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It's Not You, It's Me

Flight 132

BEEP BEEP BEEP. I woke up and went to the bathroom and took a long, hot shower. I gathered my luggage for Pacific Prep boarding school. I packed my luggage into the car and sat there quietly for 2 hours.
“Really? Famous? The boarding school that we’re going to is famous?” Tiffany asked.
My cousin, Ed replied, “Yeah, apparently. There are a lot of ric-." He opened the car door. “Sam? This is where you have been? I better tell mom. Be right back.” He came back in five minutes with Aunt. Aunt and Uncle bid us farewell and a kiss to the forehead. We were told to have fun at the Prep School. Is that possible for me?
- - -
At the waiting area to board the plane, the silence was quite awkward.
“Hey Tiffany, do you have everything?”
“Yup. I have everything. I am so excited!” She said.
Sam, do YOU have everything?” Nick, my brother, asked me.
“yeah.” I answered.
“What dorm are you girls in?” Ed, my cousin, asked.
“Room 13, It's in the Cormer wing.” Tiffany answered
“Wanna get dinner after we unpack?” Nick asked.
“SAM! You didn’t kill her! Be more lively!” Nick said.
“Why should I? I did kill her! How would you know?” I asked.
“The other driver was drunk.” He said.
“Yeah, but I annoyed her. I made her lose her concentration. You were there! So don’t give me that ‘it was the other driver’ junk.” I answered.
“You didn’t kill them with your bare hands.”
“Of course not, I killed MOM with my selfishness.” My eyes won’t stop tearing even though I don’t feel like crying. My nose was as bright as Rudolf’s nose and it ran like a faucet.
“YOU DID NOT!” Nick yelled. Tiffany just sat there, quietly.
FLIGHT 132. Please board the plane. Calling all to board Flight 132. Destination: Pacific Prep Boarding School.
Half an hour after we boarded the plane, I began to shiver from the blasting air conditioner. I didn’t pack any sweaters into my carry on back-pack. Tiffany had extras, but she didn’t want to be bothered by me so she inserted her Ipod headphones into her ears, blasted her music, and fell asleep.
“Hey, are you cold?” the person next to me asked.
I shook my head but I continued to shiver. The guy next to me wore a black hoodie with the name Caleb in big green letters and underneath the name had a cool, stylish design. He was wearing sunglasses for some strange reason.
He stood up and took off his sweater.
“Put your arms up.” He said. What was the point of doing that? I shook my head. He sighed and put his hoodie on top of me like a blanket. It felt nice and warm. Then he took off his sunglasses and put them on me. His face was five inches away. I saw his warm blue eyes underneath his black hair. He resembled a model.
“Thanks” I said.
“No problem. By the way, did you have a bad break up or something?”
"If you don't mind me asking, what happened?"
"Family troubles.”
“No wonder your eyes were red and puffy." There was a tiny pause then he introduced himself. "My name’s Caleb.”
I nodded my head.
“What’s your name?”
He played unlimited questions and I answered them in word one responses. In the middle of his 30th one, I began to doze off and leaned my head toward Tiffany.
“You shouldn’t sleep like that. It strains your neck.” He said. His hand grabbed my neck gently and pulled it toward him. He leaned my head against his shoulder and let me fall asleep.
“Mmm. Thanks.” He chuckled when I mumbled in his ear softly. I talked more to him than to everyone combined in this whole miserable year. I think it is because he reminds me of Evelyn. I wonder what she is up to.
♠ ♠ ♠
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