't bond to me because I want you to. Make the bond with me because you want to."

"And I do, honestly." Kiku's hand dropped. "I'm just… not sure how I'll feel afterward. That's what I'm worried about."

"We never know how it all turns out," Alfred explained. "That's why we do such crazy things. For the adventure. I don't know what it feels like to be bonded, but I'm still willing to bond to you right here, right now. Are you?"

Kiku took a deep breath and looked Alfred straight in the eye. "I am," she stated, truly meaning it. "And I am ready for whatever we have to face." She kissed Alfred reassuringly, waiting for him to respond.

As soon as Alfred deepened the kiss, Kiku knew what she had to do. Fangs bared, she bit down, piercing Alfred's lip.

Alfred gasped, not expecting that. Kiku was fierce. But, as a newborn vampyre, she was also quite hungry. Even Alfred's corrupted blood was tasty.

Stop, she willed herself. Not too much. Kiku stopped, pulling away. She exposed her neck to Alfred, the wound healing fast. She glanced at him; he was still in shock from her sudden bite. Crimson tinted his lipsquickly, and he glanced back and smiled, his perfectly white teeth stained with blood. Even in this state, like a cold-blooded killer ready for its prey, he was still extremely handsome.

Alfred leaned down, pressing his bloodstained lips to Kiku's exposed neck. Without warning, he pierced Kiku's fresh wound again, feeling the blood fuse and the bond begin to take place. Kiku felt herself giving in to him, feeling him as a part of her. He suddenly grasped her left hand, slipping the ring on her ring finger and recited, "I devote myself, Alfred F. Jones, to you, Kiku Honda, for eternity.

"Do the same," he growled against her skin. "Before the wounds begin to heal."

"Y-yes," she whispered breathlessly, taking Alfred's left hand and doing the same. "I devote myself, Kiku Honda, to you, Alfred F. Jones, for eternity."

They both gasped, an almost palpable bond forming between the two of them. They felt a pull, drawing their souls closer together until they were fused. Alfred was right. It was way more intimate than marriage, and it would keep them together for eternity. I couldn't be broken, Kiku knew. Even if it had been before, with Roderich and Elizaveta, Kiku knew she would never break this bond to Alfred. She was newborn, a new person—no—a new vampyre. Alfred's bondmate. She glanced down at him, from his now ring-clad hand down his muscular back and saw no one else. She knew no one but him. Meg, Alice, her past boyfriends, her parents, even Yanmei—they were all a blur. Her life was beginning now, with this bonding.

Alfred pulled away from Kiku and met her eyes with his. Were they always that beautifully blue? It was like she was seeing him for the first time.

"Kami," she whispered as he licked his lips. "Do you feel… as different as I do?"

"Yeah," he said breathlessly, glaring at her with a new vigor, like he wanted to protect her forever. I do."

When they kissed, it was like they had invented the idea of love.


"Are we going to meet them?" Kiku asked, staying as close to Alfred as possible. She was still so hungry… but tired, too. Twice in one night while she was starving required way more energy than she was currently capable of.

"All in good time," Alfred whispered, kissing Kiku's forehead. "We'll stay here for a few nights preparing, then we'll head to Barcelona. I still have a promise I need to keep." He smiled.

Antonio. Kiku couldn't believe that soon, she'd meet them all. Arthur, Françoise, Yao, Monika, Bianca… she'd be part of this exclusive world. It was unbelievable. She was bonded, about to meet all the vampyres that had created Alfred's history—now her history.

"Of course," Kiku sighed, wrapping her arms around Alfred's neck. "But… I think you should show me some ropes now." She laughed breathily.

"Hm…" Alfred hummed, starting to sit up. "You're right. You're a new vampyre." He rummaged for his pants, pulling them on. Once he was dressed, he stood, patiently waiting for Kiku to follow his example.

"Ah…" Kiku didn't think they'd leave so fast.

"You have superhuman abilities, Kiku," said Alfred. "I guarantee if you wanted you could be dressed in five seconds."

Kiku smirked, and decided to test her new powers. Surely enough, it happened. She stood next to Alfred, fully dressed before he could say anything else. Her body tingled with excitement, surprised she could do that. And didn't Alfred say something about hovering?

Kiku thought hard about it, picturing herself off the ground, and surely enough, she was hovering over her bed.

"Oh my gosh!" she cried. "This is amazing!"

Alfred grinned, joining Kiku in the air. "Since when were you this enthusiastic?" he asked.

"Since I bonded to you, I'm sure," said Kiku, sporting a debonair grin similar to Alfred's. "Our personalities are connected. Everything is connected. I feel it. So… your fun-loving-but-serious demeanor is part of mine now… I guess."

Alfred took Kiku's left hand. He was warm, and the ring around her finger made Kiku feel whole. "What now?" Kiku asked, giving him an innocent peck on his cheek.

Smiling, Alfred opened Kiku's bedroom window, and they flew out of her Little Tokyo apartment, the city's lights glowing all around them.

Kiku sighed contently. Everything was perfect. She was at the perfect age, forever bonded to someone she loved, and she was about to go on the greatest adventure of her life.

But tonight, she sniffed the fresh blood around the city. "Eight million people…"

Alfred snuck a peek at his watch. "Five hours…"

Kiku bared her fangs, ready for anything. "Let's feed."
♠ ♠ ♠
Japanese Translations (correct me if I'm wrong):

Moshi moshi—hello (on the phone)

Aishiteru—I love you


So there you have it. Part one. I'm working on a side story for Alfred that goes into his shady history that he's not ready to tell Kiku just yet (definitely M-rated). Pairings include: Alfred/Arthur, Alfred/Ivan. Alfred/Elizaveta, and Alfred/Natalia. And the sequel will include some more man vs. man conflict within the Vampyre community. Let's just say, three little devils are going to make Alfred and Kiku's European trip MUCH more complicated.

Enjoy and review, my lovelies!
