Status: Finished

Heavy in Your Arms


I stared out at the beautiful London scenery. To me this was perfect, I could picture Edward and I living here. He had booked a gorgeous hotel with a balcony overlooking the entire area. We have been here for almost a week. Sadly today would be our last day here and Edward had planned on us going to the Tower of London. Most of our time here was either spent in our room or sight seeing; mostly our room. The suite was huge-it could fit nearly ten people comfortably inside. I smiled as I felt Edward's arms snake around my waist.

"Good morning." he whispered in my ear then softly kissed my neck. "I had an amazing night!"

I began to blush just thinking about it.

"I did too! Would you like to join me for a shower then start getting ready for the day?"

"I'd love too!"

After Edward and I took a steamy shower we got ready then left the hotel. Instead of taking a cab we both decided to walk and take some more photos. The humans kept looking at us as if we were celebrities; I guess it was because to them we were beautiful-to me I thought Edward was the beautiful one. He softly grabbed onto my hand as we walked into the Tower of London. We toured the white tower, saw the beautiful crown jewels, saw where the executions took place, and saw much more. As we were walking around the area I spotted two people that I never thought would be here.

I clenched onto Edward's hand rather hardly. He looked down at me wondering what was going on. My mouth fell in shock. It couldn't be them? Why would they be here? I stared at them from a distance wondering if I just stayed where I was would they see me or not even notice. Edward looked to see what I was staring at. I could feel him inside my head and I quickly blocked him out; a power that I had just now figured out I had.

"What is it?" he asked.

"My parents." I gasped.

I stood frozen as I watched them head towards our direction. Edward knew if he tried to pull me away from there I would only cause a scene.

"Scarlett, if they see us together they will think I kidnapped you or something. It will only be trouble."

"Not if I tell them the truth. They have to believe me."

I was about to walk forward but Edward stopped me.

"No!" he shouted. "Scarlett, we can't tell anyone what we are. If you tell the Volturi will have your head. Please, just leave them alone. They look happy."

And he was right. They did look happy. They were strolling around the tower hand in hand with smiles on their faces. I wondered why they had come to the place that I most wanted to visit in the world. Maybe they needed to come here as closure. Then my eyes met her blue ones and her face fell. I knew if I didn't act now trouble would soon happen. With one sad smile I grabbed onto Edward and the two of us ran away from the tower. It took all my might to run back to the hotel suite. A part of me wanted to turn back and comfort my mother, but I knew I couldn't. Her seeing me just now was all it took to break her again and sadly I felt bad because she was so happy.

"I'm sorry." I told Edward once we were safely back in the room.

"For what?" he asked as he softly kissed my cheek.

"Trying to cause a scene."

"Well you didn't so there's nothing to be sorry about."

"Why do you think they're here?"

Edward sighed. "They wanted to come to the place you dreamed of coming to."

"I knew it." I replied sadly. "Maybe if I write them a letter and explain to them that I'm okay."

Edward shook his head. "Scar, I'm sorry you can't. You're not their daughter anymore."

I felt a blood red tear drop fall from my eyes. Edward brushed it away with his finger then kissed both my eyelids. He knew I was in pain right now. He wanted this to be a special vacation and it was until today. My parents meant everything to me. They raised me, taught me things, took me to movies, loved me, read me books, and provided me with what I needed. I knew that would probably be the last time I saw them and I knew for the rest of eternity they would always be in my heart.