Status: Thanking a small break. Be back soon. Writer's block for this one.

I'm Losing the Best of Me

Doctor's Office.

"Alex, please don't make me go in there," I begged as he parked outside of the doctor's office.
"You're going in there Aria." He stated. "I don't care if I have to drag you in there by your teeth. You will go in there."
"But I don't want to!"
"But you have to!" Alex shouted back, rolling his eyes before he got out of the car. I quickly locked the door so that he couldn't get me out. He reached for the handle, but the door didn't come open. "Aria."
"Open the door,"
" the fucking door."
He sighed heavily, grabbing something out of his pocket. It was the car keys. Fuck. Quickly, Alex unlocked the door, and swung it open.
"Are you going to get out now?
I hesistated.
"Sure...." I trailed off, easing myself out of the car. He shut the door and locked it back before we started to walk slowly toward the doctor's office.
"You can see the baby bump when you do that."
"See, I am pregnant. I told you,"
"I know that you did." He chuckled.
"Then why are we even here?!"
"I told you, you're getting checked out so that the doctor can tell you what to do,"
"I hate being told what to do, Lex. You know that."
"Obviously." He chuckled.
Alex opened the door for me, allowing me to walk in first. I really didn't want to, but I quickly ducked my head as I rushed in. He laughed at me, but I didn't really care. I walked up to the front desk, with Alex trailing behind me. I grabbed a clipboard and started to sign. I didn't really want to, but I knew that he would bite my head off if I didn't.
Overprotective dick.
"There. I signed in," I mocked him slightly before taking the clip board back. "Here you go."
"Doctor Reeves should be with your shortly,"
I nodded my head before going back to sit down with Alex. He looked at me, and smiled.
"You can do this, Aria."
"I'm scared." I admitted, looking at him.
"I know you are. You wouldn't stop shaking the entire way here."
"I hate Doctor's offices. They freak me out."
"You have nothing to worry about. I'm here with you, aren't I?"
I looked into Alex's eyes. They always told the truth about what he was thinking or saying. It showed when he cared and when he lied.
"Aria Nelson?"
I sighed heavily, standing up.
"Come on, Lexi."
Alex shook his head and followed me toward the doctor.
"We're going in here."
"But first I need to get your weight and height."
"Okay.." I agreed. It took only seconds to take my measurements. Alex stood awkwardly beside Doctor Reeves, I asumed was the man. When we got back to the room, Alex took a seat, and I sat on the exam table.
"Okay, so what brings you in today, Aria?"
" I think...I'm...uh...pregnant." I stuttered.
"You think? Have you taken a test?"
"I have, but I wanted to make sure...."
"Okay. You're going to have to pee in a cup."
Doctor Reeves chuckled.
"I understand. Would you like some water?"
"That would be great." I stated.
The doctor nodded and then he was gone. I shot a worried glance over at Alex.
"Why are you such a nervous wreck. You're pregnant. So what? The doctor is just helping you, okay?"
"Okay." I nodded my head, feeling a little better.
"I'm here. I'm right here if you need me,"
I need you more than ever.
"I know..." I tried my best to smile, but I found it hard.
When the doctor came back with a bottle of water, I started drinking.
"I'm going to ask a few questions."
"How old are you?"
"22, but I'll be 23 in March,"
"Okay." He nodded, typing it into his stupid computer. "How far along do you think you are?"
"I think I'm two?"
"Mmhmm." He kept on nodding and then he typed it out. "Do you drink?"
"Not often,"
"Only once, in high school."
"Sex life?"
"Unusually active." I replied. Alex glared at the floor from that sentance. "But not so much in the past few months. I've laid off.
"When did you started to stop the sex?"
"About three months ago." I admitted.
"Mmhmm. What about recently?"
"I haven't in a while. I would say that it's been nearly the same amount of time."
"And are you married?"
"Plan to get married?"
"One day."
"Is the father supportive?" He asked, his eyes flicking toward Alex.
"I'm going to be." He spoke up. "She told me last night, and it was my idea to come here."
The doctor's eyes came back to me.
"I hate these places. They freak me out." I stated to him.
He lightly laughed.
"Are you two in a relationship?"
"No." I nearly whispered.
"May I ask why?"
I bit my bottom lip nervously.
"I'm in a relationship with someone else,"
"He's my best friend." Alex admitted. "She's dating my best friend."
"It's not as bad as it sounds..." I stated. "'re complicated."
Alex laughed lightly.
"Jack, Aria, and myself were best friends in high school. Aria loved Jack, I loved Aria, Jack loved Aria. It got into this whole huge mess. After high school, Jack and Aria tried dating at the beginning of August. They dated a couple of months, but we hooked up the night before they started to be a couple. He found out about three months later, and dumped Aria because of it. It was like he hated me. Then I went to cheer up Aria because the girl was drinking herself away. We just started having hot and angry sex most of the time. Over the course of two months, we were fuc- having sex like rabbits. Then when Jack entered the picture again, it just screwed everything up even more than it already was. Aria couldn't decide who she wanted to be with, and then she decided on Jack. I accepted it, and went back to Maryland,"
"Okay, so when did you come back?"
"Last night." He laughed.
I smiled at Alex, feeling happy that he was actually here.
"I was lost. I had lost nearly everythig important to me. My best friend moved, my boyfriend was acting like a douch, and I missed my best friend, Alex. I was losing the best part of my life."
"So, Alex, I assume that's your name, what do you feel about all of this?"
I took a huge gulp of the water.
"I'm...not dealing to well with out of Aria's life. I'm in love with the girl, but she is dating my best friend. I'm backing off."
"That doesn't seem to be working though, now does it?"
"Not really," Alex laughed. "Considering I knocked up his girlfriend."
The doctor nodded, typing on that computer again.
"Okay. are up positive that the baby is his?" He asked me.
I nodded my head.
"I haven't...with Jack." I felt a slight blush creep it's way up on my cheeks. "We haven't done anything. Exept one time in high school, and I doubt that I could carry a baby that long."
He chuckled slightly and nodded.
"What about your eating habits?"
"I used to be a vegetarian, but I've been forcing myself to eat meat for the baby."
"That's good. Most mother's refuse to do that with their children."
"Not me." I smiled. "I know that it's better for the baby to eat meat. I just prefer to not eat it."
"At least you've allowed that to stop while pregnant." He nodded. "I have a few questions for Alex now."
"I have to pee." I laughed.
The doctor nodded and handed over the cup.
I glared at the stupid thing the entire walk to the bathroom. I did my business, and left it in the cubby thing. I washed my hands for like five minutes, just to make sure that they were clean. I slowly made my way back to the doctor's office, and I stopped before I entered.
"Do you still love her?"
"I'd be fucking insane not to."
"What about her boyfriend."
Alex scoffed.
"You mean the one cheating on her? Yeah, some boyfriend."
I felt like I was just punched in the face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Awwwwww shyt!!!! :D

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Go read Listen To The Thunder
- Rae <3