Tales of Agonia: Book One

Chapter Two

Lynn woke up, her head in Mage's lap. My head hurts, She touched her forehead gingerly, wincing.

"You hit your head pretty hard,," Mage said, leaning back on his hands, his hair bound up, so it wouldn't touch the grime and dirt of their prison.

"Nice accommodations," she groaned groggily, throwing her arm over her face and making sure her braid hung over her shoulder. "Mage, we got caught,"

"I know, but," he hesitated.

"But what?"

"They say we're the strongest children to come through here since Alwinera herself. Maybe we have a chance of breaking free," Lynn uncovered her face, looking up at him.

"Give me your hand,"

"We're too close to the Interceptor,"

"Shut up and give me your hand," she snapped. He arched his eyebrow, but did as he was told. Fire danced along their entertwined fingers and Lynn grinned at him. "You were saying?"