The O.U.R. League

O.U.R. League Chapter 5

Sakuya woke up at the sound of her alarm. She quickly turned it off and stood out of her bed. She yawned and walked to the shower. While she showered all she could think about was Akio. She giggled as she remembered their time together in middle school. She sighed as she got out of the shower.

"I miss those days. At least I get to see him again, even if he's with my sister now." Sakuya said. She got dressed and went out to the kitchen. When she walked in she saw Kaori in the kitchen getting things ready for breakfast. "You need any help?"  

Kaori grabbed a pan and put it on the stove.

"Sure. Can you get the bacon and sausage ready?" Kaori asked as she got out some eggs.

"Alright I will."

Akio and Sachi woke up after hearing the rumbling in the kitchen. Akio put his arm around Sachi's back and pulled her close to him. She looked up at him.

"Akio I want to ask you something." Akio looked down at her.

"What's the matter?"

"Well, will all of us living with my sister cause problems for you?" Akio looked into her eyes.

"What makes you say that?"

"Well I know you two have history and I know she still has feelings for you." Akio chuckled a little.

"No it's done between me and her." Sachi looked at him and smiled but Akio could tell she wasn't completely convinced.

"Lets go get washed up. I can smell breakfast." He said getting out of the bed and walking to the bathroom in the room. Sachi sat up looked around her room.

"It's just like how I remembered it." She said to herself. The room was purple with a black stared ceiling. There was a dresser next to the bed with a full-length mirror attached to it, and a black Macbook laptop in the corner. Sachi scratched her head.

"That laptop is still there?" she said. Akio's voice could be heard from the bathroom.

"Sachi are you coming?" Sachi smiled as she got up and walked to the bathroom.

Keitaro was in his room looking into his ceiling. He was thinking about what Sakuya said last night.

"What was she trying to get at?" He asked himself. There was a knock at his door.

"Come in." he said sitting up. Kaori opened the door and poked her head in.

"Breakfast will be ready in a minute, get up alright." Keitaro rubbed his face.

"Alright get out now so I can get dressed." Kaori left and went into the kitchen. She picked up a platter with three plates on it. One plate was filled with bacon another with eggs and the last one with sausages. Sakuya followed her will another plate full of ham.

"Jeez Sakuya did you buy all this food for us?" Kaori asked setting the platter down. Sakuya set down her plate and went to the fridge.

"No I usually keep this much food with me, I party a lot so I stock up on food." Sakuya took out two large pitchers of apple juice and orange juice and set them on the table. Keitaro was the first to enter the kitchen followed by Akio and Sachi.

"Good morning guys." Sakuya said. As everyone sat down Sakuya's phone rang. She pulled it out of her pocket and look at the caller ID.

"Go ahead and eat guys I got to take this." Sakuya got up and walked back to her room as everyone started to eat.

"Keitaro, when will you be leaving to get Toshi and Sakura?" Akio asked. Keitaro ate a fork full of eggs.

"Right after I finish eating. In the meantime I have things I want you guys to do." He replied.

"What would that be?" Akio poured some apple juice for himself.

"I'll explain when Sakuya comes back." A few minutes later Sakuya came back and sat at the table.

"Who was that sis?" Sachi asked. Sakuya poured her a glass of orange juice.

"It was just Jason, nothing important really." Keitaro set down his fork.

"Sakuya I have a question." Sakuya looked up at him.

"About what?"

"About your shed, do you know how huge it is?"

"Not really, I know it's big though." Keitaro continued to eat.

"Well it's big enough to hold my car and Kaori's car and at least 3 or 4 more."

"Your point being?"

"Well, how about we clean out the shed and turn it into a workshop for cars?"

"Why" Sakuya looked confused. "Why should we do that?"

"Well we could use it for our car garage. You know for building our cars." Keitaro said after he finished eating. Sakuya put her elbows on the table and her wrists under her chin.

"Okay we could do that. How long will it take you to get back?" She asked.

"About a week, I mean from Tokyo to Kyoto will be a long drive by itself. Not counting how long it will take to pack everything in Toshi's trailer.

"Alright Keitaro, in the mean time I'm going to go get your team registered for the O.U.R.L. Kaori you want to come?" Sakuya said empting her plate.

"Okay." Kaori said. "You want to go shopping while we're out?"

"Sure I could show you around Tokyo." Sakuya replied. She looked at Akio and Sachi. "What are you two going to do?"

Akio had been eating not paying attention to what was going on. He looked up from his plate.

"Um not sure, I guess me and Sachi can start cleaning the shed." He said. Sachi finished eating also.

"Well after that we can go shopping for car parts." Sachi said. "I'll let Akio use my car until he can get his own."

"Alright then let's get to work." Keitaro said standing up.

Everyone but Akio and Sachi got up and left.

"Before we go lets clean up the kitchen." Sachi said. "I'll do the dishes you can put away the leftovers."

"Okay." Akio replied.