The O.U.R. League

O.U.R. League Chapter 7

Kyoto, 5:38. Keitaro

Keitaro was on the phone with his cousin Toshi.He had just explained his current plans in Tokyo and that he just got back into Kyoto.

"So are you and Sakura in Toshi?"

"Well you know we would like to, but what are we gonna do with our garage?"

"Well you know that street racing in Kyoto is rough. I mean there are alot of crews that don't have a garage so they just camp out on the streets." Keitaro got off the highway and head to his garage.

"Oh I see what your getting at Keit, so we should sell our garage?"

"No Toshi selling it wouldn't be getting us a lot of cash. Let's rent our garages."

"Rent? Why?" Keitaro turned left on a one way street.

"Because If we make them pay rent thats monthly cash in our pockets."

"I see, makes sense. So when are we moving?"

"Today. I'm pulling up at my garage now to pack the rest of everyones clothes and the tools."

"Damn Keitaro, today is really short notice." Keitaro pulled into his driveway and got out of the truck.

"Yeah I know, but I will have a lot of things to do when the team starts the O.U.R League so I'd figure I'd get this out of the way."

"Yeah I understand, me and Sakura will get packing now. When will you be here?"

"I'll be there in the next hour or so."

"Okay we will be ready by then." As Toshi hung up his cell he turned to his sleeping sister. Sakura was Toshi's twin sister, she looked a little like him and she acted a little like him. she was a very cute 5'7 girl, a little tall for a girl and very stubborn. She was wearin a hot pink mini skirt with black platform boots that came up to her knees. She wore a black and pink shirt with the letters "OXOX" on the front. The shirt was a tinght for her breasts and made them look big and perky.

"Sakura." Toshi said, Sakura didn't respond. Toshi slapped her on the leg to get her attention. "Sakura wake up!"

"Damn Toshi what the hell do you want?" Sakura said slowly sitting up. She was quite used to Toshi hitting her and didn't care when he hit her to wake her.

"Keitaro is in Kyoto and he wants us to move to Tokyo."

"Why and when are we leaving?" Sakura not being the owner of the garage didn't really care what was going on so she tried to get the converstation over so she could go back to sleep.

"We are leaving today in the next hour."


"We don't have time to explain why, just pack your clothes then help me pack our tools." Sakura and Toshi went to their rooms to pack up their clothes.

About an hour later Keitaro pulled up in Toshi's driveway. He got out and knock on the door.

"Hang on Keitaro I'm going to open the garage." said Toshi. A few second later the garaged was raised, reviling 2 suitcases of clothes and 1 big box of tools.

"Alright this is all the tools. But how are we gonna move the bigger tools."

"Weren't not Toshi. We are going to leave those for the crews that move in."


Well if a crew doesn't have a garage, why would they have big tools? It would be to eay to get stolen."

"See your point."

"Hey Sakura come here!" Keitaro shouted. A moment later Sakura came in the garage. Keitaro handed her a sign with a phone number and in big letters "FOR RENT" on it.

"Stick that in the front yard while me and Toshi pack up the stuff." Sakura walked outside and stuck the sign in the ground. As she started to walk back a guy grabbed her from behind. He whispered in her ear.

"Hey baby why don't ditch those to losers and come hang with my crew." He point to two men parked accross the street, both of them smiling at her. Sakura was prepared to answer when Keitaro punched the guy in the back of the head, causing him to stumble forward and fall into the grass. He two crew members ran over to him and helped him up.

"Get out of here now." Keitaro warned them. One man ran at keitaro and tried to punch him. Keitaro sidesteped him, grabbed him by his coller and tossed him to the ground. Toshi then stepped up next to Keitaro.

"No Toshi I got this." He handed Toshi the keys to the truck. "You and sakura take the truck and I'll drive your car."

Keitaro hand Toshi the keys to the truck as Toshi handed Keitaro the keys to his car. Toshi and Sakura climbed into the truck, turned on the engine and drove off to Kyoto. Keitaro stared at the three men.

"So I see you've got some new friends... Yukio."