The O.U.R. League

O.U.R. League Chapter 6

Akio and Sachi stepped out of Sakuya’s house. Sachi locked the door and ran to her car. As they got in Akio bashed is head on the way in.

“How did you hit your head?” Sachi asked. “You’re not even that tall.”

“The S2000 is very low. I’m not used to cars like that.” Akio told her. “Anyways I thought we were supposed to clean the shed.”

“Yeah we will do that later, right now we’re going to take this car for a joyride.” Sachi turned on the car and revved the engine. She put the car in reverse and back out of the driveway.

“So where are we headed?” Akio asked as Sachi drove down the street.

“There is a mechanic I knew while I was down here. I wanted to see if he is still around.” Sachi replied. She made a right turn down the street.

“What’s the guy’s name?” Akio asked.

“Aleksandr Prokhor. He’s an old Russian friend.” Sachi said. They turned right and headed down a hill.

“He’s Russian? And he lives in Japan?”

“Yeah, he moved here about forty years ago.”

“Does he speak Japanese?”

“Yeah he does, he couldn’t survive here if he didn’t.”

Sachi pulled up in front of a pearl white house with 2 cars in the drive way. One was a dark green Nissan S13 with dark red tribal vinyl stripes. The other was a charcoal black 1969 Dodge Daytona. The Daytona’s hood was up and a figure could be seen underneath the car. Sachi parked behind the S13 and she and Akio got out of the car.

“Hey Aleksandr” Sachi called to the man. Aleksandr came from underneath the car. As he saw the girl walking to him a smile crossed his face.

“Hey kiddo it’s been a long time.” Aleksandr gave Sachi a hug, picking her off her feet. “It’s nice to see you back in Tokyo.

Aleksandr looked to be about 49 but was 65. He wore a basic white T shirt and blue jeans. He’s clothes were stained with oil stains, some looked new others looked like they had been there. Akio walked up to Aleksandr.

“How are you sir, my name is Akio Takahashi.” Akio extended his hand. Aleksandr shook it.

“I know who you are. Sachi has told me all about you.” Aleksandr embraced Akio. “She’s told me what a good man you’ve been to her.”

“I try sir.” Aleksandr released Akio. “Are you related to Sachi?”

“Oh I never told you. Aleksandr is my godfather.” Akio looked shocked. “He looked after me while after I left my parents.”

“Well it’s very nice to meet you sir.” Akio said. Aleksandr smiled.

“Just call me Aleksandr” Akio nodded. “So what have you come here for?”

“Well Akio’s brother Keitaro is starting a racing team called the Fallen Angles, and we will need some mechanics.” Sachi explained.

“He’s joining the O.U.R. League?”

“Yeah, we came to last night’s race from Kyoto. We met up with this guy named Jason Johnston and told us about the O.U.R. League.”

“Jason Johnston.” Aleksandr thought for a moment. “He’s an American right?”

“Yeah” Sachi watched Aleksandr.

“I remember him. He drives a 64’ Impala.” Aleksandr frowned. “I’d be wary of him. I’ve heard rumors about him.”

“What kind of rumors.” Sachi asked.

“It’s nothing worry about it could be my paranoia.” Aleksandr scratched his beard. “Anyways I don’t mind being your mechanic, will I get paid?”

“Not at first but eventually yes.” Akio said. Aleksandr nodded.

“That’s fine with me.” Aleksandr said. “Oh before I forget you should go say hi to Mariko. She has missed you since you left.”

“Wow she’s still in Tokyo?” Sachi exclaimed.

“Yeah she got herself a man and a decent job.”

“A job, She quit street racing?”

“Yeah she put all of that behind her.” Aleksandr went back to the Daytona. “Anyways give her a call her number is still the same, I have work to do here. Call me when you need me.”

“Okay thank you.” Sachi said. Her and Akio went back to the car and got in.

“I guess we’ll do lunch with her later today.” Sachi said turning on the engine. “Let’s go drive around for a while.”

Sachi sped the car down the street, Aleksandr waved at the as they left.