Status: Active

You'll Never Know.

Stop Being So Socially Awkward.

Brent walked down the school stairs along side me, the ocean of students flooding the parking lot and speeding away from the big brick building as fast as they could.

History was the only class me and Eva had together, so the only other time I saw her was at lunch, but her being the new student she was immediately pulled to the Peppy Table. Me and Brent call it that, 'cause everyone over there is so happy and hyper. Not that they're bad people, but they can get a bit annoying.

"So Grayson, what did you think of the newbie?" Brent asked, popping his car door open and sliding in, I grabbed the roof of his car and leaned down so my head was inside the passenger window.

"I dunno, we didn't talk too much." I shrugged. "She was pretty though." That was an understatement. "Why do you ask?"

"Because she keeps looking at you." He smirked.

I raised my eye brows and looked over my shoulder, Eva and two other girls were talking. When our eyes connected though, she smiled at me, giving me a small wave as she was distracted by the other two girls again. She crossed her arms, smiling. Then she laughed, one of the other girls (I think her name was Daniella.) rolled her eyes, but her friend laughed with Eva.

She twirled her reddish brown hair around her finger, nodding to something the girl I didn't know the name of said.

I hopped in the passenger side of the car, buckling up as Brent swerved backwards out of his parking spot. We drove by Eva and the girls and he honked repeatedly. "Hey ladies!" He shouted out the window, and Daniella giggled. "Hi Brent!" She waved.

I sunk farther down into my seat. "Brent, stop honking." I hissed, feeling people stare at us. I saw Eva laugh, and waved at her, before sinking so low into the seat no one could see me.

"Stop being so socially awkward." He laughed, pulling out of the school parking lot.


Back at Brent's house, we started to prepare for movie night.

"Where are all the blankets?" I opened the cabinet they were usually in to reveal nothingness.

"Oh, they're still in the dryer." He shoved bags of unopened popcorn in my face. "Here, pop these for me."

I took the plastic off the bags, and put one in the microwave. Once Brent had tried to stuff three in at once, and the result had been popcorn flooding out of the microwave and us eating floor corn.

Ah, memories.

"What the fuck?!" Brent shouted from the bathroom.

"What'd you do now?" I ran up the stairs to reveal him and a cat. Brent didn't own a cat. "Um....?"

He sighed, using his fingers to rake through his blond hair. "Mason, why is there a cat in our bathroom?"

A little face poked out from behind the shower curtain, reaching his hand up to the small cat and pulling it into the empty bath tub with him.

I pulled the shower curtain back and saw Brent's little six year old brother, Mason, holding the cat to his chest.

"Don't put him back outside, Brent, he don't like the dark." Mason started to cry, fearing his new friend would be taken from him.

"Brent, I don't think your going to get that cat away from him..." I whispered.

He nodded. "Mason, what if Grandma finds him? You know she hate's animals."

They lived with their Grandma ever since their father left them to try and get rid of his crack addiction. I remember when Brent had come running to my house at two in the morning, in tears because his dad was leaving him and baby Mason. We were only twelve then. Their mother had divorced their dad when Mason turned two, and left everything behind. Including her kids.

"If you tell, I'll tell her you said a bad word."

Ooh, black mail.

"Whatever." Brent shook his head. "I won't tell her, but keep this thing out of my room." Mason grinned, jumping out of the bath tub, running down the hallway and into his room.

"Somebodies gonna be in trouble..." I said in a sing song voice, jogging back downstairs and into the kitchen, putting the popcorn into a bowl ad throwing another packegdge into the microwave.

"Ah, she'll probably let Mason keep it. She spoils him rotten." Brent grabbed a handful of popcorn.

"Well hog it why don't you! We haven't even started the mvoies yet." I shoved him away from the bowl.

He smiled, his cheeks full of popcorn. "I wove popcern." He said, popcorn falling out of his mouth.

"Go set up the blankets." I saw the cat hop down the stairs, Mason chasing after it.

"Come help me, I can't build a blanket fort by myself." He gulped the popcorn down.

Yes, we still made blanket forts. Watching a horror movie while surrounded by a blanket tent is awesome.

"So, since you and Eva were making googly eyes at each other all day, it's only right for me to ask when the wedding is." Brent hung a blanket over the couch, snickering.

"Shut up Brent, after she figures out what a clutz I am she'll avoid me like the plague." I sucked in my bottom lip.

I didn't mean to be so awkward around girls (and just people in general.), but I had a habit of doing saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. Being a little too tall and a little too pale didn't help my case either.

"Psh, you just need a little sun is all. Or is my theory correct, that you are, in fact, a vampire?" He hissed at me.

I sighed. Leave it to my best friend to call me a blood sucking parasite. "Hey, if I went outside more often I'd be a golden sexy beast!" I pulled the basket of movies from the shelf, sorting through which ones we'd watch.

He laughed, clapping a hand down on my shoulder. "What are you talking about man? We''re both already sexy beasts!"

"Sure." I smirked.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh my gawd, three comments? HUZZAH! :D Thanks guys! And thanks to our two subscribers too :3 So, I'll admit this is kind of fillerish, sorry about that, but it does introduce a little more about Brent, and shtuff. (: I hope you guys enjoyed it, because I kinda like this chapter. :3

AND WOOT, wasn't Penelope's chapter awesome? :D haha, Grayson and his invisible beard XD

P.S, if you see any typos or anything that looks out of place, let me know! :)