Status: Active

You'll Never Know.

He's Stroking His Invisable Beard

"Breakfast!!" I yelled. I heard the 6 pairs of feet run down the stairs.

First was Ricky and his older twin sister, Penny. The two had raven dark hair and just as dark eyes. Both 9 years old.

The next two were Laura, 10, and Olivia, 11. These two were from Africa, dark mocha skin and beautiful dark hair.

After them was Roza. A 13 year old with Asian ancestors; dark ebony hair and fair light hazel eyes. Finally was Mom, a kind Mom who adopted anyone and everyone that needed a loving parent.

"New school! Excited?" Mom asked, accepting her white mug filled with freshly brewed coffee with extra milk, no cream, no sugar.

"Eh, the feeling is so-so." I replied.

"Eva!!" Ricky whined. "I want my dino toast!!" I rolled my eyes and dropped a plate of dinosaur toast in front of him, and princess toast in front of his sister. And this was life. 5 younger siblings that I, Evana Rupen had to care for, and school. Oh school. Highschool is fun, no?

"Alright, I'm off to the new school!" I walked around our new brown maple table, planting a kiss on each and every one of their heads, and a kiss on the cheek on my Moms.

"Bye Eva!" They said in a scattered chorus.

And I was out the door, the early summer air hitting my skin. It felt good. Life was good. It was good now.

I started walking, looking around. It was nice, a good place to raise kids. The weather was never too severe, and it seemed like a nice town. I smiled to myself. I liked it.

At School

"You are in Miss Hundingdal's history class currently." The principle said, giving me a welcome smile. He was a kind of chubby man; going bald too.

"Thank you." I replied, and I left his office. I walked through the empty halls, my footsteps echoing like they would in a horror movie.

When I finally reached the room, I checked myself again. I looked okay didn't I? It was high school, if you didn't look good on the first day you were practically doomed, right? I sighed. I look okay. What I'm wearing is, stylish? I mean, that's what it said online. Dark blue shorts with tights underneath and a pair converses, and a nice cashmere gray pull over sweater. I looked good!

With my confidence up, I opened the door to be greeted with 25 pairs of eyes, all on me. "Um, I'm the new kid?" I said, walking in.

"Oh, Evana!" The woman at the board started. "Come on in!" I walked inside and she put a hand on my shoulder. "Children, I'd like to introduce you to the new kid! Actually, introduce yourself."

"Hello. I'm Evana Rupen. Nice to meet you all." I gave them my best smile. Whispers instantly spread, but none reached my eyes.

"Alright guys, say your name and one thing about you." Miss Hundingdal said, sitting down. "Ten minutes tops kids."

Suddenly I was bombarded was names.



"Jenny here!!"

The girls and guys crowded around me, asking me questions. I was never this popular before at my old high school. But it felt nice to liked in my senior year.

"Grayson Davink." Someone said from behind me. Davink? I looked around to find a very cute boy. Dark hair, and dark eyes, but his skin a little paler then usual. He was a towering 6' over my 5'5. "Are you, perhaps, a big sister?" He rubbed his invisible beard. "For some reason I can just tell from the wisdom in your eyes." I laughed.

Immediately, I knew that he and I were going to get along.
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Okay, now you know I am the second author!! Hiya guys :) Hope ya enjoy the chapter, please drop a few comments, yah? Thanks! <3