Status: On hold.

It's Not You, It's Me

You Have the Wrong Twin

“So, Sam. I hear you’re curious about us. What do you want to know?” Jake asked.


“I want to know something! I hear you’re famous. WHO are you?” Tiffany asked.

“We’re models.” He chuckled.

Tiffany’s eyes shined and she was fascinated by them.

“Where are we going? I thought we were going to the mall.” I asked.

“Oh. For you, it would be like the mall. For us, it’s really small.” Caleb answered.

“Hey, Caleb. Have you heard that there is a school opening dance?” Tiffany asked.

“There is? I’ve never heard of this. When is it?”

“Next Thursday. The three days after school starts.”

“Cool. I’ll be there. Are you and Sam going?”

“I’m definitely going.” Tiffany barged in. That was funny. She only cared for herself anyway.

“And you Sam?”

“Why ask?”

“Man, she’s right. She says no to everything.” Matt said.

“Are you sure, Sam? Just come for half an hour at least.” Will said.

“I’ll think about it.”

The guys cheered for my response as I got dirty side looks from Tiff.

“Anyway, are you guys taking a date to the dance?”

“I didn’t even know about the dance until now.” Caleb chuckled. “So as for me, I don’t have a date. How bout you guys?”

“Same here. I don’t have one.” Jake said

Will shook his head.

“Since none of are taking dates, I’m assuming both of you are our dates.” Matt smirked.

“No. Just take Tiff.” I said.

Matt parked the car and turned around in the driver’s seat.

“What are you saying?”

“I’m saying that you have the wrong twin. I’m not the one that should or wants to be treated the way you treat me. Take Tiffany.”

“No, sorry. You have no say in this.”

Tiffany could not stand it anymore. She blew her cool. “SHUT IT SAM! All you ever do is wallow in your sorrow. You would be the one to drown in your own tears. Just stop it! I’m sick and tired of you getting all the attention. You’re the reason that mom died. You’re the reason for everything that’s been going wrong for the whole family. Either stop talking all together or stop wallowing.” Her face was red and written with anger. But she isn’t in the wrong to scream at me.

“You know what Tiffany. YOU ARE THE WORST SISTER ANYWAY! What do you know? Do you know how I feel? You talk as if you know nothing. All day you cry about how I act but you can’t seem to ignore me.” Tears swelled up but I held them in. I want her to hate me. She needs to.

“IF I COULD I WOULD! You always get the attention of others. Everyone pities you. Why do you have to be my twin?”

“I wasn’t supposed to be. I was a mistake. I’m sorry.” I looked to everyone. “Excuse me.” Will got out of his seat and let me out. Everyone got out of the car to follow me.

“Please don’t follow.” I took a few steps and walked back to Caleb. I whispered in his ear.
“You had the wrong twin all along. She’s the one you need to comfort.” I said as I glanced at Tiffany, who was red with anger.

I walked in through the double doors to the “Studio” and let the tears fall down my face.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is short again. But I PROMISE the next one will be long and interesting. (:

Oh, and I just want to thank the 4 people that subscribed to my story! So, thank you very much! All of you made me so happy!

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