Let The Embers Glow

Burn Burn

Ignite the flames and watch as your memories burn.

Smile as the photos crinkle and melt. Watch slowly as each memory is erased, each accomplishment, each piece of work you have created.

The smoke surrounds your body like a misty cocoon. Wince and cough as the venomous gas slithers up your nose and burns your eyes. Yet you refuse to look away from the vibrant flame.

Only the crackle of the fire fills the silence and you rock back and forth on your heels. Lean your head back and sneak a glance of the twinkling stars that scatter across the sky.

Your back feels cold while your face burns in almost a pleasurable way.

Throw the last of your memories on the fire as you feel no ounce of regret for destroying them.

Arms wrap round your torso, but they aren't his. They're yours. But you barely notice; you only want the comfort of someone being there.

But the truth is you're all alone.

And that's when you make the connection between the burning flames and life.

We all begin as a tiny flicker of a flame which is ignited when we come into this world. As we grow the flames grow.

And as we live and every memorable moment we endure, the flame grows brighter and brighter.

But then when we take our final breath's and all the oxygen leaves our lungs, the flames simmer down.

Until only the glowing embers are left and before long, ash.
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