
Heartache That Don't Stop Hurting

“Brooklyn, somethin’s wrong wit you.”

“I’m fine,” She lied. “Really. I am.”

“When’s the last time you talked to Jason?”

She stared down at the coffee cup in her hands. She really didn’t like to think about the last time she talked to Jason.

Brooke had been in New York for two months now and she was just finishing up her internship. All of her things had been packed up in the apartment she had rented, ready to be shipped back home.

She was ready to go back to her roots and see Jason again.

Too bad he wasn’t going to be there waiting for her when she landed.

Two days prior to Brooke announcing her complete internship, her mother called, saying that Jason wouldn’t be there when she returned.

“What do you mean he isn’t there? He promised me he would be."

“Brooklyn honey, I don’t know what I can tell you. Even his parents don’t know where he could have gone. They checked out in the field, in town, in the next town over. He just left.”

I sat there on the couch, staring at the brown cardboard boxes, dumbfounded and ready to cry. “No momma, he can’t be gone. I love him.”

“I know baby, I know. He’s got to be planning something for you, he must be.”

I pulled the phone away from my ear to see what the annoying beeping was that had been going constantly for about a minute now.

“Hey mom, I have to go. I have another call, I think it might be the boss.”

“Take a deep breathe baby doll, don’t worry about Jason.”

“Bye momma.”

“Bye honey.”

I switched over the calls.

“Hello?” I croaked out, not even paying attention to the caller ID.


“Jason?” I choked out. “Where the hell are you?”

“Listen to me Brooklyn…”

“You’re supposed to be at home! The whole damn town is worried sick over you!” I blurted into the phone. I should’ve given him a chance.

“I don’t give a damn!” He cursed. “They’re a bunch of washed up folks anyway!”

“They’re your family Jason!”

“I don’t care! They’re just a bunch of goddamn hillbillies who know not one good thing.”

I sat there; shocked that he had even called the town hillbillies. He knew how much I hated that word in the first place.

“What in the right devil has gotten in to you?”

“I’m going crazy without you Brooke!” He admitted abruptly. “I can’t stand a goddamn minute without you here anymore. So I left. I left the town to come find you. And I don’t even know where the hell you are.”

I couldn’t help myself; there was too much emotion in me. “Jason,” I cried. “Go back home. I’ll see you there. In the bed of your truck, lying in the field with you.”

“I can’t wait for you to come back Brooke. I need to find you now.”

“Jason, go back home. I promise I’m coming, as soon as I can book the next flight.”

“I love you Brooklyn.”

“I love you too.”