Status: Active

You'll Never Know.

Killing Me With Her Eyes.

Golden rays of sunshine bathed my sleep deprived body. I pushed myself up to realize I'd fallen asleep at my desk, and a piece of paper was glued to my cheek. I ripped it off, lazily standing up and wincing when I saw myself in the mirror. I was in boxers and my hair had dry glue in it..

I hated mornings.

Licking my lips, I dared a look at the clock.

"Ten thirty?!" I shoved the chair out of my way and frantically began shoving paper and school supplies into my bag, a knot of dread working it's way into my stomach. My teachers were going to kill me, not to mention my Dad.

Pulling on a pair of blue jeans and a plain red t-shirt, I threw the door open and began my morning.

I fell ran down the stairs went into the bathroom first, I pulled a brush through the knotted mess on my head, then I hit the glue patch. Not enough time for a shower....... I turned the sink on and ran hot water over the gluey part of my hair.

Stupid science class, making me stay up late to do stupid thing with glue.

After finally getting most of the glue out, I shoved my feet into my sneakers and grabbed the brown bag on the counter, Dad had scribbled "Grayson" on the front. Then I ran out the door like a mad man, the two mile run to school already making me more tired. And more late.


The hallways were, of course, empty when I got there.

Gasping in air, I rounded the corner of the hallway and grabbed the door knob to History, ripping the door open.

"I'm here!" I panted, putting my hands on my knee's while I tried to catch my breath.

Miss Hundingdal gave me a look of hate. "Well it's about time Grayson. What? Do you think you can show up to my class whenever you want?" She lectured.

"No... I had glue in my hair, and I..... Uh... let me die for a second.." I panted, leaning against the door frame.

"Way to be out of shape Grayson!" Owen laughed from the second row. "Can't handle a two mile run?"

"Shut up, your mom drives you!" I whipped my head up, pointing at him.

"Just sit down Grayson." Miss Hundingdal glowered at me.

Sighing, I pushed myself off the wall and trudged to my seat. Hurray for the detention to come.

And then she continued with her lecture about world war one.... I think. I was too busy staring at Kassie and Kate, they were twins. Hot twins, but alas, even big boobies must be ignored in class.

Besides. I think Miss Hudingdal was trying to kill me with her eyes. Devil woman.

"Hey Grayson, are you still coming over tonight?" Brent whispered from behind me.

"How could I miss my best friends movie night?" I reached under my desk and back, poking his leg. "Of course I'm coming." I grinned when he swatted me away.
♠ ♠ ♠
So sorry it's short! And rushed? 0.0 Well, he had to rush.. to school.... n' stuff... <_< sorry..... HURRAY FOR FIRST CHAPTERS! :D Teehee. But seriously, I'm pretty excited :3 So some comments or subs would be nice?

And forgive me, I'm a bit rusty, haven't written a story in a while O_O
