Status: On hold.

It's Not You, It's Me


We walked back to the dorm together and I apologized to everyone for running out.
“I’m sorry I worried you guys. And thank you for caring.” Tiffany rolled her eyes and walked to her bed without a word.
“It’s fine.” Jake responded. “Besides, you would come to your senses in no time. While you were gone, Tiffany and the guys thought of taking you out to a special store tomorrow. How bout it?”
“Oh, well, you see I wasn’t going to take a no anyway. So you have no choice. You’re coming whether you like it or not.”
“Then don’t ask me.”
“Oh, don’t worry. We won’t. We’ll just come into your room and carry you like a princess in front of everyone”
“I get it. Do whatever.”
They planned everything to do tomorrow. I began to doze off and started falling asleep.
- - -
The next day, I woke up to the cell phone ringing. It was Caleb.
I pushed send and let him talk.
“Come down with Tiffany. If you don’t get down here in 5 minutes, we’re coming up and carrying you down. Oh look. You DO have a choice.” I can hear that smirk in his voice.
“Whatever.” I hung up the phone and woke up Tiffany.
“Tiff, wake up.” I shook her and she woke up with a startle. “Caleb and the guys said to go down in 5 minutes so get ready quickly.”
“Okay. Thanks.” I walked to my bed, put my head on the pillow, and tried to sleep. “Wait, what about you?”
“I don’t have to go. You better hurry. You’re wasting time.” Tiffany quickly ran into the bathroom, changed, brushed, and applied makeup really quickly. She ran out the door without a word of goodbye. It was quiet and I was by myself again. I closed my eyes and went back to sleep. Like always, Caleb calls the cell phone but I pushed ignore. Two minutes later, all of the guys barge into my room.
“Sam, let’s go.” Caleb pulled the covers off. “Hurry up and change.” I didn’t get out of bed. I took the pillow to cover my face and ears. “or shall I help you change?” I quickly pulled the pillow off my face, looked at him, and dared him.
His fingers reached out for a button and he unbuttoned 5 buttons from the bottom. I quickly ran to my dresser for clothes, but Matt handed them to me. I quickly brushed past them and changed. I walk out to the bedroom and asked, “Why?”
“Oh, don’t worry about the clothes. Tiffany doesn’t mind at all.” Matt turned to Tiffany with a smile, “Right Tiffany?”
“Yeah. Let’s go.” Tiffany wasn’t happy that I wore something of hers.
We walk to the door but a hand grabs my arm and pulls me back.
“Caleb. Let me go. I’m wearing a skirt.” He passed me to Matt, took off his coat, and wrapped it around my waist.
“There.” He carried me like a princess out the dorms and we once again waited for the car to come. Everyone that passed, whispered to their friends, giggling or commenting on how lucky I was to be hanging out with them. One conversation:
“Hey, Rachel! Look at her. She’s so lucky! She gets to hang out with them all the time. This is the second time I see one of them carry her bridal style.” A brunette said.
“YEAH! I know! I wish I was her. Then I could be with them!” The one in glasses said.
“I can’t even get close to them. I get so shy and nervous with them cause they’re famous and handsome!”
Did they say famous? I thought about this and zoned out of their loud whispering.
“Caleb, who are you?” I whispered.
“Are you trying to seduce me?” he tried to sound aghast but chuckled immediately after.
“Caleb Waker.”
“You know what I mean.”
He chuckled some more. “I am? Is Miss quiet getting curious about me?” not at all. I just want to know who these guys are.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short, but comment and let me know how it was. Any comment is fine.
Thank you. (: